Page W1 - Chichester Counselling Services Student Handbook 2015 - White Section
These forms will be needed repeatedly throughout the course.
Page. No.Content
W2End of Term Tutor’s Report
W4Teaching Evaluation Form
W6Workshop Feedback
W8End of Year Course Review
W12Personal Tutor Feedback Form for Journal Essays
W13Year 2 Supervision Pre-Assessment
W14Year 2 and 3 Student Supervision Self-Assessment
W16Year 2 and 3 Supervisor’s Assessment
Year: 1, 2, 3 (delete as appropriate) Term: Autumn, Spring, Summer
Student’s Name ...... Year: ......
Category / Rating / Comments: Why this rating/what needs to changeTheory
participation in
training and
quality of
Of reading
(e.g. extent
Year criteria
Overall Outcome for the term: PassReferFail
Summer term only; for the year:PassRefer Fail
Tutor’s signature ...... Date ......
Student’s signature ...... Date ......
YEAR: 1, 2, 3 (delete as appropriate)TERM: AUTUMN SPRING SUMMER
Student’s Name……………………………...
Each week of the term please rate each session of your training (see your syllabus) separately for overall quality of teaching, learning and usefulness of the session. Also, would you comment on your rating. Then hand the completed form to your year tutor on the last day of term.
The ratings are: 1 = very good, 2 = good, 3 = needs attention, 4 = unsatisfactory/major development needed.
week / Session(s) or PPDG / Rating / comments1
Any general comments you wish to make (continue overleaf if you wish)
Title of Workshop: ......
Year: 1, 2, 3 (delete as appropriate)
Date: ......
Please complete on the day and return to the year tutor at the next seminar.
Would you please give us your views on this Saturday workshop (both negative and positive)
If the workshop was in any way unsatisfactory, please say how it could be improved:
Student Name : ......
(Please complete at the end of the course and hand in to the Training Manager)
YEAR 1, 2, 3 (delete as appropriate)
Courseview is a questionnaire about your course. It deals with various aspects of your experience as a trainee during the current year. Please show your ratings on each point by circling a number. Any comments will be received as feedback by the training team. You only need to answer the questions relevant to your year.
1. On the whole, have you found the training accommodation to be: 1 2 3 4
2. Do you think that refreshment facilities are generally:1 2 3 4
3. How do you rate the stock in the library:1 2 3 4
4. On the whole, have you found the counselling rooms to be:1 2 3 4
Please write any comments on 1-4 below:
1. You are offered the following options in which to make your opinions known: a) Course appraisal, b) Through your student representative, c) Approach staff directly/through letter
i)How many of these have you used?
ii)Which do you think is most effective?
iii)How else could trainee opinion be effectively consulted?
2. Have you found the administration and organisation of the course to be generally1 2 3 4
3. Have you found the demands made upon your time by the reading requirements for the course have been generally 1 2 3 4
4. How has the support of your year tutor been generally?1 2 3 4
Please write any general comments on this section 1-4 below:
1. In relation to the amount of time available, the quantity and quality of information provided this year was:
2. The clarity with which the material was presented was?1 2 3 4
3. The vocational relevance of this year to psychodynamic 1 2 3 4
counselling was?
4. The opportunities presented for participation in discussion was?1 2 3 4
5. Overall your experience of the workshops was?1 2 3 4
Please write any general comments on this section 1-5 below:1 2 3 4
1. How would you rate the end of year assessment process?1 2 3 4
2. On the whole, how helpful did you find the feedback in1 2 3 4
tutorials with your year tutor?
3. Do you think that the ongoing assessments have made an important1 2 3 4
contribution to your learning?
1. The support from your supervisor has been?1 2 3 4
2. How helpful has the self assessment and tutorial system been1 2 3 4
3. How much have assessment made an important contribution to your learning?1 2 3 4
1. The support from you project tutor has been?1 2 3 4
2. The clarity of the project guidelines was:1 2 3 4
3. Do you think that the project has made a valuable contribution
to the learning experience provided by the course?1 2 3 4
1. The support from your personal tutor has been?1 2 3 4
2. The number of tutorials has been?1 2 3 4
3. Has your learning journal made a contribution to the learning
experience provided by the course?1 2 3 4
1. Has your PPDG facilitated your growth and learning within these 3 main areas
i) personal development1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
ii) professional development
iii) understanding group process1 2 3 4
Please write any general comments on assessment, supervision, personal tutors, projects or PPDG below:
1. Can you suggest how the quality and/or relevance of the course could be
2. Would you like to make a general comment about the course, or comment upon some aspect that you think has been inadequately covered in this questionnaire?
Your comments are greatly appreciated. Thank you for the time and thought that you have given to this questionnaire.
Personal Tutor-Feedback form for Journal Essays
Student’s name: Training Year: 1 2 3 DE
Term: autumn/spring/summer
Personal Tutor: Date:
Personal Awareness Outcomes / Tutor feedbackIdentify personal strengths and weaknesses.
Provide evidence of ways in which you are seeking to work with weaknesses.
Demonstrate your ability to give and take personal feedback in an individual and group context, that is acceptable to course members and staff.
Identify personal prejudices and provide evidence of ways in which interpersonal difficulties or prejudices have been faced and overcome or are being managed.
Identify ways in which past history, family of origin and life experiences have impacted on your current way of relating to others.
Demonstrate an ability to process the potential impact of this as it may manifest in a counselling relationship.
Tutor’s grade: Pass Refer FailTutor’s Signature:Date:
Student’s comments (optional):
Student’s Signature:Date:
Year 2 Supervision Pre-assessment
Please print this form and take it with you to your supervision tutorial in Autumn Term of Year 2.
Supervisor Student
Term 1 – Supervision Skills and Attitudes/
Student’s Supervision Self - Assessment Form
Commencing with Spring Term in Year 2, please print and take with you to each of your supervision tutorials a copy of this formwhich you have completed, plus a blank copy of the Supervisor’s Assessment, which will be completed by your supervisor.
Supervisor Student
Year 2 / Year 3 Term: Autumn/ Spring/ Summer
Supervision sessions attended this year:
Cumulative counselling sessions:Missed
Clients : MaleFemale
See also Year 2 and 3 Skills Reference (.doc) for information supporting sections B- E
A. Client/Supervision Hours
If counselling or supervision hours are lower than is normal for your stage of training, please explain.
B. Therapeutic Alliance
Comment on your ability to establish, sustain and close therapeutic relationships.
C. Professional Conduct
Comment on case management skills, including agency procedures; personal records and ethical issues.
D. Basic Skills
Comment on your capacity to explore and understand a client’s internalworld, including the understanding of defences/resistance; transference/ countertransference; the ability to interpret and respond appropriately.
E. Advanced/Psychodynamic Skills
Comment on growth and development of personal style and sophistication in your practice.
F. Use of/Contribution to Supervision
Comment on your relationship with the supervisor and supervision group.
G. Overall Development as a Counsellor
In what ways has your work developed? Please indicate areas of strength and weakness.
H. Learning Plan and Any Other Comments
Signature Student Date
Supervisor’s Student Assessment Form
Commencing with Spring Term in Year 2, please print and take with you to each of your supervision tutorials a copy of Student’s Supervision Self-Assessment Form which you have completed, plus a blank copy of the this form, which will be completed by your supervisor following your tutorial and returned to you for signature and comment within 14 days.
Supervisor Student
Year 2 / Year 3 Term: Autumn/ Spring/ Summer
Supervision sessions attended this year:
Cumulative counselling sessions:Missed
Clients : MaleFemale
See also Year 2 and 3 Skills Reference (.doc) for information supporting sections B- E
A. Client/Supervision Hours
If counselling or supervision hours are lower than is normal for the student’s stage of training, please explain.
B. Therapeutic Alliance
Comment on the student’s ability to establish, sustain and close therapeutic relationships.
C. Professional Conduct
Please comment on case management skills, including agency procedures; personal records and ethical issues.
D. Basic Skills
Comment on the student’s capacity to explore and understand a client’s internalworld, including the understanding of defences/resistance; transference/ countertransference; the ability to interpret and respond appropriately.
E. Advanced/Psychodynamic Skills
Comment on growth and development of style and sophistication in the student’s practice.
F. Use of/Contribution to Supervision
Comment on the student’s relationship with the supervisor and supervision group.
G. Overall Development as a Counsellor
In what ways has the student’s work developed. Please indicate areas of strength and weakness.
H. Learning Plan and Any Other Comments
J. Overall Recommendation (Year end only)
Note: Whatever you say here must have been substantiated in the body of your assessment.
For Year 2PassReferFail
Additional comment/recommendation ______
For Year 3 or DE PassReferFail
Additional comment/recommendation ______
Signature - Supervisor Date
Signature – Student Date
Post-assessment student comment attached?* YESNO (Delete as necessary)
*Students who wish to add retrospective comment about the supervisor’s assessment above should do so on a separate sheet; to be returned with this form after signature.
Page W1F:\DOCUME~1\Owner\LOCALS~1\Temp\2. Forms for printing or copying 2015.doc