-For those of you who remember a past column of mine about Plecostomus babies, I have to return to the subject, for we found ourselves with an issue. It seemed that we not only had one batch of babies born, but there was a second hatch. In fact, we had so many babies, they just had to be adopted out. Anna, armed with net, captured no less than 17 and Phil Murphy, just passing by, swooped up at least 6. These cute little cleanersnumbered more than one fish tank could handle so off to the pet store in Great Falls they went. We do hope they find good homes, cute as they are.

Beyond all the fishing excitement, there was a bit of sickness going around, both with staff and equipment. Pastor Putnam’s vehicle failed him on Mother’s Day so residents went to a movie instead of church. WithMother’s Day in mind, I put on “The Year Dolly Parton was my Mother.” Residents gave it mixed reviews.

Anna, being a mom herself, was celebrating Mother’s Day with her own daughter, so I got to be here to see the families of Thelma Nauck, Bertha Davidson and Roy Meyer come for a lovely luncheon put on by our fantastic culinary staff.

Anna’s daughter must have shown her too good a time, so I missed her returning to us on nail day. I worked through a number of hands, beginning early with Becky Birnel’s and charged forth from there. I may have missed re-polishing a few fingernails, however.

For my day off, my volunteer replacement for bingo (who prefers to remain nameless) was there to call the numbers and see Eleanor Peters, Paula Dedebant and Muriel Redolphy all win games.

When we were shy a staffer on Wednesday, the 17th, Anna, having rebounded, took a couple of our guys to the Senior Citizens Center for lunch. While I stayed behind to take care of our own folks, Dale Johnson had a great time going out to lunch and visiting with acquaintances.

Thinking of all that’s in bloom, Lucille Bertsch and Elsie Pelzman were among the ladies who painted Japanese Cherry Blossoms. It’s niceto see that I can still get some folks to participate in art.

The weather was so nice on Friday morning, we had our book club outdoors in our Memorial Garden. Later, the clouds moved in for a bit and pushed us back inside for our Coffee and Conversation. During our discussion, the subject of gibbons came up when playing a bit of trivia. Florence Anderson didn't think they were too attractive, but she loved nurses aide TempaFeagin's pup, Wrangler, who had been here before to cuddle with residents.

We rounded out activities by focusing on celebrity Gary Cooper, and watching, "High Noon." Here's a little celebrity trivia for you. Do you know what iconic role Cooper turned down?

Stop by for the answer.We’ll see you here.