Raleigh-Wake Human Resource Management Association (RWHRMA) &
Triangle Society for Human Resource Management (TSHRM)
HR On Call Telethon

Raleigh, NC – February 24, 2010 With unemployment hovering around 10%, RWHRMA and sister chapter TSHRM are taking action to help local jobseekers. “Human Resources On Call,” the brain-child of Paul Wasylkevych, SPHR, (NCSHRM) offered job hunting advice to more than 1,100 callers during a seven-hour telethon broadcasted over WRAL-TV 5 in June of 2009.

2009 TSHRM President, Ronita Caldwell, CCP, SPHR, stated, “Several of the callers had been out of the job market for a while… so they didn’t know which way to turn. They were just kind of dumbfounded; they just did not know what to do.” “I think we were all surprised at the immediate volume [of calls] that hit the phones,” added 2009 RWHRMA President, Kim Mills, PHR. Questions ranged from topics such as job availability to resume writing to advice for various employment sectors.

The positive feedback from the event combined with the current economic climate prompted RWHRMA and TSHRM to organize a 2010 event in a similar fashion. The 2010 event will be held Wednesday, March 3 from 12 pm – 7 pm. Over 60 volunteers will participate, including HR subject matter experts on areas such as transitioning from military to civilian employment, COBRA and salary negotiations. Employment resources will also be provided in partnership with JobLink Career Centers, a North Carolina program offering employment and training services.

The 2009 event earned the chapters a prestigious 2009 Pinnacle Award from the Society for Human Resource Management. HR On Call Coordinators, Jeff Lutrell (RWHRMA) and Laurie Textor (TSHRM), and numerous volunteers are eager to promote the HR profession and SHRM while making a difference in their local community with the 2010 HR On Call Telethon.

About RWHRMA: Raleigh-Wake Human Resource Management Association (RWHRMA) is a not-for-profit human resources professional association and is a local affiliate of the national Society for Human Resource Management(SHRM) organization focused onserving the HR professionalandadvancing the HR profession. Established in 1954 and nationally recognized for its many award-winning programs and as a premier chapter of SHRM, RWHRMA provides many professional development, community service, and networking opportunities to its more than 500 members representing a variety of businesses and industries. Contact: Kendra Pearson, PR Coordinator, RWHRMA, 919-872-6800 or

About TSHRM: Triangle Society for Human Resource Management (TSHRM) is a non-profit, professional human resources association that provides opportunities and support for HR professionals in the Research Triangle Area. The purpose of TSHRM is to provide a local forum for personal and professional development; provide an opportunity to develop leadership, managerial, public speaking and group decision-making skills; provide a local networking arena; to provide a focus for legislative attention to local, state and national human resource management issues; and to improve the community through social responsibility and connection of HR expertise to local needs. TSHRM has over 500 members. Visit TSHRM at Contact: Stenisha Green, Communications Director, TSHRM, 919-596-1341 or .

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