Form for applicants demonstrating a computer gamebefore the Classification Board
To be completed for all demonstrations under section 19(2) of the Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Act 1995.A computer game may be demonstrated at the request of an applicant or as an application requirement of the Classification Board under section 19(2) of the Classification Act. Any such demonstration must be accompanied by a completed copy of this form.
1. General information and requirements:
□A demonstration will be arranged through a Classification Operations Branch Applications Officer for a time to suit the Classification Board and the Applicant. Applicants should make an appointment at least one week in advance to ensure that the preferred date and time for a demonstration is available.
□The prescribed classification fee, application forms and written description of gameplay should be submitted at least 2 working days before the date of the demonstration.
□Applicants must arrive half an hour before a scheduled demonstration (to allow set up time for equipment etc). Applicants will be assisted by COB technical staff when setting up.
□A demonstration may be conducted/attended by no more than four representatives from the Applicant unless approved by the Director of the Classification Board in advance.
□At least one of the demonstrators must be competent at playing the game from beginning to end, and must be able to execute all moves in the game.
□The applicant must provide all relevant ‘cheat’ codes and access (such as ‘god’ or administrator mode) to allow for gameplay to be demonstrated.
□Demonstrated gameplay may be recorded and/or retained by the Board for its records.
NB If any content is added to a game after a classification is given, the game becomes declassified and must be submitted for classification as a new application.NB If, after classification, a game is found to contain contentious material that was not brought to the Board’s attention and would have resulted in a higher classification, the Board will revoke the classification of the game.
2. What must be demonstrated?
The following is to be demonstrated (through competent gameplay and/or footage of same):
2.1 Examples of the highest level of gameplay for each element within the game (please tick elements to be demonstrated below).
If an element isn’t in the game, please indicate below.If an element is one or more levels below the highest level element, please also indicate below.
Violence Not in game In game at lower impact level
Themes Not in game In game at lower impact level
Sex Not in game In game at lower impact level
Drug Use Not in game In game at lower impact level
Language Not in game In game at lower impact level
Nudity Not in game In game at lower impact level
Please note that the Board may request that any element be demonstrated during a demonstration regardless of its impact or classification level.
2.2 Examples of standard gameplay from:
A level at the beginning of the game; AND,A level at the end of the game.
(Standard gameplay should be average gameplay – the type of gameplay that would be encountered moving through the game in a normal or expected manner by a player.)
2.3 Cut scenes:
Demonstrate any ‘cut scenes’ or non-interactive sections of the game that contain:Classifiable elements at or near the level of the highest impact element; AND/OR,
Content relevant to determining the context of the gameplay
Please detail how any ‘cut scenes’ impact upon the classification:
2.4 Online capability:
Please indicate if the game has any online capability:Yes No
Does the online capability have the potential to change gameplay or raise the impact of any classifiable element (i.e. can players communicate freely online within the game)?
Yes No
If the answer is ‘yes’, please provide live or recorded examples of gameplay that clearly show:
How the game works in an online environment; AND,
Examples of how the impact of any classifiable element may be raised
Please detail exactly what the online capability is and how it may change the impact of any classifiable element (i.e. is it text, the ability to speak to other players, compete against them etc):
3. Additional information:
3.1 Please provide an estimate of how long an inexperienced user would take to complete the game (in hours):
3.2 Please provide an estimate of how long an experienced user would take to complete the game (in hours):
3.3 Are there different skill levels that can be set within the game (e.g. Novice, Medium, Expert etc)?
Yes No
If the skill levels change the content in any way (e.g. raise the impact), please detail…
3.4 Does the game contain any ‘signature’ or special moves that may be executed?
Yes No
If yes, please detail…
3.5 Does the game contain any special effects (such as slow motion, zoom, replay, black and white, and/or in-game editing facilities)?
Yes No
If yes, please detail…
3.6 Does the game contain any hidden content, ‘Easter eggs’, or content that may only be accessed through the use of codes etc?
Yes No
If yes, please detail…
Signed: Date:
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Version 1.01 (April 2014)Computer Game Demonstration FormPage 1 of 4