For Grants Between 100 and 3,000

For Grants Between 100 and 3,000

PPF/2 2018-19


People Power Fund


For grants between £100 and £3,000

A.What is the People Power Fund?

As part of his commitment to local communities, the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) is providing through a bidding process, £200k for the financial year 2018/19in the form of the Commissioner’s People PowerFund, from which local grants can be awarded.

The money is made available to:

  • Improve community safety;
  • reduce crime and disorder; and
  • increase public confidence.

B.Who can apply?

Constituted local community based organisations, either solely or in collaboration with others can make an application.

C.What is the value of grants available?

Applications will be considered for grants between £100 and £3,000 that meet the eligibility criteria.

D.What can be funded?

Funding will be provided for activities which support the priorities within the PCC’s Safer, Fairer United Communities Strategy 2017-2020 (

  • Modern policing;
  • Early Intervention;
  • Supporting Victims and Witnesses;
  • Managing Offenders;
  • Public Confidence;

and the priorities defined by the local Community Safety Partnership within the local Community Safety Plan (

E. What can’t be funded?

People PowerFunding will not support activities which:

  1. Form an organisations’ statutory function / responsibility;
  2. Are already commissioned in Staffordshire;
  3. Are subject to funding (either current or previously) from any PCC or other grant source including Locality Deal Fund;
  4. Duplicate existing service pathways or referral processes;

Additionally, People Power Funding will not support:

  1. Commercially run activities;
  2. Activities run for the sole benefit of one individual;
  3. Counselling or 1-2-1 mentoring;
  4. Politically based activities;
  5. Activities for which the principle aim is to fundraise for other organisations;
  6. Marketing costs for existing or planned activities;
  7. Travel costs;
  8. Defibrillators or housing / casing for defibrillators;
  9. Premises development or refurbishments;
  10. One-off / annual events or day trips;
  11. Activities thathave previously received funding where the evaluation process is not yet complete;
  12. Operational policing activities / overtime costs;
  13. Activities which promote or condone extremist ideology, activities or terrorism;
  14. Activities that have already been paid for or for loan repayments;
  15. Activities for which the grant application submitted is incomplete;
  16. Road safety activities. For all road safety initiatives please apply to the Staffordshire SaferRoads Partnership, who have dedicated funding for this work area. Further information canbe found at

F.What types of activities will be considered?

The Commissioner is keen to support locally driven community safety, reassurance and crime prevention activities.

These can be wide ranging activities such as the provision of diversionary activities for young people to address issues of anti-social behaviour (ASB)through to security measures where supported by police provided crime information.

G.What types of activities will not be considered?

Recognising the good work of many groups and clubs across the area, the Commissioner would choose not to financially support transport for a group of residents for a day trip or the production of advertising material for a community event. Activities support must clearly seek to support delivery of the PCC’s priorities and those contained within the local Community Safety Plan.

E.How do I apply?

Applicants are required to read the PPF Guidance, secure all necessary supporting information, complete and submit the PPF Application Form. Applicants are also required to:

  1. Include a breakdown of costs, a quotation where appropriate and an explanation of costs have been calculated, to demonstrate value for money;
  2. Where appropriate, include a crime report from the Local Policing Officer where the activity seeks to reduce issues of crime ASB;
  3. Where appropriate and on the request of the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC), make contact with, receive and act upon the advice of Staffordshire Police Crime Prevention Team prior to any grant award;
  4. Note that the proposed activity must report outcomes through a written evaluation process;
  5. Provide electronic scanned or hard copies of all supplementary documentation referenced in this submission, together with signed declaration agreeing to all terms and conditions of the People Power Fund before any grant award is made;
  6. Note for applications which progress to the final funding stage that all individuals/organisations named on the application will be subject to conviction/ non conviction vetting by Staffordshire Police, details of which will be shared with the OPCC;
  7. Note that all supporting information as defined within the Terms and Conditions of funding must be provided prior to any payout of any grant award;
  8. Note that the proposed activity will be subject to an Engagement Audit;
  9. Note that the proposed activity must meet the PCC’s Funding Provision Publicity criteria.
  10. Note that by signing the application form, that all individuals named on the agreement are party to all Terms and Conditions as defined;
  11. Applicants are required to provide electronic scanned or hard copies of all supplementary documentation, including agreement to be bound by the terms and conditions of the grant application from both the Treasurer and Delivery organisation referenced in this submission, prior to funding award;
  12. I / we recognise that funding available within the PPF fund is limited to £100,000 per round and that applications received will be considered by the OPCC in terms of perceived maximum ability to support delivery of the Safer Fairer United Communities Strategy and local Community Safety Plans;
  13. The final decision to award funding to any application is made by the PCC and such decision is final.

H. What’s the deadline for applications?

The timeline below provides full details of the deadlines for the PPF Fund. Two rounds of funding will be heldby the Commissioner, the first with a deadline of close on 14 April 2018, the second with a deadline of close of 14 September 2018.

Funds provided in Round 1 must be committed by 31 December 2018 and spent by 14 April 2019. Funds for Round 2 must be committed by 31 March 2019 and spent by 14 September 2019.

Funds for Round 1 will be provided on or thereafter 1 July 2018. Additionally, funds for Round 2 will be provided on or thereafter 1 December 2018. This should be taken into consideration for the timeliness of your project when completing and submitting your application.

  1. Privacy Policy and Information Sharing
  1. Information regarding this application may be shared with partners and other parties for the purpose of fraud prevention and with the aim of providing best service/support to the applying organisation;
  2. Information provided may be shared with the Staffordshire Community Foundation (SCF), Staffordshire Police and other grant awarding bodies in order to aid applicants in the preparation of other funding applications;
  3. Prior to agreeing the provision of funding I/we understand that Staffordshire Police will carry out personal conviction/ non conviction vetting for all parties named in this application. I/we give permission for any personal information obtained as a result of such vetting to be shared with the OPCC;
  4. I/we recognise that as a result of vetting, conditions may be applied to any funding awarded;
  5. I/we will ensure that all processing of personal data in relation to this funded activity will be carried-out in accordance with the Data Protection Act (1988) and the EU General Data Protection Regulation (2018) and associated national guidance and that I/we will have in place appropriate policies regarding data protection and data sharing.
  6. In line with the EU General Protection Regulation (2018), I/we understand that all data submitted to the OPCC in relation to this application will be retained by the OPCC for a period not exceeding two years (exampled by a funding submission made in March 2018 will be held up until the closure of funding round on 14 April 2020) for unsuccessful applications and for a period not exceeding seven years for successful applications.

Timeline Summary – Funding Round One

Timeline Summary – Funding Round Two
