Illinois Board of Higher Education
December 12, 2012
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General Information for the Classroom Extension Application
- Read the Private Business and Vocational Schools Act of 2012 (Public Act 97-650) and the Rules (23 Ill. Adm. Code 1095) used to administer the Act. The Act can be viewed as a PDF document at the following link: The statute (105 ILCS 426) is on the General Assembly website at the following link: The rules are available as a PDF document at the following link:
- The approvedClassroom Extension application only provides institutions with the authorization to operate at the extension site listed in this application. Subsequently, the Classroom Extension application for each proposed extension site must be submitted to the Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE). A school must have approval prior to operating at any location. There shall be no instruction conducted at any extension site without the Board’s written approval of the proposed site.
- The Schedule of Fees can be located in the Rules in Section 1095.120, School Application and Renewal Fees. Fees are assessed based on total institution size. Applications submitted with insufficient or incorrect fees shall be considered incomplete. Fees are non-refundable except in the instance the Board determines the institution’s request does not require Board approval. Fees shall be submitted via check, certified check, cashier’s check, or money order payable to the Illinois Board of Higher Education.
Schedule of Fees
Institution Size
<100 Students / 100-399 Students / 400-699 Students / >700 Students
Classroom Extension / 350 / 650 / 1250 / 1750
Penalty Fee for opening an extension campus without IBHE approval / 500 / 750 / 1000 / 1250
**NOTE: All penalty and late fees are IN ADDITION to the fees required for each application.
- The application can be emailed in Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, or Adobe PDF formats only to or mailed to the IBHE office. The application will not be considered complete until the original signed cover sheet and payment has been received at the IBHE office. The application materials and payment can be mailed to:
Illinois Board of Higher Education
Division of Private Business and Vocational Schools
1 N. Old State Capitol Plaza, Suite 333
Springfield, IL 62701-1377
- Applications will be reviewed in the order they are received. The application will be assigned an analyst who will in turn review the application and correspond with the contact person listed on the cover sheet until final determination has been made on the status of the application. Questions regarding the application or review process can be directed to the following email address: .
- A site visit will be scheduled as deemed necessary by the analyst before final determination has been made on the status of the application.
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Classroom Extension Application Checklist
- Completed and notarized Cover Page
- Completed application
- Appropriate fee with the Illinois Board of Higher Education as the payee
- Site supervision policies and procedures
- Planning and Budgeting Informationtable
- Financial statements
- Facilities table
- Documents related to facility compliance with ordinances and laws
- Labeled pictures of the facility and equipment
- Blueprints or floor plan of the facility
- Copy of lease agreement or documentation of ownership of facility
- Projected Library Acquisitions and Budget table
- Letters of Agreement for library services, if applicable
- Programs of Study and course offerings list
- Projected Annual Enrollment and Certificate/Diploma Awards in Each Program table
- Enrollment agreement
- Cancellation and refund policy
- Academic calendar
- Academic catalog
- Projected Schedule of Course Offerings table
- Employed faculty list
- Instructors and staff minimum requirements and evidence of qualifications
- Promotional, advertising, and recruiting materials
- Records retention policies and procedures
- Sample student transcript
- Student complaint policy
- Surety bond and documentation or calculations related to surety bond amount
- Certificate of Liability Insurance
- Extension Site Administration
- Provide the contact information for the Site Administrator(s) for the proposed extension site. Include the name(s), business address, city, state, ZIP, phone number, fax number, and E-mail address.
ENTER RESPONSE HERE. Provide complete responses. Do not just reference websites.
- Describe the procedures for ensuring supervision and control of activities during the hours that instruction is being given and students are present at this extension site. Please Note:If an administrator appointed under this Part is not at the site when students are present and instruction is being given, the policies and procedures shall provide for an administrator to be immediately on call to answer student and faculty questions and give direction for any contingencies that may occur. The school shall furnish students and faculty with the name, address and telephone number of the extension administrator.
ENTER RESPONSE HERE. Provide complete responses. Do not just reference websites.
- Institutional Finances
- Complete the Planning and Budgeting Information table.
ENTER RESPONSE HERE. Provide complete responses. Do not just reference websites.
- Provide a narrative description demonstrating the institution’s ability to support the proposed extension site. Include the following:
2)Rationale and projections made in determining revenues from other sources, including governmental grants and contracts, private gifts and grants, endowment/investment income, sales and services, and other sources of revenue,
3)Rationale and projections (e.g. student need analyses, enrollment projections) made in determining student financial aid available to student enrolled at the proposed institution if applicable, and
4)Rationale and projections made in determining the proposed extension site’s expenditures for instructorsalaries, administrative compensation, student services, equipment and instructional materials, library, contractual services, operation and maintenance of plant, and other expenditures.
ENTER RESPONSE HERE. Provide complete responses. Do not just reference websites.
- Attach financial statements from the most recent fiscal year as well as other documentation to demonstrate adequate resources available to support implementation of the proposed extension site plan, and to show adequate resources will be available to meet the proposed extension site’s future fiscal obligations.
ENTER RESPONSE HERE. Provide complete responses. Do not just reference websites.
- Facilities and Equipment
- Describe the facilities to be used for providing instruction at this extension site. Include the following:
2)Current documentation showing the facility to be used is in compliance with all appropriate local, state, and federal ordinances or laws for use as an educational facility, including the Americans with Disabilities Act (e.g. fire marshal reports, occupancy certificates, public health certificates),
3)Assurance that the proposed institution will be maintained and operated in compliance with all local, state, and federal ordinances or laws,
4)Labeled pictures of facilities, including interior and exterior of new location - electronic format is acceptable,
5)Blueprints and/or floor plan of the facility showing space is adequate to deliver program(s) and/or courses, and
6)Copy of a lease agreement or proof of ownership of the facility.
ENTER RESPONSE HERE. Provide complete responses. Do not just reference websites.
- Describe the technology and equipment to be used when providing instruction for each program of study and/or courses offered at this extension site. Include the following:
2)Identify computers, software, instructional materials, and all other equipment necessary for each program(s) of study and/or course offerings at this location.
3)Describe plans for acquiring additional equipment and instructional materials.
ENTER RESPONSE HERE. Provide complete responses. Do not just reference websites.
- Describe the library resources needed to support the institution and the objectives of its planned program of study or course offerings. Describe current library holdings and the plan for acquiring additional resources.
2)Provide letters of agreement describing access to any libraries not owned by the proposed institution that will be used to support the programs of study and course offerings.
3)Describe any bibliographic search systems that will be used and how these systems will be accessed.
4)Describe the process and timeframes involved to access any library materials that are not available at the proposed site.
ENTER RESPONSE HERE. Provide complete responses. Do not just reference websites.
- Academic Programs, Courses, and Curriculum
- Provide a complete list of all programs of study and/or courses to be offered at this extension site. (As a reminder, only those programs or courses that have been approved by the IBHE can be offered at the extension site. If you intend to offer a program or course not currently approved, submit a New Program of Study application in addition to this Classroom Extension application.) Include the following information for each program and/or course:
2)Projected enrollment for the first 5 years (Complete the Projected Annual Enrollment and Certificate/Diploma Awards in Each Program table), and
3)Description of the credential each student receives upon satisfactory completion of each program of study or course offering, and whether or not there is an industry license or certification exam that must be completed.
ENTER RESPONSE HERE. Provide complete responses. Do not just reference websites.
- Describe the requirements for admission into the proposed extension site (e.g. test scores, certificate, diploma).
2)Provide the proposed site’s cancellation and refund policy, and explain any differences regarding these policies, if any, between the proposed extension site and the main campus.
3)Provide an academic calendar which specifies the length of a term and the number of terms per year.
4)Provide a copy of the new or revised academic catalog or a copy of the supplement to the main institution catalog which gives information about the extension site.
ENTER RESPONSE HERE. Provide complete responses. Do not just reference websites.
- Detail the proposed extension site’s capacity to develop, deliver, and support each of its proposed programs of study and/or course offerings.
2)Describe policies and procedures relating to the effective design, evaluation, and assessment of the programs of study or course offerings.
3)Describe instructor involvement in curricula and program development.
4)Provide a list of all faculty, teaching status (full time or adjunct), and the program/courses they will be assigned to teach.
- Indicate whether or not instructors for each program of study or course offering must be licensed or certified in order to teach.
ENTER RESPONSE HERE. Provide complete responses. Do not just reference websites.
- Instructors and Staff
- Provide the proposed site’s hiring criteria and guidelines for each position, including the minimum qualifications for each position. Explain any differences, if any, in hiring practices between the proposed extension site and the main campus.
ENTER RESPONSE HERE. Provide complete responses. Do not just reference websites.
- Describe the policies and procedures governing the ongoing evaluation of instructors and staff at this extension site.
ENTER RESPONSE HERE. Provide complete responses. Do not just reference websites.
- Identify all instructors who will be teaching and advising at the proposed extension site.
ENTER RESPONSE HERE. Provide complete responses. Do not just reference websites.
- Provide evidence or verification of qualifications for all directors, administrators, supervisors, and instructors associated with all programs of study and/or course offerings at this extension site. Evidence may consist of resumes, curriculum vitas, credentials, etc., but must demonstrate that all minimum qualifications, such as education and experience, have been met for each position.
ENTER RESPONSE HERE. Provide complete responses. Do not just reference websites.
- Recruiting Practices
- Describe the proposed extension site’s recruiting practices. Explain any differences, if any, in recruiting practices between the proposed extension site and the main campus.
ENTER RESPONSE HERE. Provide complete responses. Do not just reference websites.
- Will the proposed extension site hire individuals dedicated to recruitment? If so, describe the qualifications necessary for this position, the training provided to recruiters, and the compensation earned by recruiters.
ENTER RESPONSE HERE. Provide complete responses. Do not just reference websites.
- Records Retention
- Describe plans for maintenance and security of student records and student access to records at this extension site. Be sure to address documentation of attendance, academic progress, grades, financial history, and transcripts. Minimum standards regarding records retention must meet those commonly used in higher education such as those recommended by the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO).
ENTER RESPONSE HERE. Provide complete responses. Do not just reference websites.
- Provide a sample student transcript.
ENTER RESPONSE HERE. Provide complete responses. Do not just reference websites.
- Student Complaints
- Provide the proposed extension site’s policy for addressing student complaints. Explain any differences, if any, in processes between the proposed extension site and the main campus.
ENTER RESPONSE HERE. Provide complete responses. Do not just reference websites.
- Surety Bond
- Provide evidence of updating the institution’s surety bond to include the proposed extension site by submitting a new fully executed, continuous surety bond and/or rider (reflecting the address of the proposed extension site) from a company authorized to do business in Illinois. The bond must be a sufficient amount to cover the cumulative unearned prepaid tuition for students enrolled at any one time in the event of closure of the institution and all other approved institution sites (including the proposed extension site). The amount shall be no less than $10,000 and must be adjusted as enrollments increase. The Illinois Board of Higher Education Surety Bond Form and FAQ’s regarding surety bonds can be located at the following link:
ENTER RESPONSE HERE. Provide complete responses. Do not just reference websites.
- Submit computations that demonstraterationale or determination of required amount of surety bond(s) and/or rider(s), both for the proposed extension site and for the institution as a whole; calculations should include the proposed extension site’s projection of the greatest amount of unearned prepaid tuitionand therefore be used in determining the surety bond amount. Explain the process that will be used to ensure the bond will be adjusted in the future as enrollments increase.
ENTER RESPONSE HERE. Provide complete responses. Do not just reference websites.
- Liability Insurance
- Provide evidence of updating the institution’s liability insurance to include the proposed extension site by submitting a new certificate of insurance and/or rider (reflecting the address of the proposed extension site) from a company authorized to do business in Illinois. The certificate and/or rider must show compliance with the minimum amounts of liability insurance required to cover the institution and the proposed extension site.
2)The insurance policy shall include coverage for off-campus learning experiences, internships/externships, cooperative education, and experiential learning activities unless the school furnishes the Board a certificate of insurance evidencing such coverage is being provided by the employer or other person responsible for the off-campus learning experience.
ENTER RESPONSE HERE. Provide complete responses. Do not just reference websites.
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