FortFrye Athletic Booster Minutes

Wednesday October 12, 2011 atBeverly-Center Elementary

Present: Phil Lowe, Bryan Spindler, John Bostic, Linda Hart, Dan Liedtke

Meeting – Called to order by President Bryan Spindler.

Minutes – No minutes to report; Maryann Pennock, Secretary absent.

Treasurer’s Report – Treasurer Linda Hart gave the Treasurer’s Report with a balance of $82,783.14between both the booster and individual sport accounts. The balance of the Booster portion is $53,129.81.

Motion To Approve: Phil Lowe Second: John Bostic Motion Carried.

Old Business:

Track – Rubberizing the track was discussed again. Phil Lowe indicated that we are waiting on the engineered plans.

Volley for a Cure – Linda reported that the event went well. She was still waiting on the deposit amount from Tonia Skinner and the expenditures; a final donation amount will be given at the November meeting.

New Business:

50/50 @ Girls Varsity Basketball –Phil indicated that the varsity cheerleaders inquired about handling the 50/50 drawing at the girls’ varsity basketball games.

Motion to Approve: Phil LoweSecond: Dan Liedtke

Beverage Negotiations – Bryan indicated that a committee consisting of the superintendent, a board member, himself, and the building principals met with Pepsi and Coke. Discussion followed regarding which beverage company proposal would best benefit the boosters and whether or not a separate contract would be necessary. Bryan will bring this information to the next beverage meeting, November 3, 2011.

Basketball – John Bostic reported that the winter mandatory meeting will be Nov. 13, 2011 @ 2:00 p.m. sign-up for concessions, presentation of CC team, Derek Spindler and Tori Mimken at preview. Coach Liedtke requested new Jr. High basketball uniforms for both the boys and girls for a total of 80 uniforms; he will get us pricing. Discussion followed about new banners and pads for the gym. John Bostic was checking on the banners and Linda indicated she would check on the cost of the pads and get measurements.

Next Meeting –The next meeting will be held SundayNovember 13that 5:00 in Beverly Elementary. The next meetings will continue to be on the 2nd Sunday of each month.

Adjourned – Motion by Phil Lowe 8:28 p.m.Seconded by Linda Hart.

Submitted by: Linda Hart, treasurer.