The Department of Economics is hosting Professor Francis Wilson of the University of Cape Town Professor Francis Wilson of the School of Economics at the University of Cape Town is coming to Whitman College as a Visiting Educator in Economics. His written work covers globalization, poverty, migrant labor, race, economic justice, and even theological aspects of decent work, most of it in the context of South Africa’s economy. Professor Wilson’s public talk, "Half way there: the long work to freedom and economic justice in South Africa," will be presented at 7:30 P.M. on Monday, October 30 in room 130 Olin. He will also be visiting classes on both Monday and Tuesday.

Professor Wilson is touring colleges and universities in the United States, and AmherstCollege has conveniently posted a press release from which I have cut and pasted the paragraphs below to provide more information about him:

Wilson has taught for more than 30 years in the School of Economics at the University of Cape Town, where he founded and for many years directed the Southern African Labour & Development Research Unit (Saldru). Since 2001 he has been the director of Data First Resource Unit (for Information Research and Scientific Training) in the Centre for Social Science Research. A former visiting professor at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at PrincetonUniversity, Wilson in 2001 became chair of the International Social Science Council’s Scientific Committee of the International Comparative Research Program on Poverty.

The author of a number of books, including Labour in the South African Gold Mines (1972) and Uprooting Poverty: The South African Challenge (with Mamphela Ramphele, 1989), Wilson is co-editor of Poverty Reduction: What Role for the State in Today’s Globalised Economy? (with Nazneen Kanji and Einar Braathen, 2001). Recent essays include “Globalization: A View from the South,” in Beyond Racism: Race and Inequality in Brazil, South Africa and the United States (2001), “Brazil & South Africa; Minerals & Migrants: How the Mining Industry has Shaped South Africa” in Daedalus (Winter, 2001), “Employment, Education and the Economy” in South Africa Survey 2001/2002 (2001), “Understanding the Past to Reshape the Future: Problems of South Africa’s Transition” in The Economic Future in Historical Perspective (2003) and “Anglican Reflections from a South African Economist” in Philosophical and Spiritual Perspectives on Decent Work (2004).

For information about Professor Wilson, see:
