It happened again this morning! It happened yesterday morning, and by the best calculations, it will happen tomorrow morning too. It’s been happening for a long time, and it doesn’t appear that anything is going to change. In fact, the word on it is that it will never change.

It woke up at what has become my usual time--between 5:15 and 5:45AM--to watch what I call “the event”. It takes about 60 seconds to happen, but it is consistent. For one solid month I have been watching this morning event, but today it “dawned on me” why I was awakened every morning to watch it. I sat in my chair on the balcony crying as the event happened once again. I’ve been watching this event in Tiberias, Israel, and in Jerusalem during the Festival of Tabernacles (Sukkot) for a solid month now. In Tiberias, the event happens over the Golan Heights, from behind the mountains that line the Sea of Galilee.

In Jerusalem, the event happens from behind the Mt. of Olives.

This consistent, unchanging faithfulness of the Creator gives us a solid picture of His nature. Once He sets something in motion, it never changes. “The event” has been going on since creation, since Genesis 1:14. It had a beginning, but it will never end.

By this we can understand that when He gave us His eternal teachings and instructions (Torah) as a covenant sign that we belong to Him, He never changed it. As with the universe, He expanded it, but never changed it.

Man, on the other hand, is unstable. He changes like the wind. His soul is in flux constantly like water—his mind, his emotions, his will, his reasoning, and his personality--all based on the world around him and how it affects him.

But, those that are anchored in Yahuweh with Yahushua Messiah as their Rock, know Their unchanging nature—as unchanging as the dawn.

All of creation reeks with obvious intelligent design, showing the nature of that intelligence in everything—beauty and wisdom, purpose and intelligent result.

The greatest continuous show on earth happens each morning and each evening, when the morning event becomes the evening event.

Yahuweh’s Morning Show! The message is clear: “I am Yahuweh; I change not!” (Malachi 3:6a)

Psalm 119:89-90: “Forever, O Yahuweh, Your Word is settled in the heavens. Your faithfulness is to all generations. You established the earth and it stands”.

Ecclesiastes 3:14: “I know that whatever Elohim does is forever. There is no adding to it, and there is no taking from it. Elohim does it that men should fear before Him”.

As I positioned my chair on the balcony this morning to watch “Good Morning Israel” Yahuweh-style, I was reminded of the words of the great hymn:

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“Great Is Thy Faithfulness”, taken from Lamentations 3:21-23: “This I recall to my mind, therefore I hope: It is because of Yahuweh’s mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning—GREAT IS YOUR FAITHFULNESS!”

He is as faithful as the dawn—which never fails. If it did, we’d all be dead. If His universe was out of sync just 1 second, it would fall apart. But, in all these thousands of years, and it has not changed. The intelligence, wisdom and power of the designer continues to hold everything He made in place. The planets move in their orbits, the stars form the constellations, and the moon has its cycles, as it was from creation.

The waters do not come over their boundaries, except when the sin of man causes havoc in creation.

Jeremiah 5:22: “`Do you not fear Me’? Declares Yahuweh. `Do you not tremble at My presence, who have placed the sand as the boundary of the sea, by an everlasting law, and it does not pass over it? Though the waves toss to and fro, they are not able; though they roar, they do not pass over it’ ”.

“The event” each morning has made a deep impact on my life. The Creator’s message is clear: If I do not allow to fail the sun and the moon, the stars, the seeds that grow, the rain that falls, the earth that brings forth life, will I fail in taking care of you?

Deuteronomy 31:8, Moses said: “And it is Yahuweh who is going before you. He Himself is with you. He does not fail you nor forsake you. Do not fear nor be discouraged.”

To “forsake” means to “strand along with roadside with no help”. I have so many stories of His miraculous intervention when my old cars have broken down along the roadside, or I’ve run out of gas. He never left me without some almost immediate help, even in the night, and in the early morning hours in icy winter.

The very nature of our Father is displayed in His consistent, never-changing faithfulness in creation. And this daily event happens without most of the earth’s people thinking one thing about, yet without it no life would be sustained on the earth. And think about it: No human being can do anything to control it. No one can make it happen, no one can stop it, no one can arrange it to fit their schedule. It is a sovereign act of a mighty Creator—no one can add to it, or take from it. He does it to preserve life on a planet were the majority of the people He created have rejected Him and His Torah. Yet, for the sake of a remnant who love Him and know Him and are in covenant relationship with Him, and are obedient to His Torah, He allows what He started to continue.

Excerpts from Isaiah 40:21-26; and 44:6: “Do you not know? Have you not heard? Has it not been declared to you from the beginning? Have you not understood from the foundations of the earth? It is He who sits

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above the circle of the earth and its inhabitants are as grasshoppers, who stretches out the heavens like a curtain, and spreads them like a tent to dwell in...`To whom then do you liken Me, or to whom am I compared’? Says the Set-Apart One. `Lift up your eyes on high and see. Who has created these things? He who is bringing out their hosts (stars) by number--He calls them all by name, by the greatness of His might and the strength of His power, not one of them is missing’…Thus says Yahuweh, Sovereign of Israel AND His Redeemer, Yahuweh of hosts, ` I am the First and I am the Last, besides Me there is no Elohim.’ ” (Italics mine)

[Note: Here the Redeemer is distinguished from Yahuweh the Father. The Redeemer is Yahushua Yahuweh—our Messiah.]

Isaiah 55:7-11: “`Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts. Let him return to Yahuweh, who has compassion on him, and to our Elohim, for He pardons much. For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways’, declares Yahuweh. `For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts. For as the rain comes down, and the snow from the heavens, do not return there, but water the earth, and make it bring forth and bud, and give seed to the sower and bread to the eater, so My Word that goes forth from My mouth does not return to Me void, but shall do what I please and shall certainly accomplish what I sent it for’ ”.

Has the Father stopped sending rain and snow? – No! -- Then He has not stopped sending His Word either, for the eternal, never-changing Word is what causes His people to grow and flourish in the spirit and soul and body.

Yet, even those who claim to be His people do not stop to take notice of His greatness, and so put their faith in man, and do not know Him well enough to trust Him. By creation we can know the greatness and the tender heart of our Father, who brings the sun up each morning, but also paints the tiniest flower and the littlest sea shell with such gorgeous splendor.

Isaiah 45:5-6: “I am Yahuweh, and there is none else—there is no Elohim besides Me. I girded you, though you have not known Me, so that they know from the rising of the sun to its setting that there is none but Me. I am Yahuweh, and there is none else.’ ”

Psalm 113:1-6: “Praise Yah! Praise, O servants of Yahuweh, Praise the Name of Yahuweh! Blessed be the Name of Yahuweh now and forever! From the rising of the sun to its going down, the Name of Yahuweh is to be praised! Yahuweh is high above all nations. His glory is above the heavens. Who is like Yahuweh our Elohim, who is enthroned on high? He looks down on the heavens and in the earth, He raises the poor out of the dust, and the needy from a dunghill…”

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Isaiah 66:1-2: “Thus says Yahuweh, `The heavens are My throne, and the earth is My footstool….and all these My hand has made and all those that exist’, declares Yahuweh, `Yet to such a one I look: on him who is poor and bruised of spirit, and who trembles at My Word’ ”.

Isaiah 46:9-10: “Remember the former things of old, for I am El and there is no one else—Elohim, and there is no one like Me, declaring the end from the beginning and from of old that which has not yet been done, saying `My counsel shall stand and all My delight I do’ ”.

[Note: “Elohim”: The “im” makes the word a plural—“Let US make man in Our image – Genesis 1:26) “In the beginning Elohim created the heavens and the Earth”.]

Speaking of Messiah: Colossians 1:14-17: “…in whom we have redemption

through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, who is the likeness of the invisible Elohim, the first-born of all creation (speaking of the resurrection). Because in Him were created all that it in the heavens and things that are on earth, visible and invisible…all have been created through Him and for Him. And He is before all, and in Him all hold together.”

As the sun rises each morning in its appointed times, and the earth’s cycles and seasons remain unchanged, it is Messiah who holds all together. His eternal Word keeps the universe from falling apart into chaos. Is He not sufficient to keep our lives intact? Is He not powerful enough to take care of us?

After the flood of Noah’s day, He said: “…Never again shall I curse the ground because of man, …and never again smite all living creatures as I have done, as long as the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and winter and summer, and day and night shall not cease.”

We see from the whole of Scripture that the earth and the heavens will be renewed by Yahuweh, but they will never cease—they will remain forever.

Ecclesiastes 12:1: “Remember also your Creator in the days of your youth, before the evil days come”… What a high privilege we have to know the Creator—Yahuweh and Yahushua Yahuweh!

Revelation 3:14: “And to the messenger of the assembly in Laodicia write, `The

Amen, the Trustworthy and True Witness, the Beginning of the creation of Elohim says to you…’ ”

John 1:1-3, 14: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with Elohim, and the Word was Elohim And things were made by Him and without Him nothing was made that was made…And the Word was made flesh and pitched His tent among us…”

At Sukkot in the Old City of Jerusalem, I watched the Orthodox Jewish children walking along holding their Abba’s (Daddy’s) hand. A father would push the baby carriage with the right hand, and with the left he would hold the hand of

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another little child. If there are more children, older ones, they might hold onto Abba’s coat. Is this not a picture of holding onto our Abba Father?

“Unless you turn and become as little children, you cannot enter the Kingdom of Elohim”. (Matthew 18:3)

What security for a little child to hold the hand of his Daddy! -- Total faith that nothing can happen to hurt him because Daddy is all-powerful and all knowing, and all protecting and loving. By holding on and letting Abba lead, we have no fear, for Abba knows where he is going. He does not fail us—He is our Daddy.

The intellects of the world system, in creating the religion of secular humanism, has dismissed Yahuweh and His creation in their doctrines of evolution, the big bang theory, and etcetera, all in the name of science.

I Timothy 6:20: “O Timothy, keep that which is committed to your trust, avoid profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science so-called, which some professing have erred concerning the faith…”

Many so-called Christians of the West believe in evolution, yet still hold onto their free ticket out of hell they say they got when they prayed “the prayer of salvation” sometime in childhood. They have no relationship with a Creator.

Then I hear the one who proudly and haughtily, with self-righteousness, sneers: “We’re not under law, we’re under grace—the law was nailed to the

cross”. At the root of this teaching is Satan’s despising of Yahuweh and His good Torah. This false teaching does not come with humility. In fact, all false teachings do not come with humility or contriteness, but come with arrogance and intellectual pride about what man has taught them. Some false teachers appear sweet and lovely, but cross them and you’ll find the coiled snake lurking inside. The intellect of man creates what man wants to believe, and so to convince them otherwise is impossible without the working of the Ruach Yahuweh. (John 6:44) This is why we must submit to the teaching of the Ruach Yahuweh, so that His teaching can go into our eternal spirit, which touches eternity.

Interesting that this “the law was nailed to the cross” doctrine appeared strongly

in the churches in the 1940’s in America, along with other philosophies of man thrust on the American people, which created instability of mind and spirit. It was the time also when experiments began on our bodies, too. Many of these experiments were done on the Jews in Hitler’s concentration camps. The mind-control, mind-programming of Americans began with undermining our basic need for emotional security and love, from birth—mothers were told that breastfeeding was wrong, and to not pick up your baby when it screamed from the effects of whole cow’s milk, but to let it scream, because picking up the baby was not good. Because doctors were, and still are, considered gods, people began taking vaccines (part of the Hitler experiment program), untested drugs, and being obedient to what the doctor said. Pediatrics, a division of psychiatry,

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began telling mothers what to do with their babies, and obedient mothers have been obeying them ever since. Yet, the danger that lurks behind obedience to your doctor, or your baby’s doctor, is so diabolically horrible that I must write an article exposing it.

Mind programming in all ways—even religious programming--has been orchestrated and effectively executed by the masterminds of Lucifer’s world—the elite of the Illuminati, who hate Yahuweh and His Torah.

Who created the Illuminati in 1776, which has birthed approximately 200 sister organizations that rule the world system? – The Jesuit (Society of Jesus) Order of the Vatican. Therefore distortion in doctrine has come in from them to a great degree.

Since around 1994, the church system in general, including the Evangelical and Charismatic sectors, has re-established ties with the Vatican, and is moving strongly onto a New Age teaching-base. Many who say they are Evangelical or Charismatic Christians or Messianic people now are including Eastern mysticism and occult practices into the belief-system. Some are denying the equality of Messiah with the Father. Overall, the religious system is exposing its roots in paganism. The great whore of Babylon (Revelation 17) has risen to her world power. How does the whore ride the beast? – The religious Jesuit Order runs the world system by riding and controlling the political, economic and military forces of the earth.

But, the one who proudly touts “the law has been nailed to the cross” did not get that from studying the whole Word, Genesis to Revelation, with the Spirit of the Father to teach him. Man in the West has been taught to live out of his intellectual reasoning of the soul, not to hear the “still small voice” in his spirit. Man gets his false teaching from nowhere else but from some other proud, arrogant, self-righteous human-taught human, bent on being free from Yahuweh’s “bands”. (Psalm 2)

What “yoke” did Messiah say was light and easy? He said: “My yoke is light and easy”. His yoke is the Torah—the lifestyle of peace and balance, and right relationships that cause us to know Elohim and life in harmony with our neighbor. Satan wants man to take off Yahuweh light and easy yoke, and take on his neck-breaking yoke that will lead us into damnation in the eternal lake of fire. What deception!