Subj: / Re: Danville/UIUC exchange #7 (fwd)
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------Forwarded message ------
Date: Fri, 07 Dec 2001 13:24:58 -0600
From: Chris Smith <>
Subject: Re: Danville/UIUC exchange #7
>From: jill villarin buhay <>
>To: Chris Smith <>
>CC: <>
>Subject: Re: Danville/UIUC exchange #7
>Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2001 15:32:26 -0600 (CST)
>Hi Chris,
>I'm sorry to hear that you and your girlfriend broke up. If it was meant
>to be I'm sure things will work out for you guys in the long run. That was
>pretty cool how we had done that video-com thing from our class to yours.
>I know that you guys have seen me before cause I had visited the school,
>but it was pretty fun for the students to finally see
>what you guys look like.
I am glad that your thanksgiving went well. Mine was good. We
>didn't have turkey though but that was ok. We had lots of fun cause my
>family and I ended up singing to the karaoke machine. (In case you don't
>know what a karaoke machine is, it's one of those sing-a-long devices that
>plays only the background music, you have to sing a long with the words).
>It was a lot of fun, and the songs were programmed right into the
>microphone. I guess you really can't understand what I am talking about
>unless you're really into karaoke like myself.
I don't know if Mrs. Siebert mentioned this to your class, but
>sometime before your school year ends she was planning to have you guys
>come down to visit us on campus. It should be a lot of fun. I am actually
>looking forward to seeing you and Earhan and talking to you guys face to
>face. Aren't you excited? Maybe you and Earhan should think of places
>where you guys want to have lunch.
As you may or may not know, this will be the last e-mail you get
>from me for a while. This week is our last week of classes and then we're
>going to have finals. That's when college students try and learn
>everything they haven't learned during the course of the year. It's a
>pretty stressful time and some of the libraries are even opened for 24
>hours for the whole week. But after finals, we get a whole month off from
>school. When we come back it's like the beginning of the year for us. We
>have new classes, new teachers, and new classmates. Its pretty nice cause
>you get to switch classes more often, but again it make it a bit harder to
>make friends.
In January we'll be writing e-mail again, so that's when you'll be
>getting another e-mail from me. Sine this will be the last e-mail I get
>from you for a while, could you possibly make it extra, extra, EXTRA
>long?? I'm going to be pretty bored cause I don't really get much personal
>e-mail, just from you and Earhan. And seeing that I won't be getting
>e-mail from you guys for about a month, I'll need something to get me
>through this long, boring, cold, winter break.
Since I know that you won't let me down with a scrawny e-mail.
>Here are some ideas that you could write about. You don't really have to
>but whatever you have to say I'll appreciate. Um, you could talk about how
>much you hate/love school. What you like to do on the weekends. you could
>talk about some really annoying kid in one of your classes that you don't
>like. Anything, it's all up to you. You could talk about a girl that
>you've had a crush on. You can talk about how much you're looking forward
>to winter break. It doesn't really matter what you talk about so long as
>you're in a chatty mood.
What else is there??? Is there a place that you would like to go
>to when you come down to the U of I? I could give you a tour. There's a
>lot about the U of I that is quite interesting. We have things like Echo
>Point. It's this one spot on the quad where if you stand right on it, you
>can hear an echo, but it's only at that one spot. Also for good luck on an
>exam, people rub Lincoln's nose. Remind me to show it to you when you come
>visit. There's so much more but I'll save it for when you come down.
Well I am really glad that you I had a chance to write to you. As
>a future teacher, this kind of gives me a better idea of what teenagers
>are like today. Oh, here's a question that you might be able to help me
>out with. As a future teacher, we are posed with the problem of how to get
>to know our students. What would you suggest I do when I get into the
>classroom? How should I get to know my students better?
Well this will be the last time I bore you with my e-mails this
>year. Please let me know what you thought about e-mailing me. Did you
>think it was a waste of time? Did you like it?
Well that's it for now, remember to write me an extra long e-mail
>cause I won't have much to read over winter break.
>Take care Chris,
Wasup Jill?Thank that is some good news for me all week.I
>guess she was not the one.Any way.I migth get a new girlfriend any way.You
>got finial!I guess this is some hard time for you because of finial and
>all.What are you doing over winter break?Do something fun and don't get in
Jill I got to go because I got 2 minture in class.
Chris Smith
> > >To: Chris Smith <>
> > >CC: <>
> > >Subject: Re: Danville/UIUC exchange #5
> > >Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2001 22:09:56 -0600 (CST)
> > >Dear Chris,
> > >Yeah I really did like Danville High. It wasn't what I expected at fist
> > >because I was expecting the school to be exactly like my high school. I
> > >really like how the teachers can paint their own rooms because they get
> > >do whatever they want with it. I glad you think math is easy and that
> > >like math. It makes me feel a bit better about wanting to teach it. Did
> > >always like math? Well, when I was your age I really liked it, and I
> > >I can say that I still do. It just that the math classes in college are
> > >pretty hard. In fact they're really hard. Sometime I think about
> > >major and dropping math altogether, but then I think about the students
> > >that I want to teach. It's pretty hard when you're a college student
> > >because when you get to be my age and if you're still taking math
> > >at this point we're really asking ourselves, What's the point of
> > >all this math if we're never really going to use it??? It's pretty
> > >cause at the college level, we still have the same complaints we did
> > >we were in high school. Some things just never change.
I'm happy to hear that you and your girlfriend have been going out
> > >2 weeks. That's sweet. Did you get her anything for Sweetest day?
> > >her name? I never really had a boyfriend in high school. I think I was
> > >caught up in finding my prince charming that I never really gave anyone
> > >chance. My last boyfriend was this guy who was in my circle of friends,
> > >I guess the only reason I really gave him a chance was cause all my
> > >friends were his friends too, so they put him in a good light. I
> > >when we broke up, my friends were trying to make me feel better by
> > >me I only liked this guy cause they made me like him. I'm glad they did
> > >because it was a good relationship while it lasted.
> > >My brother was dating this one girl when I think he was a sophomore in
> > >high school, and they're still going out today. It's been about four
> > >years, but of course, it wasn't always a storybook love fairytale type
> > >thing. They had their share of problems. I think they broke each
> > >hearts a bunch of times. My mom really like's the girl too and I think
> > >secretly hopes that they will get married. She's a really good
> > >on my brother.
> > >For thanksgiving I think I am going to my Aunt's house, she's the only
> > >in the family that really knows how to cook. My parents can't cook, and
> > >neither can I. Well let me rephrase that, we could cook, but then no
> > >would eat the food. I still can't figure out how I eat cause I really
> > >can't cook at all. My roommate makes fun of me cause I can't even cook
> > >popcorn in the microwave. I'll burn it, this year alone, I burned
> > >three times. I'm not talking about, like light brown colored popcorn,
> > >talking about charcoal black with smoke coming out of the bag as soon
> > >it comes out of the microwave. It's pretty but sad at the same time.
> > >Luckily I'm not too picky with food. The only thing it that I don't eat
> > >meat so there will be no turkey for me this thanksgiving. (don't worry
> > >not out to save the animals, I just don't eat it. I'll tell you the
> > >if you want to know about. But you're going to have to show some
> > >first =).)
I'm really grateful for my parents and family. I really miss them
> > >cause I'm away at school. I'm thankful for my brother as well, (even
> > >though he can sometimes get on my nerves, to the point where I tell my
> > >to give him up for adoption). Even though we used to fight a lot, we
>get a
> > >long a lot better now. I'm glad that as we're growing up, we're not
> > >growing apart. Do you and your brother get along? And who cooks in your
> > >family? You have to tell me how your thanksgiving went in you next
I don't think I will be making it back to Danville anytime soon.
> > >finals are coming and it's a very stressful time for us. It's pretty
> > >cause it's like people will start studying the week before to make up
> > >all the studying the didn't do through the course of the semester. The
> > >library where I work is even opened 24 hours for that week. I tried to
> > >work all night once last semester during finals, but I ended up just
> > >falling asleep. Not a big fan of all-nighters, in fact I try to avoid
> > >all together.
I hope your break is good. I'm at Chicago right now cause we have
> > >week off. Enjoy thanksgiving and eat lots of turkey for me ok? Take
> > >Chris.
> > >Jill
> > >Oh are you into reading? Cause I read this book over the break. It's
> > >pretty good. It's about this girl who has all this other stuff to deal
> > >with in her own life and her teacher just wants her to write in this
> > >stupid journal. It's pretty different the expectations the teacher has
> > >this student and the expectations the girl has on herself. Anyway it's
> > >called, "Don't you dare read this Mrs. Dunphrey" by Margaret Haddix.
> > >pretty easy reading and it goes by pretty fast. All the entries are
> > >this girl talking about her personal life, and occasionally we'll hear
> > >comment from the teacher. Anyway if you could read a couple chapters
> > >let me know if this is how kids are today that would be great. If not
> > >cool. I wouldn't want to do extra reading either. =) But once you pick
> > >up and read a couple pages, you probably wouldn't want to put it down
> > >you finished.
Take care Chris.
Wasup Jill?My girlfriend name is Holly.Me and Holly broke up 2
> > >a go.But Iam O.K.Me and my brothers get along pretter go.My brothers
> > >he is a really nice guy.I have to two brother bill and Charles
> > >the cook in my family is my brother Bill and my mom.I eat alot of
> > >don't like to read long book.But I like to read small book.It better.I
> > >you I Monday.
> > > > >From: jill villarin buhay <>
> > > > >To: Chris Smith <>
> > > > >CC: <>
> > > > >Subject: Re: Danville/UIUC exchange #5
> > > > >Date: Sat, 10 Nov 2001 07:35:42 -0600 (CST)
Hey Chris, it was pretty cool visiting your school and all. I am
> > > > >glad that I got to go cause it helps me a lot more with these
> > >The
> > > > >three things that you said affect students today somewhat scare me.
> > >Drugs,
> > > > >pregnancy, and drinking and driving are very serious issues. I know
> > >that
> > > > >kids smoked and stuff when I was in eighth grade, but pregnancy
> > > > >that big of an issue for my friends and me. It happened in high
> > >and
> > > > >a girl in my history class got pregnant. There were a bunch of high
> > >school
> > > > >students that were pregnant but there weren't a lot of them.
> > > > >about less than 10 and there were about 4, 000 people in my high
> > >school.
I was pretty fortunate about not getting mixed in the wrong crowd.
> > > > >I guess now that I look back on it, it could have gone either way.
> > > > >literally hated my freshman year. It was a bid change for me since
> > >had
> > > > >gone to a small Catholic school for all of grade school. Now I was
> > >this
> > > > >big high school with no one to guide me. I knew I had to do well
> > >because
> > > > >that's what the point of trying to get into a competitive high
> > >if
> > > > >you weren't going to be competitive? I went to Lane Tech in
> > >but
> > > > >my freshman year I really wanted to transfer. I was thinking about
> > >but
> > > > >I am glad I didn't change my mind. I probably told you already that
> > > > >still wear my class ring from high school, even as a junior in
> > >college!!!
I am glad that you have put more thought into what you want to do
> > > > >in the future. Yeah being a cop is pretty scary. You never really
> > > > >when you have to put your life in the line. A special effects
> > >coordinator
> > > > >is much safer =) good choice. But of course you're still entitled
> > > > >change your opinion. And don't forget to follow your dreams.
One of the reasons why I'm not so sure if I want to become a
> > > > >teacher is because I don't know if I am going to have enough energy
> > >do
> > > > >all the things that are required of a teacher, well at least a good
> > > > >teacher. You have to give Ms. Blumenstock a lot of credit. Do you
> > > > >what time she stayed after school till that day I visited? She was
> > >there
> > > > >till after 5 pm at a meeting.
Another thing is that what happens one day if I get married, and
> > > > >want to have a family of my own? Those things worry me. I remember
> > >I
> > > > >was talking to my Mom about the stuff we do. My parents are a bit
> > >so
> > > > >I like to sugarcoat things for them. I would tell my Mom about how
> > > > >brother goes racing with his car and stuff, and some of the things
>I do
> > > > >and she was like, don't you guys get scared? Obviously we're not
> > > > >scared cause we're younger and have less things to worry about. She
> > >always
> > > > >tells me that when I am older and have a family of my own I'll
> > >understand
> > > > >her concerns. I sort of already do, but I guess it will never be to
> > > > >same extent until I have my own kids.
Hmm, what else can talk about? So do you like your math class?
> > > > >Sorry I have to ask about it again, but I guess it will help me in
> > > > >future. Do you always feel that you understand the stuff? What
> > >if
> > > > >you don't understand? How does it make you feel, frustrated? I
> > >think
> > > > >I can consider myself good in math anymore. It came easily to me in
> > >high
> > > > >school and the first couple years of college, but now it's slowly
> > >getting
> > > > >harder. I hate when I don't understand cause it's so frustrating
> > >me. I
> > > > >will literally stay up for hours trying to do a problem. Oh the
> > >is
> > > > >when I study a lot for an exam and I don't do too well. Then I get
> > > > >one of my "what's the point" moods. So to end my e-mail, maybe you
> > > > >help me explain what's the point of doing well in college? Or in
> > > > >school? I know you said you should do well in high school so you
> > >get
> > > > >into college, but why should students who don't go on to college do
> > >well
> > > > >in high school? I bet you didn't see that coming. You were
> > > > >thinking, "Only a couple more lines then I'll be done with this
> > >dreadful
> > > > >e-mail!"
I'll talk to you later, take care, and have a good weekend.
> > > > >Jill
Wasup Jill?So you like DHS!That cool!I like my math
> > >it
> > > > >cool!It fun!Math class is easy.Was math fun to you YES or NO?I hope
> > >so.Me
> > > > >and my girlfriend has bent going out for 2weeks now.Today is.I hope
> > > > >lasts. I understand math.It easy!So what are you doing for
> > > > >Thanksgiving?Well Iam going to go to my brother house.What are you
> > >thankful
> > > > >for?Iam thank for my mom and my family.Well see you next week?
> > > > > > >From: jill villarin buhay <>
> > > > > > >To: Chris Smith <>