Tech-level Assignment Brief

Unit code / R/507/6616
Learner name
Tutor/Assessor name
Assignment title / USER INTERFACE
Date assignment issued / Submission Date
Performance Criteria
Pass / Merit / Distinction
Performance Outcome / P1,P2,P3,P4 / M1,M2 / D1
P5,P6,P7 / M3,M4 / D2
P8,P9,P10,P11,P12 / M5 / D3
Tasks / Performance criteria covered
Task 1 / P1, P2, P3, P4, M1, M2, D1
Task 2 / P5, P6, P7, M3, M4, D2
Task 3 / P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, M5, D3
Submission Checklist (please insert the items the learner should hand in) / Confirm submission
Forum post explaining the relationship between user experience, usability and utility by deconstructing an existing User Interface
Forum post explaining how typography choices can impact design by producing a set of typefaces that fit the theme of the brief
Ten minute presentation deconstructing a user interface from all aspects covered in class
Design documentation from client brief
User interface prototype with three different visual styles
Evidence of peer feedback from learners and tutors
Iterations of your designs posted onto online forum
Analysis of produced user interface
Comparison of user interface to three current user interface designs
250 word critical analysis of produced prototype
A finalised style sheet that will be used to create the final user interface
A fully working main menu system in the Unreal Engine 4
Individual art assets imported into the engine and indexed correctly
Learner - please confirm that you have proofread your submission
Learner Authentication
I confirm that the work and/or the evidence I have submitted for this assignment is my own. I have referenced any sources in my evidence (such as websites, text books). I understand that if I don’t do this, it will be considered as a deliberate deception and action will be taken.
Learner Signature Date
Tutor declaration
I confirm the learner’s work was conducted independently and under the conditions laid out by the specification. I have authenticated the learner’s work and am satisfied that the work produced is solely that of the learner.
Tutor/Assessor Signature* Date
*Please record any assistance given to the learner beyond the group as a whole even if within the parameters of the specification

For marking purposes only

Marking grid

Performance Criteria (PC) achieved
Pass / 1stsubmission
 / X* / Resubmission
 / X* / Merit ** / 1stsubmission
 / X* / Resubmission
 / X* / Distinction** / 1stsubmission
 / X* / Resubmission
 / X*
P1 / M1
P3 / M2 / D1
P5 / M3 / D2
P7 / M4
P12 / M5 / D3

Assignment Result

 / X*
Not yet passed

*Achieved () Not achieved (X)

**Distinction and Merit criteria can be achieved only where the associated Merit and Pass criteria have been achieved first. Learners must achieve all the PCs relevant to a grade before they can be given that grade for the assignment.

Tutor summative feedback for learner
(Note to tutors: this section should focus on what the learner has done well. Where a learner has not achieved a specific performance criterion or is likely to want to improve on a response to a performance criterion, then you may identify the issues related to the criterion, but should not provide explicit instructions on how the learner can improve their work to achieve the outstanding criteria.)
Tutor name(print) and date
Resubmission Feedback
Tutor name(print) and date


User Interfaces are a part of everyday life. We use them to navigate information, perform tasks and whilst they seem basic on the surface there is a lot of design behind our experience of say browsing a website or equipping a character with new armour.

For all good UI, it is important to have a strong grasp on what the user needs to do and how you want them to do it. An understanding of visual communication and being able to categorise information intelligently are key factors in being able to create a pleasant user experience.

Game User Interfaces need to be able to present information and get out of the way when they are not needed. They need to be useful to the player, allowing someone to change settings easily or perform repetitive tasks without it being laborious. A bad UI in a game can sometimes make the experience bad which is why it is important to consider the player needs as well as the game needs at all times.

As this unit can be approached in many different ways, centres are encouraged to use industry context that are appropriate to this unit. (See other sample assignment brief where specific context has been provided)


Within this assignment you will be required to demonstrate your understanding of the fundamentals of User Interface design and implementation techniques ready to develop a fully working main menu and in game HUD for the Unreal Engine 4. This will be accompanied by creating functionality for your user interface using events inside of the engine and some which require manipulation to work with your chosen art style/method of interaction.

Throughout the assignment, you will be required to reflect upon and critique your own interface designs. Iterative design is an important part of developing a User Interface and should help to develop an eye for good design and why certain solutions do not work.

Task 1: PO1 – Understand the principles of user interface design and their application

In this task you will demonstrate your understanding of different aspects of User Interface design. You will demonstrate how to deconstruct a UI and demonstrate your appreciation of how much user experience, usability and utility shape the success of the product. You will also manage data appropriately so the user is always able to perform the right operation at the right time. You must demonstrate that you understand these aspects of technical design and produce documentation that adheres to a design brief.

You must:

a)Forum post explaining the relationship between user experience, usability and utility by deconstructing an existing User Interface (P1)

b)Forum post explaining how typography choices can impact design by producing a set of typefaces that fit the theme of the brief (P2)

c)Research and present a deconstruction of an existing User Interface (P3) (P4)

In addition, you are required to produce documentation for your client brief (M2)

d)Produce documentation defining the client brief including research (P3) and a solution. The solution must show knowledge and application of the following

  • Usability (P1)
  • Utility (P1)
  • User Experience (P1)
  • Typography (P2)

This documentation may include a 200 word chapter which discusses the relationship between art and technical design (M1)

The document may also include a 250 word critical analysis of the produced documentation which focusses on the researches aspects of User Interface design (D1)

Task 2: PO2 –Produce a prototype design for a user interface

In this task you will look at the artistic design aspects of user interface creation. You must demonstrate your understanding of asset creation using Photoshop and image manipulation techniques.

You must:

e)Create a user interface prototype with three different visual styles based on the design documentation produced (P5)

f)Collect peer feedback for prototype visual styles from both learners and tutors(P6)

g)Improve on the previously created prototype based on peer feedback from both tutor and learners(P7)

You could also write a short analysis of the produced user interface (M3)then compare and contrast the prototype with three current user interface designs (M4).

You could also write a 250 word critical analysis of the produced prototype, commenting on the design using knowledge from the previous task (D2)

Task 3: PO3 –Implementation techniques

In this task you will be taking your finalised art assets into Unreal Engine 4. You will be setting up basic functionality and animations. You must demonstrate your understanding of the Unreal Engine 4. You must demonstrate your understanding of importing assets, asset placement, animation and basic blueprint.

You must:

h)Produce final art assets for a user interface (P8)

i)Import art assets into Unreal Engine 4 (P9)

j)Set up the layout for the user interface in Unreal Engine 4 (P10)

k)Set up functionality ensuring the user interface is a able to be navigated (P11)

l)Set up a main menu which is visible upon starting the game (P12)

You can also set up more complex functionality for a game options screen, including video, audio and input settings (M5)

You may also write a 250 word critical evaluation of the work produced in this task (D3)


When completing this assignment, learners will be working towards the transferable skillof Research andCommunication– see Appendix A of the specification document and the section below for more information about the standards and how they should be evidenced.

For this assignment the transferable skills can be evidenced in the following tasks:

Research Standards

R1 / Design a research study / 1.1Identify possible topics for research
1.2Choose one topic, identifying appropriate objectives for detailed research, and plan how to carry out the research
1.3Select a variety of resources to gather relevant information and identify appropriate methods and techniques to carry out the research / Assignment task:1
Grading criteria:
P3 Research and analyse a current game user interface and discuss its construction
R2 / Conduct data collection and analysis / 2.1 Collect data using the appropriate methods to test the hypotheses/theories
2.2. Carry out an appropriate analysis of the
2.3 Draw appropriate conclusions that are
supported by the evidence from the data
R3 / Present findings of the research and evaluate the research activities / 3.1 Prepare and present results of research
3.2 Present the information in a clear and appropriate format adapted to the needs of the audience
3.3 Seek feedback and use it to support own evaluation of research skills

Communication Standards (Oral)

CO1 / Prepare a suitable presentation / 1.1Research suitable topics for the
1.2Research the most appropriate format for
the presentation
1.3 Plan the structure of the presentation
1.4 Make use of any appropriate supporting
materials and prepare any other resources
needed for the presentation / Assignment task:1
Grading criteria:
P4 Present to your peers your understanding of the principles of UI
CO2 / Use language, vocabulary, tone and style suited to the complexity of the topic and the context / 2.1 Use appropriate language and vocabulary
2.2 Structure what is presented to help the audience follow the sequenceof the main points and ideas
2.3 Use tone and style of presentation appropriate to the audience and environment
CO3 / Use a variety of methods to engage the audience / 3.1 Provide examples to illustrate complex points
3.2 Use relevant images from appropriate sources to illustrate key points
3.3 Use at least one additional method to
engage the audience

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