e-Newsletter February2016

Hi All,

For the latest information, please see below.

The Central Queensland Family Law Pathway Network welcomes the appointment Judge Anne Demack to the Federal Circuit Court in Rockhampton.

The CQFLPN welcomes the announcement by the Attorney-General, Senator the Hon George Brandis QC, that Judge Anne Demack has been appointed as the Federal Circuit Court judge based in Rockhampton.

JudgeDemack is highly experienced and well regarded practitioner, with a strong connection to, and understanding of the Rockhampton and Central Queensland community. In her previous role with the Federal Circuit Court, she has been unfailingly generous with her expertise, time and support for the CQFLPN, and has contributed to the success of several of our events.

The appointment of a Judge permanently based in Rockhampton, will help improve accessibility and reduce costs and delays for local people needing to attend family court.

New specialist domestic and family violence services:

Strengthening Families

In March 2016, new services aimed at improving access for victims of domestic and family violence to specialist counselling, information and support, as well as programs for perpetrators of violence and abuse, will open in central and far north Queensland.
A range of providers have been contracted to deliver services in the following catchments:

  • Gladstone – Women’s Health Awareness Group of Gladstone Inc.
  • Rockhampton – Relationships Australia (Qld)
  • Emerald – Centacare Catholic Diocese of Rockhampton
  • Longreach – Relationships Australia (Qld)
  • Bundaberg – EDON Place Women’s Domestic Violence Service Inc.
  • Maryborough/Hervey Bay – The Corporation of the Trustees of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Brisbane
  • South Burnett – South Burnett CTC Inc.
  • Cassowary Coast – Tully Support Centre Inc.
  • Tablelands – Cairns Regional Domestic Violence Service Inc.

In addition, Helen Yumba Inc. has been engaged to provide a dedicated Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander domestic and family violence service in Rockhampton, with outreach to Woorabinda and Mount Morgan.

ABC Fact File: An interactive snapshot of Australia's homeless problem over time

Some 105,200 Australians are without a home. Homelessness is a loss of a sense of security, stability, privacy, safety or the ability to control your living space. Fact Check's fact file is based on the latest research in Australia, is one of the first using geographical areas to reveal how the patterns of homelessness have changed over 15 years. The link between homelessness and domestic violence is noted. See

Without a Home - Video

Without a Home - interactive homelessness map

Queensland Child Protection Parent Perception StudyPeakcare
Your assistance is requested to distribute information about the Queensland Child Protection Parent Perspectives Study.The study is being independently conducted by Griffith University and aims to find out how satisfied parents are with the quality of the child protection services offered by the Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services.To participate in the study, parents who are currently involved with the Department are asked to completea survey. This is a genuine opportunity for parents to provide feedback to the Department in a confidential manner. Read more and access the survey here

American Domestic Violence Ad.

This year for the first time a short, but hugely expensive Anti-Domestic Violence ad was played in the break at the American Super Bowl. Some are praising it as a new and innovative way of raising awareness of domestic violence with a lot of people quickly; others feel that the money would have been better spent on actions that support people experiencing domestic violence. To view the ad please click on Domestic Abuse

Round 2 2015/16 Stanwell Power Station Community Fund

Round 2 of the 2015/16 Stanwell Power Station Community Fund is currently open and accepting applications until the 24th of March 2016.

The fund aims to contribute to community projects which have a long-term impact on the quality of life in the Rockhampton region and deliver tangible outcomes. Projects suitable for funding include capacity building and community infrastructure that facilitate social connectedness, support access to existing or new critical services and enhance educational opportunities.

The fund also looks to make an impact in the following areas:

-Youth development

-Alcohol and other drugs

-Domestic violence

-Mental health

If you would like more information about the fund or have a potential project that may be suitable for the fund please contact me on 07 4931 3013 or email .

NewGraduate Diploma of Domestic and Family Violence Practice

The Graduate Diploma of Domestic and Family Violence Practice provides the opportunity for you to develop advanced industry-related knowledge, skills and competencies to respond to domestic and family violence. Distance Education – 2 years part-time. If you have any questions about the course or program, please call us on 13 27 86.You can also register your interest to stay up-to-date with program developments, application timelines and events happening in your area.See

CQ UNIVERSITY - Graduate Diploma of Domestic and Family Violence Practice

Service Information

Tilly’s Yumba – a place to connect.

Loretta Georgepsychologist and reg seven, family law assessor. ABN 32881146599. Psych Board reg.PSY0000946642.: Specialising in Domestic Violence, Workplace issues, Sexual Assault and welcoming to our Indigenous and LGBTI community members.

83 Upper Dawson Rd. Bulk Billing for health care card holders. Ph.: 0408 950 773

Girls Time out – Young Womens Support Service Inc is recruiting for a 1 day ‘Circle of Security’ Workshopto be held in Mt Morgan on Thursday 31st March 2016.This Circle of Security workshop is part of the Young Empowered Parents (YEP) Program. It focuses on how parent/child relationships can be strengthened and teaches new ways to understand children’s needs and behaviours and how to respond to them. All young parents, mums and dads included are most welcome to attend. Seats are limited so for more information or to book your place - contact the GTO office now on 4922 7236


The homeless plight of domestic violence victims: report. Jill Ireland: Sydney Morning Herald: February 3

Australians escaping domestic violence face adouble struggle, with thousands of victimsalso dealing with homelessness, a new study shows.More than a third of the 520,000Australians who sought help fromhomelessness services between 2011 and 2014, did so because of domestic violence, according to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.

And in a sign of the strain domestic violenceplacesoncommunity services, only nine per cent of domestic violence clients were able to get long-term accommodation when it was first requested."Domestic and family violence cause considerable disruption to the lives of Australian families," AIHW spokesman Tim Beard said.To read the complete article please click on Sydney Morning Herald

Centrelink investigators nab welfare cheats via social media. Kate Aubusson : Sydney Morning Herald: February 4,

Centrelink investigators are trawling the social media accounts of people on welfare to catch out fraudsters, the federal government has confirmed.Contractors employed by Centrelink to scanthe Facebook pages, Twitter streams and eBay accounts of customers have dredged up more than $2 million in fraud the Daily Telegraph reported.

The operationscould nab a fraudster via a guileless 'Thank God It's Friday' Facebook post at the end of a work week from a recipient of unemployment benefits, or perhaps an uninhibited single posting voraciously about their solo life while claiming benefits for dependents they don't have.In one case, a couple who claimed they were single to receive single payments were caught out by Centrelink's social media surveillance investigators when they announcedon Twitter that they were in a relationship and expectinga baby,according to the Department of Human Services. To read the complete article please click Sydney Morning Herald

Court Decisions of Interest

Full Court 

Gilles & Irby [2016] FamCAFC 13 11 Feb 2016

NOTE: The period for seeking special leave to appeal to the High Court has not expired.

FAMILY LAW – APPEAL – CHILDREN – INTERIM ORDERS – Where the appellant mother reviewed the Senior Registrar’s orders which placed the child on the Family Law Watchlist – Where the trial judge ordered that, in addition to the Senior Registrar’s orders, the mother should also be placed on the Family Law Watchlist – Where the Full Court found that trial judge had an obligation to clarify the orders sought, an obligation to explain those orders to the self-represented mother as a means of ensuring that the mother understood the additional case she was meeting, and finally, to afford the mother an opportunity to consider the same and respond.

New First Instances Judgement

Pfenning & Snow [2016] FamCA 29 27 Jan 2016

FAMILY LAW – PROPERTY ADJUSTMENT ORDERS – Significant asset pool – Marriage of approximately 21 years and two children of the marriage – Husband seeking 70 per cent/30 per cent division of asset pool reduced by substantial contingencies for notional capital gains tax; sale costs and potential tax on dividends to extract funds from private company – Consideration ofRosati v Rosati[1998] FamCA 38;(1998) FLC 92-804– Whether contingencies contended for by husband to be deducted in determining value or relevant as a s 75(2) factor – Husband contending that his “contribution” includes work experience and skills acquired over decades prior to marriage – Husband contending that 40 per cent disparity results given this “contribution” and what it produced financially during early years of marriage as the reason substantial wealth created – Capital contributed to marriage – Initial capital – Gifts and inheritance –– Consideration of meaning of “contribution” for the purposes of s 79(4)(a), (b) and (c) – Approach to assessment of contribution based entitlements over entirety of relevant period – Orders to achieve just and equitable outcome – Order providing for contingency as to taxation on dividends – Determined 55 per cent/45 per cent division in favour of husband.


Government Response to Grandparents who take Primary Responsibility for Raising their Grandchildren.

This document represents the Australian Government’s response to the recommendations of the Senate Community Affairs References Committee Report: Grandparents who take Primary Responsibility for Raising their Grandchildren. To access the government response please click Raising Grandchildren

Trauma-informed care in child/family welfare services

CFCA Paper No. 37 Liz Wall, Daryl Higgins and Cathryn Hunter

This paper aims to define and clarify what trauma-informed service delivery means in the context of delivering child/family welfare services in Australia.Exposure to traumatic life events such as child abuse, neglect and domestic violence is a driver of service need. Policies and service providers must respond appropriately to people who are dealing with trauma and its effects in order to ensure best outcomes for individuals and families using these services. In addition to evidence-based programs or clinical interventions that are specific to addressing trauma symptoms, such as trauma-focused cognitive behaviour therapy, there is a need for broader organisational- or service-level systems of care that respond to the needs of clients with a lived experience of trauma that go beyond a clinical response.Some of the challenges identified in implementing and embedding trauma-informed care across services and systems are discussed.Access the Publication


Respectful Relationships’ Approach:Could it be the answer to preventing Gender Based Violence?

The purpose of this paper is to talk about the Respectful Relationships curriculum materials trialled in Victoria in 2010. To read the report please click on Deakin University

Events, Training and Meeting Date Claimers

Between e-Newsletters you can find regularly updated Events, Training and Meeting information at

Events and training

Monto - NDIS Information Session, Wednesday 24 February, Monto Shire Hall – Function Room, 51 Newton Street, 9:30 am – 2:30 pm. . Registration required: please contact 54727072 or 1800 777 723 between 9am – 4pm weekdays

Gladstone– Planning for the NDIS Workshop Saturday 27 February, Gladstone Community Hub, 5 Buller Street, 9:30 am – 2:30 pm. .Registration required: please contact 54727072 or 1800 777 723 between 9am – 4pm weekdays

Smart Assistive Technology Seminar, Rockhampton, 29 February, 9:30am – 3:15pm

Smart Assistive Technology and Consumer Directed Care. This is an essential seminar to attend if you want to be competitive and innovative in the new landscapes of Consumer Directed Care.

CPR Training, 29th February, 5.30pm -8.30pm, 13 Cavell St, Wandal Community Garden. By 24th Feb $65 – normal $75. Tea and coffee provided. For more information please contact 0408 276 383 0r .

Apply First Aid, 29thFebruary and 1st March, 5.30pm -8.30pm, 13 Cavell St, Wandal Community Garden. By 24th Feb $130 – normal $140. Tea and coffee provided. For more information please contact 0408 276 383 0r .

YEPPOON. 1-2-3- Magic & Emotion Coaching. 29th Feb,7thMar, 14th Mar,16th Nov,9.30am-12.00. Centacare, Shop 5/15 James St. (Across from Domino’s) Three 2hr sessions. A program for parents and carers to help manage difficult behavior in children 2-12yrs old. To register please call 1300 523 985 or click on by 22ndFeb. Cost of book$ 20.00.

Manual Handling. 2nd March: 10am – 12pm, Frenchville Sports Club Cnr Eldon and Clifton Sts. Cost: by 24th Feb - $75. Standard $82. For more information please contact 0408 276 383 0r

YEPPOON. 1-2-3- Magic & Emotion Coaching. 29th Feb,7th March,14th March,9.30am-12.00. Centacare, Shop 5/15 James St. (Across from Domino’s) Three 2hr sessions. A program for parents and carers to help manage difficult behavior in children 2-12yrs old. To register please call 1300 523 985 click on y 23 Feb. Cost of book$ 20.00.

Communities for Children Capricorn Gracemere Family Fair Thursday March 3rd 2016 from 3-6pm. This is a great opportunity to connect the local community as well as promoting services for families and children in a fun way. There will be prizes to be won for kids and parents, free afternoon tea for all the kids and some local entertainment and activities. If you would like to be involved, whether it is to have a stall with a child friendly activity, help out on the day, or provide a demonstration we would love to hear from you! If you have any questions please contact , or please fill out the registration formto secure your spot!!

Women’s Health.On the 3rd of March, we are starting our next workshop which is based on increasing self-awareness and developing healthy self-esteem in women; it is called Fake It Til You Make It.It is a four session workshop on Thursday mornings from 9.30am to 11.30am. The second week is our Women’s Wellness Expo, so we will be encouraging women to attend that, and the remaining three weeks will continue from the 17th of March. We will discuss this with participants on week one. This workshop is by donation (small change or gold coin), and we don’t exclude participants if they cannot afford to donate. Resources and refreshments are provided. If you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact, Chantelle on (0749226585) or via email at

International Women’s Day Celebration .Free Movie. North Country. Friday 4th March, Walter Reid Cultural Centre Derby Street, 5.30pmforDrinks & Nibbles with6.30pmShowing.The powerful story of women who broke the gender barrier, took a stand and fought back against inappropriate and indecent behaviour intheir workplace through the first class-action sexual harassment lawsuit in the USA Tickets available now. RSVP:EmmaWalls()Ph: 49335104 or Text: 0418 435226FREEEVENT

International Women’s Day- “Good for HER, Great for us” -High Tea in Bell Park Emu Park | All ages, activities, craft workshops, entertainment |Monday 7 March | 9.30am | Free. Agencies are invited to have an information stall at this event enquiries please contact Community Centre 4713 3840 or

EMERALD. Celebrate. Achieve. Succeed. CH International Women’s Day Morning Tea 8th March. Emerald Town Hall. An interactive sofa session with local women and girls discussing topics to celebrate the economic, political and social achievements of women in the past, present and future.This event is free, however limited spaces are available. Visit the Facebook event page to view the latest information on our panel guests.Please RSVP to .

The Women’s Health Centre, in partnership with Girls Time Out, Darumbal Youth Services and the Women’s Shelter, will be holding a FREE Women’s Wellness Expo at the Rockhampton Leagues Club on the 10th of March from 10am to 3pm to celebrate and acknowledge the achievements of the women in our community. There are stillspaces left for women’s based businesses or services that would like to connect women with services that might be valuable to them. If you are interested, please contact the centre via phone on (07) 4922 6585 or email .

10120NAT Course in Observing and Documenting a Mental State Examination. 8th March. 8am check in, 8.15 -5.00 training. Room 2, Community & Public Health Centrte, 82-86 Bolsover St. Cost $195pp. Participants must be working or studying in relevant mental health area. For more information email or phone 3271 8845. To enroll go to

LOCHINGTON – 11 March 2016 – Lochington Community Hall. CentacareCQ Drought Support Program is hosting a free event. Come and join in the fun and catch up with old friends or make new ones! Entertainment by Sophie Phillis, massage and stretching, tips on improving wellbeing and prizes for the best dressed and lucky-door. Please RSVP to or 0407 392 952

Deaf Community Information Event. 14th March. 6pm, 10 Bolsover St. Guest speakers: Garry Moran and Andrew Green. Food, tea and coffee available. Contact

Human Rights Act for Queensland - Information Session 16 March, 10am-12pm,

Quest Apartments, 48 Victoria Parade.Queenslanders are being given the opportunity to have a say on the possible implementation of a Human Rights Act in Queensland thanks to an inquiry launched by the Queensland Government. The ADCQ is assisting Queenslanders to understand what a Human Rights Act would mean in practice by holding free public information sessions across the state in February and March. If you are interested in attending a public information session, click on the links below to book. If you require an interpreter please advise at the time of booking.

CENTRAL HIGHLANDS. Richard Nelson, State Manager of National Disability Services, Thursday 17 March, 7 am to 9 am. A conversation about the National Disability Insurance Scheme and what that means for consumers, their families and supporters, and agencies across the human services, health, education and related sectors. For more information please contact Carmel Marshall or ph: 1300 523 985 mob: 0488 570 701