Fort Mill District Band Booster Club, Inc.

Nation Ford Band

November 2014 Band Booster Meeting Minutes

Meeting Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014

Location: NationFordHigh School

Mattress Fundraiser kickoff began at 7:08 pm. There were 80 parents in attendance. They were informed about how the mattress sale works and the products that are offered.

Meeting was called to order at 8:03pm by Lynne Hall.

TheOctoberBooster Minuteswere submitted and approved as written by Sarah Keenan and Carolyn Wacaster.

This was a short meeting, so updates are abbreviated.

Financial Update: Margaret Marshall presented the financial update.

  • Checking balance:$11,193.31
  • Savings balance:$17,015.65
  • 2014-2015 outstanding dues = $21,299, which is 22%.

President’s Report: Lynne Hall

  • Thank you for all you have done but we are not done yet. Go sell mattresses!

Vice President’s Report: Lisa Schorsh

  • Panthers:

We have 4 more games. We do not yet know if our stand will be open on 12/6.

  • Restaurant Nights –

Jason’s Deli event is scheduled for 12/12.

Band Director’s Report: Mr. Dickey talked about how, in regards to Bands of America, it is difficult to compare year to year. The state system of band competitions is not as good as the BOA system. For Nation Ford, the emphasis needs to be on making it to finals. Decisions need to be made to get to the next level. It will cost. There are differences between Nation Ford’s band and the bands that made it to finals but those differences might not be as big as they seem.

In Indianapolis, there was one team of judges on Thursday and another team of judges on Friday. The competition there is not run like a regional until you get to semi-finals, then they run the same. They took the top 11 from Thursday and the top 11 from Friday. After that, they took the top 8, regardless of the day. Then they need 4 from each class plus daily representation, so they picked 5 more for a total of 35 bands. Five 3A bands got into finals on points. Judges should not presuppose who will make it to finals.

Stephanie Tucker asked what the plan is for the band to progress. Mr. Dickey answered that the staff would challenge the students. Everyone needs to do their best to prepare a good product for competition. The students need more private lessons and we need to increase our staffing.

Kimberley Giocondo asked about mentoring? Mr. Dickey answered that the band is working on recruiting. The band had many more freshman than before so each senior had 2 freshmen. As we do better with recruiting, each class will be bigger. This year’s freshmen are further along in their development because the show was quite challenging. The staff has to have more help. The club will have to fund additional staff. When Mr. Linkous first joined the staff, his position was 100% paid by the booster club.

Committee Updates:

  • Band Store: We are selling Christmas ornaments. We are looking for someone to make DVDs. Fred Holmes said that he may know of someone.
  • Incoming Freshman Recruiting:

It is time to start contacting incoming freshman to recruit for band. If you are interested in helping with this committee/team, please let us know.

New Business: No new business.


  • No meeting in December.
  • Next Booster Club Meeting- Monday, January 26, 2015.

Meeting adjourned at8:20 pm.

Minutes Respectfully Submitted by

Nancy Minnix