Former Republican Party Chairs Apologize for Violation of Convention Rules

Former Republican Party Chairs Apologize for Violation of Convention Rules


Via E-mail dated 4-28-11

Kris Kimball

Vice-Chair, elect

DavisCounty Republican Party

Dear Kris:

I am sending this to you in your capacity of newly elected Vice-Chair of the Davis County Republican Party since I don’t have Shirley Bouwhuis'e-mail address and becauseChair elect Rusty Cannon was endorsed by Todd Weiler who is the subject of this complaint. This e-mailis a follow up to and expands on the short, quickly drafted, hand-written complaint that I gave Ms. Bouwhuis on the evening of the Davis County Republican Convention concerning the violation of the rules committed by Todd Weiler and ignored by the Convention’s leadership.

The incident in question is the presentation Mr. Weiler gave in opposition to the resolution to repeal HB116. As you know, Mr. Weiler was not a county delegate and, therefore, was not authorized to speak to the resolution; however, Ms. Bouwhuis and other party officials took no action to stop him. Being a former Davis County Republican Chair, Mr. Weiler wasclearly familiar with the rules and chose to ignore them.

Mr. Weiler then gave an impassioned plea for delegates to reject the resolution based primarily on the position of the LDSChurch. He did not address the merits of the resolution as it related to the Republican Party platform.

Only one speaker in favor of the resolution in addition to the presenter was allowed and Ms. Bouwhuis and other officials allowed the second speaker against the resolution to drone on far, far past the allotted time for speeches and them immediately cut-off further delegate comments.

When Mr. Weiler was confronted by telephone by Cherilyn Eager late on the evening of the convention and asked directly if he was a county delegate, he eventually said that he was a state delegate and then that he was a member of the state central committee. He never admitted that he was not a county delegate.

The day after the convention, Mr. Weiler tweeted:

gopTODD Todd Weiler

I can't remember the last time I had as much fun as I did last night at the Davis Co GOP convention.

23 Apr"

He eventually acknowledged that he was not a delegate in an article written by Paul Rolly of the Salt Lake Tribune. According to Rolly, “He (Weiler) said critics were technically right that rules stipulate speakers must be delegates. But he said the rules allow for the convention leaders to make exceptions and that nobody voiced an objection.”

As stated in my earlier handwritten note, I requested that an investigation be undertaken due to the fact that a person who is a leader in the party chose to ignore the rules and violate the trust that delegates had put in him over the years. Senior party officials have a special responsibility to set an example of fair play and to avoideven theappearance of impropriety. Mr. Weiler failed to do this. Therefore, based on additional information that has come to my attention, Irequest:

1.That an impartial committee be convened to review the way the debate on the resolution was handled by Convention leadership and to determine whether violations of party rules and ethics were committed.

2.That the actions of Mr. Weiler be fully investigated and that if he did violate the rules of the convention in order to inappropriately influence a vote that appropriate sanctions be applied including his removal from all offices held if permitted by the party rules and bylaws.

3.That the vote on the resolution to repeal HB116 be declared null and void due to the improper actions of Mr. Weiler to influence it.

4.That Party Chair elect Rusty Cannon be excluded from this investigation to protect him from any appearance of conflict of interest since he was endorsed by Mr. Weiler. (See below.)


RUSTY CANNON – Weiler Endorsement (from Facebook)

Rusty Cannon for DavisCounty Republican Party Chairman

As a candidate for the Davis County Republican Party Chair I am excited and pleased to have the endorsement of Todd Weiler, former Davis County Party Chair for two terms and State Party Vice Chair for over 2 years. I appreciate his support.




Ronald Mortensen

CountyDelegate - Leg District 20


TheDavis County Republican PartyEthics Committee received yourethics complaint against Mr.Todd Weiler. TheEthics Committee found yourcomplaint tohave validity. TheEthics Committee reviewed yourcomplaint, investigated, andpresented

theirrecommendation totheExecutive Committee where appropriate action wastaken.

Thankyouforyourconcern andcontinued involvement intheDavis County Republican


Rus Cannon

DavisCounty Republican Party Chairman

Former Republican party chairs apologize for violation of convention rules

Ronald Mortensen

,Salt Lake City Tea Party Examiner

October 5, 2011- Like this?Subscribe to get instant updates.

Two former Davis County (Utah) Republican Party chairs, Todd Weiler and Shirley Bouwhuis, have written formal letters of apology for violating rules of the 2011 Davis County Republican convention.

The letters are the result of a formal ethics committee investigation and are posted on the Davis County Republican website under a link titled"apology letters." (No longer on the website but see letters below and copy of screen shot of Davis GOP website showing apology letters were posted.)

During the 2011 Davis County Republican party convention, Weiler, a former state Republican vice-chair and former Davis County Republican Party chair, violated convention rules by speaking against a resolution even though he was not a delegate.

Weiler later sent a Twitter message stating that “I can't remember the last time I had as much fun as I did last night at the Davis Co GOP convention.”

Because of his violation of party rules and as a result of the finding of the ethics committee, Weiler was required by party officials to write a letter of apology.

The chair at the time, Shirley Bouwhuis, was also required to apologize because she allowed Weiler to speak in violation of convention rules.
Continue reading on Examiner.comFormer Republican party chairs apologize for violation of convention rules - Salt Lake City TEA Party |

Davis-Gop Website screen shot from archive. Note link on right to apology letters which can be found immediately below this screen shot.

On website as of November 8, 2011 and May 10, 2012.

Apology Letters

To Rusty Cannon, Chair of the DCRP,

At the DCRP convention last April I allowed Todd Weiler to speak in opposition to a resolution that had been brought to the convention to be voted on. In trying to be fair and balanced in letting both sides speak to the issue I allowed Todd to speak not knowing he was not a credentialed county delegate.

As the former chair I have always abided by the rules and By-Laws of our party and there was no intention on my part to violate any rules at the convention. I simply did not know until after the convention was over and I was approached by several people who informed me that Todd was not a delegate.

I would have done things different had I been aware that Todd was not a delegate. We could have voted for a suspension of the rules.

I apologize for any problem that my unknowing actions may have caused.

I support the Republican Party and the DCRP and appreciate your service as the new Chair.


Shirley Bouwhuis

Former Chair DCRP

Chair Rusty Cannon:

At the DCRP convention last April, I gave three speeches. The first was as a candidate for State Central Committee. The second was to nominate a candidate for party office. The third was in opposition to a resolution. After the convention, I was approached by various people in favor of the resolution who asked if I was a county delegate. I answered that I was not. I never represented myself as a county delegate to anyone. I was not wearing any credentials, and did not attempt to vote in any manner.

Proponents of the resolution have gone to the media crying foul over my two-minute speech in opposition to it. At this time, I want to apologize to the Party and to anyone who I offended. Prior to the convention, I became very concerned that some people would repeat misstatements about the resolution as they had done at the Salt Lake County Convention the week before the DCRP Convention. I contacted party leaders with my concerns. They told me to share my concerns at the convention, but I now realize that they did not know I was not a county delegate. There was no intent to violate the rules. In retrospect, however, I should have asked for a suspension of the rules.

I apologize to the extent that my comments were a violation of the rules. Thank you for your service to the County Party.

Todd Weiler