Forest Avenue Home & School – November Meeting Minutes –11/13/13
Officers in attendance: Duval Graham, Nancy DiCicco, Tara Arnett, Alexandra Spritzer, and Raneeta Sawhney-Rigby
Principal: Mr. Donovan (RAS Principle, Interim FAS Principle)
Board of Ed: Paul Romano, rep for Forest Ave
Teachers: Mrs. Pollara
H & S meeting started at 8:04pm
Principal’s Report
Mr. Donovan – Mrs. Fitzpatrick update – I am back. Dr. Mucciolo will send a new update to FAS tomorrow. He does think he has an interim Principle who he has met, need to vet as a candidate further. Available to start early December. Both optimistic, this candidate is currently in an interim position and in the field.
Mr. Kozak scheduled to leave at the end of December. Resumes have been received and sorted into yes, no, and maybe piles. Interviews being scheduled. Met with Mr. K’s class parents to discuss the needs of the children. Also met with the students themselves, got them excited about the new teacher transition.
Drop Off – cones have gone missing (the night before Halloween). Need new signs in any case. Replacing cones.
Safety and Security continue to be a priority. Next week, a new sign-in sheet will be set up at the front hall and be manned. Visitors will receive a visitor pass. This is part of our efforts to reduce the number of adults who are not staff members in the building.
- Forest Ave Webpage – half days coming up, other info, please use this as a resource
- National Education Visits
- Parent/Teacher Conferences: December 12, 13, 1:30-3:30 – December 10th, 6:30-9:30pm
- Winter Concert, December 18 at 8:45am
- Requests for purchases from teachers to be discussed below
Faculty Report
Mrs. Pollara – excited about learning garden cleanup. Teachers cannot wait until they can go out to the garden when it’s warmer. Teachers really appreciate the request for wish lists for classroom needs. for 1st grade. Docking stations and electronics. Thank you for your continued support.
Board of Education
Mr. Romano –Not a lot to share. Interim candidate for Principal glad to hear we have a candidate. Several staffing issues discussed in private session, namely interim Principal and Mr. Kovak. Ongoing negotiations with teachers union have been unable to reach an agreement. Union declared an impasse. Need to engage a mediator. Holding out hope it will be resolved quickly.
Q. What is the impasse?
A. Teachers have declared an impasse. We can’t agree on an increase that we can afford relative to what they are requesting. Thus, engaging a mediator.
Field trips for FAS
One parent expressed concern about staffing issues at FAS
Paul and Duval discussed having a strategy session for funding avenues to explore for various initiatives. Could be a position within our group for a designated grant writer to request funding for FAS from monies that exist in the borough.
RASHS – leveraging money they raised and matching it 4:1 with PSEG. $14k - $70k.
Treasurer’s Report
Raneeta Sawhney-Rigby – last month we were still $3k+ in the negative for operating budget, so in 6 weeks we made $15k+, so are $12k in the black, mainly through Discovery program. Innisbrook and school pictures also contributed to bottom line. State of the budget is in good shape.
President’s Report – Duval Graham
We have put out a request to teachers to get feedback on what they need for the classroom, requesting a wish list.
MAM Partnership (VOTE) – At the last meeting we spent a lot of time discussing, however, we are not feeling confident that this is a program we can set up for this year. Through a discussion with the teachers, it was clear that the feedback from them is that it is not the best idea for this year with teacher evaluations, Mr. K’s departure, etc. Tough, significant year for our staff we can all agree, so does not seem like the right fit this year, logistically doesn’t work.
Raneeta makes a motion to vote back the money for special enrichment allocated as second grade enrichment, vote back as special enrichment not specific to 2nd grade.
Nancy seconds the motion.
All in favor: Yes
Enrichment Ideas – this is the time to really start thinking about what these dollars can go towards. Year is racing by, so don’t want to spin our wheels too much and have the year end. A couple ideas:
- Integrated program curriculum-wise
- Bring in special guests: i.e., weather man to talk during science curriculum
- Field Trips – Pam Linden (personally feels we need more field trips). Highline NYC $70/class. 3-4 different curriculums for 2nd graders and older. Highline a public park on the West Side of NYC.
- Natural History Museum – Duval has a contact. Do the legwork and see if we can really tailor it to our children.
Raneeta – feels strongly it ties to current curriculum in the classrooms. An extension; local authors come in a few times and help the students write a book (writing workshop in 2nd grade)
Enrichment committee – Amy Meyers
There are a lot of workshops we haven’t done before because they are more time consuming. Most are 1 day events. Gem mining workshop, for example.
Lincoln Center has a kids program.
Nicole Quinn – seems to be a disconnect between field trips and what FAHSA is willing and wanting to do together. We need a committee between FAHSA and teachers to create an agenda for the year.
Next step – group of interested parents and teachers sit down and have this conversation. Email Duval if interested.
Parent comment: Should be something that reaches all of the grades, not just 2nd grade.
FAHSA The idea was that all of our FAS children would cycle through, were thinking more long-term with the MAM program.
IDEA: Arts/Drama - Weather forecast in charter school in Montclair. Broadcast on closed-circuit TV. Newscaster showed up. Send article to Duval to read more.
VP’s Report – Nancy DiCicco
Teacher Funding Requests (VOTE)
Thank you for the feedback, waiting for a few more. We asked the teachers to submit a general wish list and also to comment on if they had enrichment funds, what would you use them for?
(1)2nd Grade – set of Flashcards for each of the students, recommended by math expert that came in to consult for the school. Flashcards a supplement to the everyday math program. 2nd grade would really benefit from this.
Principal Donovan - Every 2nd grader gets their own set. Stays in the classroom. Sturdy. Skill and drill, nothing fancy. Can be used daily. If we vote it in tonight, could have them here by next week. Just addition and subtraction, no multiplication and division. Teachers are focused on +/- most important now. Can reach back out to them in the spring for multiplication and division.
Math consultant made it clear that addition and subtraction are the foundation of multiplication and division. (Mrs. Pollara)
Total cost: $1,000
We will be hearing more about the results from the changes in the math program from the district soon.
(2)1st Grade – $100/class; total $300. Can use in the classroom and at home and to track the progress
Total cost:$300
(3)One School One Book – Mrs. Walter (reading specialist and basic skills teacher)
Idea is to promote reading together as a family and share books together. Last year the book wasStuart Little. This year Mr. Popper’s Penguins (20 chapters). Read the book in January. Send home a calendar, every child gets a copy of the book sent home. Watchung Booksellers give us the best deal: 30% off, no shipping, will deliver the books here to us at the same time supporting a local business.
Read your shirt day; trivia question of the day
Layering in other aspects – searching other venues for a live penguin. Mr. Donovan seeking help in finding the penguin.
Turtleback Zoo has a penguin program – they would come and do one class at a time. Tentatively booked for 1st week in January
$1029/books (200+ books)
$240/day=$480 for the 2 days
Total cost:$1509 total
(4) iPads requested by 4 teachers (1 K and 3 1stgrades) $650/each
Mr. Romano – state mandates that there is a technology plan for the district, but changes so quickly the plan we have is not up to date. The plan is designed to be equitable. What we are discussing tonight is experimentation – we can take measures that may plant a seed to other teachers. Perhaps this is the most effective way to introduce technology. How is tech best integrated into lesson plans? Cross fertilization of seasoned teacher and younger teachers. My suggestion is to meet the needs of the teachers who expressed the will and not necessarily force the idea on the teachers, let them decide on their own how they want to integrate it into their classrooms and let it organically grow. Beauty of HSA we have discretionary funds to create the spark to introduce the technology. Let’s see where it goes.
Total cost:$2,600
Voice of concern from one parent about how tech is being used, but it can’t replace human contact.
Technology requests we are extremely interested in, but need to do the due diligence on that. Need a holistic look at all of the tech needs.
Larger requests like 2nd grade requested a laptop cart $10k or Multipurpose Room updates
Committee Reports
Visiting Author requesting $3,000 Edie Brennan; Tara Easter is co-chair. Timing is April. Costs offset by selling of the books.Motion for Visiting Author: Edie; seconded by Nicole Quinn $3,000; all in favor yes.
Community Service – Thanksgiving Food Drive – Nancy DiCicco
Neighbors in Need Thanksgiving Food Drive one of the best community service events. Fliers sent home. Activities in the classroom.
Philippine Relief Effort TBD – Marylou Cabrera
Follow the model of the Ryan’s Well fundraiser from last year (raised $800).
Having older school groups (model UNetc.) come in to classrooms and present to the kids. Need clean water, medical supplies. UNICEF the organization to work with. All 4 schools have agreed to participate. H.S. can come talk to the kids (Model UN); coin collecting day; UNICEF boxes; Use H&S as a platform to reach out and get the kids to think outside of GR. Fitzgerald’s give back night; karaoke night for h.s. students do something at every level. Need to decide timing. Let’s get a community affairs committee together.
Book Fair – Nancy DiCicco
During parent/teacher conferences. Scholastic, even though they are aware we were unhappy last year. Piloting a new program with them. They absorbed an individual who used to run his own bookfair. Looking for parent support and volunteers. December 9 week of.
Learning Garden – Amy Meyers
Alphabet garden on markers in the garden. QR codes can be scanned for more information. Sunday, Nov 17 mulching day. Crafts for the kids, games, cider and donuts. 10am
Food Days – Nicole Quinn
Leftover issue – need a safe, secure way to do that. Lunch box with icepack and big gallon Ziploc.
Announcements & Fundraising Updates – Duval Graham
Motion made for teacher wish list requests (1),(2) and (3) by Nancy DiCicco; seconded by Raneeta Sawhney-Rigby; all in favor yes.
Motion for iPad for the 4 teacher’s wish list requests (4) who requested made by Nancy DiCicco; Alex Spritzer second; all in favor yes.
Approval of October 2, 2013 minutes
Motion to approve Nancy; Amy Meyers seconded
Forest Forum: Open Discussion
Wish list: programs, facilities, etc.
Meeting Adjourned 9:57pm