ForeWind Project: Action Plan for Lessons

Lesson / Description / Next Steps
(1hour) / A series of presentations/displays that highlight the diverse careers available within the Wind Power/Offshore employment. Using the LRC. SC to introduce small group of Yr8s to the career options available to them and the educational routes to be taken. / SC to organise lesson plan and groups to be involved. All yr 8 to be involved across the two weeks. Research into all available careers to be done via SC and Mike @ HETA
(3 hours) / Students to investigate wind power as an APP style task over three lessons. To be used as primary data for Yr 8 STEM day involving output voltage for different variables. To be run in advance of the STEM activity day itself. / SA to coordinate with science dept over lesson organisation and to investigate need for additional equipment. SA to lead changes needed to Yr 8 STEM day to incorporate changes needed
Technology (inc. Art, Catering, Engineering)
(3 hours +) / Technology’s main involvement will be to assist in the build aspect of the Yr8 STEM day; this will allow for more time to be used on Yr 8 STEM day to organise and present findings and allow for introduction of “Dragon’s Den” style presentation.
Other areas within dept. to consider their involvement in such an employment area for example catering to look at the need for food and limitations on availability of certain food types whilst off-shore. / PH to coordinate with dept over lesson organisation and to check involvement from all areas. PH to investigate feasibility of pre-assembly of some parts of wind turbine for Yr8 STEM in advance.
(1 hour +) / Opportunities to use maths in a variety of way to calculate output from turbines, gear ratios, area and build plans. Dependant on student ability level / PU to coordinate with maths dept over specific lesson details.
(1 hour +) / Dramatization of debate and/or mock interviews to be used to support opinions of local people – to feature individuals from different backgrounds, real life viewpoints and personal opinion. / SM to speak to HoD to confirm plans and organisation of events.
(1 hour +) / In connection with Radio Bydales, targeted students to lead break time & lunchtime broadcasts about events to inform other year groups of the activities. Possibility of job descriptions and the creation of “jingles” / SM to speak to HoD to confirm plans and organisation of events.
(1 hour) / Students to investigate rock types in area of development and to problem solve how the location affects the development of wind farms. Careers within the geography sector to also be researched. / SM to speak to HoD to confirm plans and organisation of events.
History / Open project – to look at historical use of wind turbines, history of Dogger Bank, history of the science. / SM to speak to HoD to confirm plans and organisation of events.
(1 hour +) / Students to have the opportunity to chronicle the fortnight’s events in a variety of ways (teacher dependant) – newspapers, blogs, interviews, prose etc.
Students to also develop debate to be used in Drama lesson over controversy involving wind turbines / SM to speak to HoD to confirm plans and organisation of events.