Form P6 Heriot-Watt University – Undergraduate Programme Structure & Notes Template

1. Programme Code(s) (recruitment & exit awards)
C9PA-PSA / 2. Programme Titles for all awards (unabbreviated)
BSc (Hons) Psychology (Applied)
3. Main Award(s) (to be recruited to)
BSc (Hons) / 4. Exit Awards (graduation only)
BSc (Ordinary) / 5. Date of Production
18 April 2016
Edinburgh/ Orkney/SBC / HWUM / Dubai / ALP / IDL / Collaborative Partner / Stage / Semester / Phase (Part-time only) / Courses:
(Please highlight any new courses and include the course descriptors)
Code Course Title / Credit Value / SCQFLevel / Notes
√ / 1 / 1 / C97NY / Introduction to Psychology 1 / 15 / 7
√ / 1 / 1 / C97RM / Research Methods and Analysis 1 / 15 / 7
√ / 1 / 1 / C97SP / Academic Skills in Psychology / 15 / 7
√ / 1 / 2 / C97NZ / Introduction to Psychology 2 / 15 / 7
√ / 1 / 2 / C97RE / Research Methods and Analysis 2 / 15 / 7
√ / 2 / 1 / C98CO / Cognitive Psychology 1 / 15 / 8
√ / 2 / 1 / C98RU / Research Methods and Analysis 3 / 15 / 8
√ / 2 / 1 / C98HD / Human Development & Intelligence / 15 / 8
√ / 2 / 2 / C98CY / Cognitive Psychology 2 / 15 / 8
√ / 2 / 2 / C98RT / Research Methods and Analysis 4 / 15 / 8
√ / 2 / 2 / C98SY / Social Psychology / 15 / 8
√ / 3 / 1 / C99CL / Cognition across the Lifespan / 15 / 9
√ / 3 / 1 / C99FY / Forensic Psychology 1: Principles / 15 / 9
√ / 3 / 1 / C99RH / Research Methods and Analysis 5 / 15 / 9
√ / 3 / 2 / C99RO / Research Methods and Analysis 6 / 15 / 9
√ / 3 / 2 / C99CH / Psychobiology / 15 / 9
√ / 3 / 2 / C99SG / Social Cognition & Personality / 15 / 9
√ / 3 / 2 / C99FS / Applied Psychology: Health Psychology and Professional Practice / 15 / 9
√ / 4 / 1 / C90PO / Research Project 1 / 15 / 10
√ / 4 / 2 / C90PT / Research Project 2 / 15 / 10
Edinburgh/ Orkney/SBC / HWUM / Dubai / ALP / IDL / Collaborative Partner / Stage / Semester / Phase (Part-time only) / Courses:
(Please highlight any new courses and include the course descriptors)
Code Course Title / Credit Value / SCQF Level / Notes
√ / 1 / 1 / A17IB / Introductory Biology 1 / 15 / 7
√ / 1 / 1 / C17EB / Management in a Global Context / 15 / 7
√ / 1 / 1 / C47BX / British Sign Language Beginners 1 / 15 / 7
√ / 1 / 1 / C47FX / French Post-Beginners 1 / 15 / 7
√ / 1 / 1 / C47GX / German Beginners 1 / 15 / 7
√ / 1 / 1 / C47SX / Spanish Beginners 1 / 15 / 7
√ / 1 / 2 / C37FI / Introduction to Finance / 15 / 7
√ / 1 / 2 / B17LS / Chemistry for the Life Sciences / 15 / 7
√ / 1 / 2 / C17EC / Enterprise and its Business Environment / 15 / 7
√ / 1 / 2 / C27BA / Introductory Macroeconomics / 15 / 7
√ / 1 / 2 / A17IO / Introductory Biology 2 / 15 / 7
√ / 1 / 2 / C47BY / British Sign Language Beginners 2 / 15 / 7
√ / 1 / 2 / C47FY / French Post-Beginners 2 / 15 / 7
√ / 1 / 2 / C47GY / German Beginners 2 / 15 / 7
√ / 1 / 2 / C47SY / Spanish Beginners 2 / 15 / 7
√ / 2 / 1 / A18HM / Metabolism in Human Nutrition / 15 / 8
√ / 2 / 1 / C18FM / Fundamentals of Marketing / 15 / 8
√ / 2 / 1 / C18CL / Commercial Law / 15 / 8
√ / 2 / 1 / C47BP / British Sign Language Post-Beginners 1 / 15 / 8
√ / 2 / 1 / C47FI1 / French Intermediate 1 / 15 / 8
√ / 2 / 1 / C47GP / German Post-Beginners 1 / 15 / 8
√ / 2 / 1 / C47SP / Spanish Post-Beginners 1 / 15 / 8
√ / 2 / 2 / A18MC / Cell and Molecular Biology / 15 / 8
√ / 2 / 2 / C18FO / Marketing Perspectives / 15 / 8
√ / 2 / 2 / C47BQ / British Sign Language Post-Beginners 2 / 15 / 8
√ / 2 / 2 / C47FJ2 / French Intermediate 2 / 15 / 8
√ / 2 / 2 / C47GQ / German Post-Beginners 2 / 15 / 8
√ / 2 / 2 / C47SQ / Spanish Post-Beginners 2 / 15 / 8
√ / 3 / 1 / A18XP / Science and Exploitation of Plants / 15 / 8
√ / 3 / 1 / C19PT / Project Management / 15 / 9
√ / 3 / 1 / C19CE / Consumer Behaviour / 15 / 9
√ / 4 / 1 / C90MD / Memory: Development and Reliability / 15 / 10
√ / 4 / 1 / C90CE / Cognition and Emotion / 15 / 10
√ / 4 / 1 / C90SI / Social Influences on Childhood Behaviour / 15 / 10
√ / 4 / 1 / C90IP / Industrial and organisational psychology / 15 / 10
√ / 4 / 2 / C90AG / Psychology of Ageing / 15 / 10
√ / 4 / 2 / C90DE / Developmental Psychopathology / 15 / 10
√ / 4 / 2 / C90NE / Neuropsychology / 15 / 10
√ / 4 / 2 / C90MH / Psychology and Mental Health / 15 / 10
8. ELECTIVES(please provide a detailed description and course lists where possible)
Stage 1: / N/A
Stage 2: / N/A
Stage 3: / N/A
Stage 4: / N/A


9. COMPOSITION & STAGE NOTES e.g. xx taught Courses (xx mandatory & xx optional)
Stage 1: / 5 Mandatory, 3 Optional
Stage 2: / 6 Mandatory, 2 Optional
Stage 3: / 7 Mandatory, 1 Optional
Stage 4: / 2 Mandatory, 6 Optional
(Highlight any changes) / Mark / Grade / Coursework: / 40% / Examination: / 60%
Integrated Masters / N/A / Variations in assessment methods across campuses/modes of study are as follows:
Honours / D / 40%
Ordinary / D / 40%
Diploma / D / 40%
Certificate / D / 40%
Part A. Minimum number of credits required to progress through each stage are as follows
Stage 1 to 2: / 120 SCQF/40 MQA credits
Stage 2 to 3: / 240 SCQF/80 MQA credits
Stage 3 to 4: / 360 SCQF/120 MQA credits
Stage 4 to 5: / N/A
Part B. Minimum grade D required in the following courses:(progression requirements exceeding a grade D must be qualified)
Stage 1: / All 8 courses must be passed at Grade D
Stage 2: / All 8 courses must be passed at Grade D
Stage 3: / All 8 courses must be passed at Grade D
Stage 4: / N/A
The re-assessment policy for this programme is in line with University Regulations as set out below (please tick) / Yes / √ / No
If you have selected "No" please amend the statement below and highlight changes.
  1. A student who has been awarded a Grade E or a Grade F in a course may be re-assessed in that course.
  2. A student shall be permitted only one re-assessment opportunity to be taken at the Resit diet of examinations following the first assessment of the course.
  3. A student shall not be re-assessed in any qualifying course taken in the final stage of a course of study.
  4. The Progression Board may permit a student to be re-assessed in any qualifying course not taken in the final stage in order to gain credits for the course, provided that the mark or grade obtained in the first assessment of any such course is used in determining the classification of the degree to be awarded.

The awards, credits and level for this programme is in line with University Regulations as set out below (please tick) / Yes / √ / No
If you have selected "No" please amend the statement below and highlight changes.
Part A. Credit Requirements
Integrated Masters / 600 SCQF credits including a minimum of 120 credits at Level 11
Honours Degree
(inc MA) / 480 SCQF credits including a minimum of 180 credits at Level 9 and 10 of which at least 90 credits at Level 10
Ordinary or General Degree / 360 SCQF credits including a minimum of 60 credits at Level 9
Diploma of Higher Education / 240 SCQF credits including a minimum of 90 credits at Level 8
Certificate of Higher Education / 120 SCQF credits including a minimum of 90 credits at Level 7
Part B. Mark/Grade Requirements
Integrated Masters / Weighted Average >=50% over all qualifying courses at grades A-D
Honours Degree
(inc MA) / 1st: Weighted Average >=70% over all qualifying courses at grades A-D
2.1: Weighted Average >=60% over all qualifying courses at grades A-D
2.2: Weighted Average >=50% over all qualifying courses at grades A-D
3rd: Weighted Average >=40% over all qualifying courses at grades A-D
Ordinary or General Degree / Minimum of grade D in all pre-requisite courses
Diploma of Higher Education / Minimum of grade D in all pre-requisite courses
Certificate of Higher Education / Minimum of grade D in all pre-requisite courses
Part C. Additional Award Requirements
At Stage 3 (Level 9), four courses are core to each of the Psychology degree programmes. These are: C99RH Research Methods andAnalysis; C99CL Cognition Across the Lifespan; C99CH Psychobiology; C99SG Social Cognition and Personality. The highest TWOmarks from these four courses will contribute to the final degree classification. Any resits for these courses will be capped at 40%.
At Stage 4 (Level 10), all courses (including the final year project) need to be passed at Grade D or above, and must be passed atthe first attempt.The final year project is comprised of onecourse in Semester 1, and one course in Semester 2.
Final degree classification will be based on a weighted average of 80% from the eight Stage 4 (Level 10) courses and 20% from thetwo highest contributing marks from Stage 3 (Level 9) courses.
16. Programme Accredited by / British Psychological Society (Edinburgh campus only) / 17. QAA Subject Benchmarking Group(s) / Psychology / 18. UCAS Code(s) / C810