Forest Terrace Condominium Association Meeting

May 11, 2004

Location:838 Forest Street

Present:Deni Brotherton, Trent Brotherton, Lisa Herman, Marney Modders,

Annie Robertson, Victor Robertson, Will Tinsleaf, Sarah Wagner

Absent:Bernie Decker, Karen Ram, Star Group Representative

Election:Election of Board of Directors

In light of the resignation of Karen Ram as president, the Owners discussed the nomination and election of new Board of Directors. Nominations were made from the floor during the meeting. Trent Brotherton, Victor Robertson and Lisa Herman were nominated to serve as president, vice president and secretary, respectively. Sarah Wagner moved to accept the nominations made from the floor. Will Tinsley seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Reports:Yard Clean-Up

The Owners discussed the yard clean-up project that took place on Saturday, May 8, 2004. New green plastic edging was installed and free mulch from DenverParks and Recreation was spread throughout the front of the complex. During removal of the old edging, it was discovered that a sprinkler system line had been ruptured by a stake for the metal edging. Sid Powell came by to turn off the system and said he would be out on May 11 to fix the line. Trent volunteered to call Sid to check on the status of the repair.

Trentmoved to have the funds for edging reimbursed through the HOA reserve fund.

Total cost was $174. The motion was seconded by Lisa. Motion Carried

Tree Trimming

Sarah discussed a tree trimming estimate she received for $1008. The group discussed our options and other estimates. Trent volunteered to talk with a family member who works in the business to see if there was a real need to have the tree trimmed.

Financial Statements

The Association did not have any financial data to review. The Owners decided it would be the job of the new president to get an update from CPMG.

Old Business:Action items needed from previous President, Karen Ram.

  • Need to move check signing duties to new President, Trent Brotherton
  • Need key to sprinkler system junction box
  • Need Root Feeder purchased by HOA
  • Need Gray Exterior Paint

Dog Run

The Owners discussed Karen Ram’s dog run built on common property at the back of the complex. Several options were discussed including immediate removal and/or size and location modification. Lisa moved to have the Association send Karen a letter with two options: Submit a plan to the Association President within 30 days outlining a new size and location for the dog run. If, after 30 days, a plan is not submitted, the Association has the authority, under Section 15.5 of the Declarations, to remove the dog run at the Owner’s expense. The motion was seconded by Victor. Motion carried.

New Business: Landscape Lighting

The Owners discussed the landscape lights currently outside 830 & 830-1/2. Deni moved to purchase lights for the remainder of the complex and invoice the owners for their portion of the cost. Sarah seconded the motion. Motion carried. Lisa will purchase the same HamptonBay lights and bill all owners for the costs.

Removal of Decorative Rock

Will suggested that the Association consider removing the decorative rock in front of 834, 838, 842 and 844 and replace it with mulch for a more uniform look. He said he would look into more free mulch and report back to the group. Topic was tabled until the next meeting.

Announcements:Will informed the group that he recently purchased 844 from his mother. All Association information should be sent to him in the future.

Submitted by:Lisa Herman, Secretary