- For applicants who do not have an account in LAPA (never before received assistance) please have them do the following:
- New Applicant Form—the applicant will need to complete this form. They will need their DUNS (see below) and their Employer Identification Number (may be called EIN, FEIN, or tax ID, usually 72-xxxxxxx). They will also need to confirm their PNP status by completing the PNP check box with yes or no.
- Designation of Applicants Agent (DOAA)—This is the form the applicant fills out that includes whom they want to have “signature” authority for their account
- LAPA Applicant Access form—one of these needs to be completed for each person for whom the applicant wants to have access to their account on LAPA. This form will require the signature of the user and an authorized agent. Only one signature is required if they are the same person.
- If they are a current applicant (have an account in LAPA) and they are locked out, please have them email to get unlocked. The LAPA administrators will respond promptly with instructions on how to unlock the account. These instructions are only valid for 24 hours or the applicant will be locked out again.
- If they are a current applicant(have an account in LAPA) and need to add a new contact (new person responsible for this disaster) have them fill out the LAPA Access Request form (See1.c above) and email it to . The LAPA administrators will respond promptly with instructions for this new user on how to logon to LAPA. These instructions are only valid for 24 hours or the new user will become locked out.
- If they are a current applicant but none of the current LAPA contacts are around (new administration), have them complete a new Designation of Applicants Agent form (DOAA, see 1.b above) and new Access forms (see 1.c above) and email them to . The LAPA administrators will respond promptly with instructions for this new user on how to logon to LAPA. These instructions are only valid for 24 hours or the new user will become locked out. They may also want to fill out the access forms to remove the previous administration. They would use the same access forms and check the “Remove Access” box.
- For Private Non-Profit (PNP) entities, they will need to follow all of the above but they will also need to providethe following additional documentation:
- Charter/By-laws—the applicant will need to provide whatever documents they use to govern themselves.
- PNP Questionnaire—this is filled out as part of the RPA process on LAPA. It asks a few more questions that help determine the eligibility of the PNP
- Tax-exempt status—the applicant will need to provide either:
- Documentation from the IRS confirming their tax-exempt status. This is usually in the form of their 501c determination letter but any documentation from the IRS will work or;
- Proof from the State (SOS website) that they were an active in good standing at the time of the disaster non-profit operating within the State of Louisiana
- Applicants will need a DUNS to apply. This DUNS also needs to be registered with sam.gov. Below is the link to register:
- If the applicant doesn’t have a DUNS or is unaware of their DUNS number, tell them to email and we will direct them on how to go about obtaining one.