Second year ofForman Brothers TheaterARENA 2018 festival features one-man show by Swiss aerialist as well as performance created exclusively for Prague

Forman Brothers TheaterARENA 2018 festival of theatre, New Circus, music and modern visual art

Prague, 10 May 2018 – The second year of the Forman Brothers Theater ARENA 2018 will take place from 14 until 24 June at Smíchov embankment (Náplavka) by the railway bridge in Prague. It will host the performance by the Swiss tightrope walker David Dimitri titled L'Homme Cirque (Circus Man), or the French artist Boris Gibéand his new showL’Absolustaged in a special performance space that holds only one hundred spectators. The festival will also feature an original performance by students of the legendary Turin-based circus school FLIC, which has been created exclusively for the city of Prague under the direction of the New Circus teacher Roberto Magro. Throughout the festival period, the festival village is open to all visitors free of charge. Tickets for shows can be bought via GOOUT ticketing platform.

“Last year, more than six thousand people visited the first edition of ARENA festival over the five days it ran. All shows sold out immediately. The huge interest motivated us to continue – and take the bold decision to extend the duration of this year’s festival at the Smíchov embankment by five more days. I curated the shows and performers of this year’s ARENA with the ambition that every visitor would find something they love. I believe that the choice and diversity of the programme is the key. And I have to thank our partners: especially the City of Prague, Prague 5 District, EUC and C.S.CARGO. Thanks to them, the Smíchov embankment can host such masters of their art,” says Petr Forman, Festival Director, Forman Brothers Theater ARENA.

In addition to international stars, the ten-day festival will show also the popular family show Aladdin created by Matěj Forman, at the theatre boat Tajemství that – like last year – will berth at the Smíchov embankment by the railway bridge. Tajemství will also host a special graduation show staged by 24 final-year students from the Turin-based circus school FLIC. The show, ALEA, was developed under the direction of Roberto Magro.

All visitors can look forward to an associated programme of workshops, theatre, concerns on land and on the river, as well as a steady stream of impromptu performances by festival performers in the festival village. People can take advantage of plenty of opportunities for relaxation in the unconventional space with a view of Vyšehrad. The choice of location was no coincidence: the festival takes place in the same place where the legendary theatre and social space Pavel Švanda’s Arena used to be for almost 70 years.

“Like last year, we are a partner of the ARENA Festival. We provide, among other things, a non-stop medical presence on the site of the festival. I hope that people will come from all corners of the country to enjoy shows, concerts and other festival activities. The embankment at the Smíchov side will also offer plenty of space for relaxation and excellent food and drink options. Throughout the period of the festival, the village welcomes all, free of charge. So if you just fancy spending a nice afternoon in a festival atmosphere, you are welcome,” comments Aziz Jahić, Marketing Director, EUC, healthcare provider group.

Forman Brothers TheaterOpen Air Festival ARENA 2018

The first Open Air Festival ARENA founded bythe Forman Brothers Theater was held in 2017, with the flagship new performance DEADTOWN by the Forman Brothers. But all the theatre performances at the festival had, to some extent, the directors’ signature of Matěj and Petr Forman.

This year, the festival will run over a course of ten days, offering, alongside the traditional Forman Brothers Theater shows, also guest performances curated for the festival by Petr Forman himself. The Swiss aerialist David Dimitri with his L'Homme Cirque, or Boris Gibé from France with his new show L’Absolu. The audience will certainly benefit from the festival’s partnership with the legendary Turin-based circus school FLIC; under the direction of the world-renowned New Circus teacher Roberto Magro, 24 students will perform their graduation show in Prague, which has been literally “made-to-measure” to the theatre boat TAJEMSTVÍ. All these ensembles will celebrate their Prague debut!

ARENA 2018 is a festival of theatre, New Circus, music and modern visual art. The festival aims to create a space in the Prague city centre for visitors to experience culture as well as relax. The festival does not rely on only one world or genre. Alongside the so-called New Circus, whose attraction for the audiences makes it a perennial pillar of the festival programming, the event also aspires to present other forms of theatre that reflect on the modern times and new media, the needs of young authors and theatre-going public today.

For more information about the festival please visit its website facebook page.

The festival takes place under the patronage of the Mayor of Prague Adriana Krnáčová.

We sincerely thank our partners who helped make the festival happen:

General Partner: EUC

Promoter: Forman Brothers Theater

Associated promoters: Prague 5 District, FLIC scuolacirco Torino

Partners: C.S.CARGO, Sebre, Sudop Group, Mercedes-Benz

Product Partners:Bystrouška, TOITOI, Mattoni

Media Partners: Lagardére, JCDecaux

With support from: City of Prague, Prague 5 District, Italian Cultural Institute

Onsite medical service courtesy of: EUC Klinika

Tickets for individual shows can be bought via the GOOUTticketing platform.

For more information please contact:

Dana Favaro Aziz Jahić

Public relationsMarketing

M: +420 724 012 632M: +420 603 543 142

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