Form B: ETP502 (420)

A copy of this form should be kept by the pre-service teacher and may be used to contribute towards evidence in his or her electronic portfolio to be presented at the completion of the course. Completed form needs to be sent to

Pre-Service Teacher: Click here to enter Pre-service Teacher / Student No: Click here to enter student id
School: Click here to enter school / State Or Territory: Choose an itemACTNSWNTQLDSATASWAVICOverseas
Mentor Teacher:
Click here to enter Mentor Teacher / Professional Learning Leader (Where Applicable)
Click here to enter Mentor Teacher
Date of Completion: Enter date
Please circle chosen area / Physical development / Cognitive development / Language development / Social and emotional development
Highly comprehensive evidence / Detailed evidence / Satisfactory evidence / Emerging evidence / More evidence required
LEARNINGMANAGEMENT / Learning Management Plan has all questions addressed in detail, demonstrating thorough knowledge and research about the child and adolescent development of the students and the implications for their learning / Learning Management Plan has all questions addressed It demonstrates some knowledge and research about the child and adolescent development of the students and the implications for their learning / Learning Management Plan has all questions addressed. The pre-service teacher has made attempts to demonstrate knowledge and research about the child and adolescent development of the students. There were limited links to learning. / There was scope for greater clarity, depth and/or breadth in some of the questions. Research was not evident. There were little or no links to learning. / More information was needed to make the learning management plan reflect knowledge and research about child and adolescent development.
LESSON PLANS / The lesson plans included sections titled ‘Link to Development’ and ‘Reflection on development.’ The lesson plans included relevant and accurate information about the area of child and/or adolescent development related to the lessons. Links to pedagogy were evident that would engage students at the relevant age/grade level and result in improved learning outcomes / The lesson plans included sections titled ‘Link to Development’ and ‘Reflection on development.’ The lesson plans included some information about the area of child and/or adolescent development related to the lessons. Some links to pedagogy were evident that would engage students at the relevant age/grade level and result in improved learning outcomes. / The lesson plans included sections titled ‘Link to Development’ and ‘Reflection on development.’ The lesson plans included limited information about the area of child and/or adolescent development related to the lessons. Links to pedagogy were evident in some parts of the planning. / There was scope for greater clarity, depth and/or breadth in some areas of the lesson plans. Research was not evident. There were little or no links to appropriate pedagogy. / More information was needed to make the lesson plans reflect knowledge and research about child and adolescent development.
PRESENTATION OF EVIDENCE / Presentation of evidence demonstrated an understanding of the links between academic educational theory and Professional Practice / Very clearly communicated reflections. Clear evidence that the Pre-service teacher is effectively and accurately applying related professional knowledge to teaching on site / Pre-service teacher can accurately identify and is beginning to apply related professional knowledge about a child and adolescent development / There was scope for greater clarity, depth and/or breadth in some of them. / More information was needed to identify relevant professional knowledge about the area or domain chosen for the inschool task.
Mentor Teacher Comment:
Click here to enter Mentor Teacher comments
Please send a copy to the Pre-service Teacher / Date sent: enter date.

Mentor teacher’s signature:

Form B: ETP502 (420)Page 1