Forensic Science Semester 1 Exam Study Guide

Evidence & The Legal System Topics/Vocabulary (You have a reading guide and notes are on my blog!)






  1. What is the difference between a criminal trial and a civil trial?
  2. What is Locard’s Exchange Principle? Give an example.
  3. What are the differences between felonies and misdemeanors?
  4. State examples of circumstantial evidence and physical evidence.
  5. What can an expert witness do in court that others cannot?
  6. What is the difference between individual evidence and class evidence?

Crime Scene (You have a reading guide)

Chain of CustodyRough SketchFinal Sketch

  1. Why is it important to maintain a chain of custody of evidence collected?
  2. Why is a final sketch not made at the crime scene?
  3. What types of things should be included in a crime scene sketch?

Fingerprint Topics/Vocabulary (You have a reading guide and the notes Powerpoint is on my blog!)


UlnarRadialDeltaBifurcationEnclosureRidge Ending

Short RidgeRidge DotIodineAFISCyanoacrylate


  1. What is the most common type of fingerprint? (Loop, arch, or whorl?)
  2. How can you process (see) latent prints on an object on a nonporous surface?
  3. What is the difference between a patent, plastic, and latent print?
  4. How many characteristics must be in common to consider two fingerprints a match?
  5. What is AFIS and what is it used for?
  6. Why are fingerprints considered to be individual evidence?

Blood Typing (You have a reading guide and the notes are on the Blog!)



ErythrocyteAlleleTransfusionPlasmaRhesus Factor

  1. What is the purpose of a red blood cell (an erthrycyte)?
  2. What is the purpose of a white blood cell (a leukocyte)?
  3. How do antigens determine your blood type?
  4. How many blood types are there? Describe them in terms of antigens.
  5. What is an antibody? What is its function?
  6. Describe the process of agglutination.
  7. Blood type is considered to be ______evidence.
  8. What blood types can be given to each blood type?(Hint: there is a chart)
  9. What blood types can receive each blood type? (Hint: there is a chart)
  10. What type is the universal donor? Why?
  11. What type is the universal recipient? Why?
  12. What is the difference between a genotype and a phenotype?
  13. What are the genotypes (letters) that represent each blood type?
  14. What is a heterozygous genotype?
  15. What happens during a blood transfusion?

Blood Spatter (You have a reading guide and lab results)

ForcePassive Blood StainsWalking DripArterial Blood Spurt

Cast-OffVoid PatternPorousTransfer Pattern

SpinesHigh Velocity Medium VelocityWipe/Swipe

Tails Angle of ImpactNonporousMulti-Drip Pattern

SatellitesArea of Convergence

  1. What is a passive blood stain?
  2. How does the following effect a blood stain: Height at which it was dropped? Surface it was dropped on? Force applied to the blood?
  3. What is the formula used for finding the angle of impact? (Be prepared to use it!)
  4. What is the area of convergence? What does it tell investigators?
  5. Spines and tails point in the direction of the ______.

Hair & Fibers (You have a reading guide and check the blog for notes, review items!)

CuticleCortexMedullaSynthetic FiberNatural Fiber

KeratinPigment FollicleTrace Evidence

  1. Hair and fiber is considered to be ______evidence.
  2. How can hair evidence be individualized?
  3. How can you determine if a hair is from an animal or human?
  4. How can we tell if a hair has been dyed or not?
  5. What is the difference between a synthetic fiber and a natural fiber?
  6. What is the most common type of natural fiber in the world? In the United States?
  7. Where do synthetic fibers come from?
  8. Draw and label each part of a hair.