Chesapeake Public Schools
August 2013
Covered Activities2
Initial Eligibility3
Definition of 2.03
Allowable Courses3
Date of Eligibility Determination3
Transfer Students3
Traditional Scheduling4
Summer School4
Averaging a Grade of Incomplete4
GPA Per Quality Points Form5
Summer School Option Form6
CMSL Individual Eligibility Requirement7
Probationary Semester8
Declaring a Participant Ineligible8
Regaining Eligibility8
Study Halls9
Study Hall Attendance9
Logistics of the Study Halls 10
Record of Tutorial Assistance Form 12
Financial Information Regarding Study Halls 13
Payroll Time Card Exception Form 14
Academic Advisor for CMSL Activities Participants 15
Monthly Log of Study Hall Participants Form 16
2.0 Master List of Study Hall Probationary Participants 17
Parental Notification 19
Foreign Exchange Students 20
Transportation 21
Information Technology 21
Extenuating Circumstances 21
2.0 Eligibility Request for Waiver 22
Frequently Asked Questions 23
Administrative Handbook for the Implementation
of 2.0 Eligibility Requirement for CMSL Activities
The purpose of this manual is to guide the building level administrator through the implementation and administration of the 2.0 eligibility requirement for student participation in Chesapeake Middle School League Activities. The manual contains guidelines, interpretations, and forms as they relate to the 2.0 eligibility requirement. The manual is a growing document and will be revised on a regular basis to include new interpretations and revisions.
In the spring of 2008, a committee composed of teachers, coaches’, athletic directors, assistant principals, and principals representing the ten middle schools studied the feasibility of establishing a minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) requirement for participation in athletics and forwarded a recommendation to Dr. W. Randolph Nichols, Superintendent.
In the fall of 2008, Dr. Nichols presented a recommendation to the School Board that would require a minimum 2.0 GPA to be maintained in order for a student to be eligible to participate in Chesapeake Middle School League (CMSL) Activities. The School Board in October of 2008 passed a motion to require a 2.0 GPA to participate in CMSL activities.
Covered Activities
The following athletic programs sanctioned by the CMSL are currently offered within Chesapeake middle schools and are covered by CMSL eligibility rules and the Chesapeake 2.0 eligibility requirement:
Fall Sports:Cheerleading
Winter Sports: Basketball (boys and girls)
Spring Sports:Outdoor Track (boys and girls)
Volleyball (girls)
Field hockey (girls)
The following activities sanctioned by the CMSL are currently offered in Chesapeake middle schools and are covered by CMSL eligibility rules and the Chesapeake 2.0 eligibility requirement:
Initial Eligibility
In order to be eligible, a CMSL activity participant must maintain at least a 2.0 GPA prior to initial participation, regardless of when initial participation begins. Under this provision in order to be eligible for the first nine weeks, a sixth-grade participant must have maintained a 2.0 GPA for either the fourth nine weeks of the fifth-grade year or the entire fifth-grade year. Any student entering a CMSL activity and establishing eligibility for the first time must have maintained either a 2.0 GPA for the previous nine weeks or have maintained a 2.0 overall GPA.
Exception: A home school student will be exempt from the 2.0 eligibility requirement for the nine weeks of his/her entry into Chesapeake Public Schools from an approved home school setting. The student will have one nine weeks period to establish initial eligibility. If the student does not have a 2.0 GPA at the end of the nine weeks of enrollment, the student will be ineligible until such time as the student completes a nine weeks with either a 2.0 GPA for the nine weeks or an overall 2.0 GPA. In addition, a student must meet all eligibility requirements of the CMSL.
Definition of 2.0
A 2.0 average is defined as a grade point average of 2.0 or better on a scale where an “” mark earns 4 points, a “B” earns 3 points, a “C” earns 2 points, a “D” earns 1 point, and a failing grade earns 0 points. In determining if a participant meets the 2.0 requirement, grades from the previous nine weeks will be evaluated first. If the participant did not maintain a 2.0 for the previous nine weeks, then the overall GPA of the student will be used to determine if the student maintained a 2.0 GPA. See chart on page 4.
Allowable Courses
For a course to count toward the determination of the 2.0 eligibility requirement, it must be a course offered from one of the Chesapeake Public Schools, or listed in the Student Catalog, Student Handbook and Course of Study Guide, or have been assigned at the time of transfer from another school division.
Date of Eligibility Determination
A CMSL activity participant will become eligible or ineligible on the day report cards are issued at the end of each nine weeks. A CMSL-activity participant may return to participation following a period of ineligibility, or will be prohibited from participation if found to be ineligible on the day report cards are issued at the end of each nine weeks. These dates are established by the Department of Curriculum and Instruction and communicated to the schools by the Director of Secondary Instruction. Summer School grades will be averaged at the end of the Summer School Session and may be used to raise either the previous nine weeks GPA or the overall GPA.
Transfer Students
Upon enrollment in a Chesapeake middle school, transfer students must establish initial eligibility in order to participate in CMSL-sanctioned activities. To establish initial eligibility, the student must have maintained a 2.0 GPA for the previous nine weeks or an overall 2.0 GPA throughout the middle school career. If a transfer student enrolls without meeting this requirement, the student is ineligible to participate in CMSL-sanctioned activities until such time as either the student maintains a 2.0 GPA for one nine week’s period or until the student maintains a 2.0 overall GPA.
Traditional Scheduling
In schools utilizing a Traditional Scheduling format, eligibility will be determined at the end of each nine weeks and at the conclusion of Summer School as described below. See CMSL Eligibility Requirements, page 6.
Summer School
Summer School grades will be included in GPA calculations at the end of the Summer School session. Summer School grades will be averaged in accordance with regulations outlined in the SecondaryStudent Catalog, Student Handbook and Course of Study Guide. Summer School grades may be used to raise either the previous nine weeks GPA or the overall GPA. See chart on page 5.
Interpretation: If a student has a 2.0 GPA prior to taking a summer school course and then receives a grade at the completion of the course that lowers his/her average below a 2.0 GPA, the student will maintain his/her eligibility since that status is determined by the nine weeks. This will not count as a probationary nine weeks period against the student. In addition, if a student has a GPA below a 2.0, then attends summer school and raises his/her GPA to 2.0 or above, that student will regain eligibility.
Averaging a Grade of Incomplete Issued on the Report Card
If a student is issued an incomplete on his/her report card at the conclusion of a nine weeks period, for the purposes of this policy, the incomplete will be computed as the grade of “E.” The incomplete shall remain the grade of record until such time as the principal shall certify that the work required to remove the incomplete has been submitted, and the teacher has issued a grade. At that time the new grade will be used to calculate the nine weeks and the overall GPA, and the eligibility status of the student will be determined.
Grade Charts
For quick reference in the determination of the previous nine weeks eligibility under the requirement, a grade chart for nine weeks grades is provided (page 4).
GPA Per Quality Points: A Quick ReferenceQuality
Points / 4 Classes/GPA / 5 Classes/GPA / 6 Classes/GPA / 7 Classes/GPA
28 / N/A / N/A / N/A / 4.00
27 / N/A / N/A / N/A / 3.85
26 / N/A / N/A / N/A / 3.71
25 / N/A / N/A / N/A / 3.57
24 / N/A / N/A / 4.00 / 3.42
23 / N/A / N/A / 3.83 / 3.29
22 / N/A / N/A / 3.67 / 3.14
21 / N/A / N/A / 3.50 / 3.00
20 / N/A / 4.00 / 3.33 / 2.86
19 / N/A / 3.80 / 3.17 / 2.71
18 / N/A / 3.60 / 3.00 / 2.57
17 / N/A / 3.40 / 2.83 / 2.43
16 / 4.00 / 3.20 / 2.67 / 2.29
15 / 3.75 / 300 / 2.50 / 2.14
14 / 3.50 / 2.80 / 2.33 / 2.00
13 / 3.25 / 2.60 / 2.17 / 1.86
12 / 3.00 / 2.40 / 2.00 / 1.71
11 / 2.75 / 2.20 / 1.83 / 1.57
10 / 2.50 / 2.00 / 1.67 / 1.43
9 / 2.25 / 1.80 / 1.50 / 1.29
8 / 2.00 / 1.60 / 1.33 / 1.14
7 / 1.75 / 1.40 / 1.17 / 1.00
6 / 1.50 / 1.20 / 1.00 / 0.86
5 / 1.25 / 1.00 / 0.83 / 0.71
4 / 1.00 / 0.80 / 0.67 / 0.57
3 / 0.75 / 0.60 / 0.50 / 0.42
2 / 0.50 / 0.40 / 0.33 / 0.29
1 / 0.25 / 0.20 / 0.17 / 0.14
Summer School Option
(If GPA Less Than 2.0)
Number of Classes
Taken Previous
Nine Weeks / Number of
Quality Points / Results in
GPA / Grade Needed
In Summer School
(1 credit)
4 / 6
(e.g., 2 D’s & 2 C’s) / 1.50 / A
4 / 7
(e.g., 1 B, 1 C, & 2 D’s) / 1.75 / B or better
5 / 8
(e.g.,3 C’s & 2 D’s) / 1.60 / A
5 / 9
(e.g.., 1 A, 1 C, & 3 D’s) / 1.80 / B or better
6 / 10
(e.g., 1 B, 3 C’s, 1 D, & 1 E) / 1.67 / A
6 / 11
(e.g., 5 C’s & 1 D) / 1.83 / B or better
7 / 12
(e.g., 6 C’s & 1 E) / 1.71 / A
7 / 13
(e.g., 6 C’s & 1 D) / 1.86 / B or better
CMSL Individual Eligibility Requirements
To be eligible to represent his/her school in any Chesapeake Middle School League activity, a student must meet the following criteria:
- The student shall be a bona fide student in good standing in the school that he/she represents. This includes being enrolled in at least five classes during each of the four nine week grading periods.
- The student shall be a bona fide student (in good standing) in the sixth, seventh, or eighth grade and must have met all necessary requirements (2.0) after having been promoted.
- After promotion to the sixth grade, students must have a 2.0 grade point average. The 2.0 will be based on the previous nine weeks or overall grade point average. A minimum 2.0 grade point average will be required from that point.
- As with sixth graders, those promoted to the seventh or eighth grade must also have a 2.0 grade point average. Likewise, a minimum 2.0 grade point average will be required from that point.
Exception: A student may remove an academic deficiency during summer school so as to render that student eligible to participate during the first nine weeks of the ensuing school year.
- Special Education Students – The eligibility of special education students will be determined by the principal of each middle school on a case-by-case basis. This is subject to nine-week review as required of other students. However, special education students do not automatically become eligible to participate in sports once they switch to an IEP. The principal and IEP team are to decide whether or not the student has met the goals established in the IEP (usually over a four-week period).
- Age: A student may not have reached the age of fifteen (15) on or before August 1 of the school year in which the student intends to participate.
- A student may not participate in a particular sport more than once as a sixth, seventh or eighth grader. In addition, he/she is not eligible to participate in any sport during the first nine weeks of the repeat year.
- Though middle school students may qualify under the Virginia High School League rules to participate on the junior varsity level, they should participate on the middle school level unless they are ineligible (e.g., age). Should an eligible eighth grade student elect to participate in a junior varsity sport, the student may not participate in the same sport at the middle school level during the remainder of the school year. The student may participate in a Chesapeake Middle School League sports(s) after the junior varsity season ends except for the junior varsity sport in which he/she was a participant.
- Each student must complete the Athletic Participation/Parental Consent/Physician’s Certificate Form at least once during each school year.
Probationary Nine Weeks
After meeting the 2.0 GPA requirement for initial participation, the student may have one probationary nine-week period during the middle school years (sixth, seventh and eighth grades). This means that, once participation has begun, the student must achieve at least a 2.0 GPA for all except one of the nine weeks of eligibility. That nine weeks may be used as a probationary nine weeks in which the student is allowed to continue participation in CMSL activities and attend mandatory study hall. Any student participating in a sport during this probationary period may not practice or participate in contests without attending study hall.
The probationary period is defined as the nine weeks following a grading period in which a participant falls below the 2.0 GPA requirement and meets the CMSL eligibility requirements. A student who does not comply with the CMSL individual eligibility regulations found on page 11 of the Chesapeake Middle School League Handbook will be ineligible to participate.
Note: If a student is not CMSL eligible and he/she has not yet used one probationary nine weeks, he/she will still have one probationary nine weeks once eligibility is established.
Declaring a CMSL-Activities Participant Ineligible
If a CMSL-activities participant fails to maintain a 2.0 grade point average (for the nine weeks OR overall GPA) after serving their one probationary nine weeks or any nine weeks thereafter, that student shall be deemed ineligible. Once a student has utilized a probationary nine weeks, the student is not entitled to another probationary nine weeks.
It is strongly recommended that a student attempting to regain eligibility utilize the services of the study hall.
**Note: Principals have agreed that the use of an ineligible 2.0 activities participant will result in forfeiture of the contest.
Regaining Eligibility
A CMSL-activities participant declared ineligible under this policy will remain ineligible until such time as the student’s previous nine weeks GPA or overall GPA equals or rises above the 2.0 minimum requirement. The day that the CMSL-activities participant may return to an eligible status is the date of eligibility determination as described on page 2 of this handbook.
Study Halls
The study hall will meet after school for a minimum of 90minutes per week. Students in a probationary nine weeks are required to attend study hall a minimum of 45minutes per week. The principal will develop the schedule. Emphasis in the study hall will be placed on providing an environment where students can study and complete work assignments and on providing tutorial assistance. The study hall will have three components: (1) quiet study time, (2) peer tutoring, and (3) teacher tutoring. The study time will allow students to complete homework and other class assignments, study for tests and quizzes, and complete reading assignments. The tutorial sessions will provide students with the opportunity to receive assistance in subject areas as needed.
An Academic Advisor will coordinate study hall activities. Coaches/athletic directors will identify the students who did not meet the 2.0 requirements the previous nine weeks and submit the names of these students to the Academic Advisor.
All students in the school may participate in the study hall opportunities and tutorial services. A study hall schedule will be posted, and appropriate notices will be utilized to inform parents and students of the availability of the study hall. Any activity participant who is in a probationary nine weeks will be required to attend the study hall, but its services are available to any activity participant who may be in jeopardy of becoming ineligible for failure to meet the 2.0 GPA requirement.
Study Hall Attendance
Students who are in a probationary nine weeks period will be required to attend study halls. Students in the general population of the school are also eligible to attend the study halls. Students may be excused from study halls for absences that are identified in School Board Policy 9-13 as legitimate absences from school. The reasons identified as legitimate for being absent are: sickness of the student, medical appointments, severe illness or death in the family, exposure to contagious disease, religious holidays, or extenuating circumstances such as fire, accident, or extremely inclement weather. Further, a student will be permitted to miss a study hall when the study hall is in direct conflict with a regularly scheduled or makeup activity or competition. The student who misses study hall for any of the above reasons will be required to make up lost time, but will be subjected to no consequences as a result of missing time for legitimate reasons.
Students in a probationary nine weeks and required to attend study halls, must attend a minimum of 45minutes of study hall per week, or be absent for the above reasons. If they are absent for reasons other than those listed above and do not meet the 45minute minimum weekly requirement, they will be prohibited from participating in practices and contests beginning Monday of the following week and continuing through Sunday of that week.
Students who are attending study hall should be on time for the study halls as designated by the Academic Advisor. If the student is late for the study hall, the Academic Advisor may refuse to
admit the student to the study hall for that day. If a student is admitted tardy, time missed as a result of the tardiness must be made up. If a student is denied admission to study hall due to tardiness, time missed must be made up.
Logistics of the Study Halls
Beginning with the first nine weeks of the 2008-09 school year, middle schools will provide study halls coordinated by the Academic Advisor. A stipend has been established for the position of Academic Advisor. Funding has also been made available to provide faculty tutors for the study halls. The following guidelines are provided to principals as the basic operating instructions for the study halls.
1)The study hall will meet for a maximum of 90minutes after school per week and a minimum of two days per week.
2)The study halls are open to all students.
3)Any CMSL-activity participant serving a probationary nine weeks will be required to attend the study hall. If the participant is in season and does not attend study hall for the minimum 45 minutes required and is not absent for legitimate reasons as identified earlier, the participant shall not practice or participate in contests beginning Monday of the following week and continuing through Sunday of that week.
4)Any CMSL-activity participant who receives a grade below “C” in any class or classes shall be encouraged to utilize the resources of the study hall regardless of his/her nine weeks or overall GPA.
5)The study hall should provide the following opportunities for attendees:
A. Quiet study area
B. Peer tutoring
C. Faculty tutoring
6)Students in a probationary nine weeks are required to attend study hall a minimum of 45minutes per week. Time missed due to absence or tardiness must be made up.