Food Guide and Food Labelling Computer Lab Assignment


Part A

  1. Click here to go to the Health Canada website.
  1. Click on the Food Guide (pdf) in colour and examine Canada’s Food Guide.
  1. Answer the following questions.
  • Type the name of the food group in the “Food Group Column.” Read the suggestions at the bottom of the first page. What do they recommend you choose for each group?

Food Group / Recommendation
  • Which is the smallest food group? ______
  • Why are the milk servings different? ______
  • How much juice is considered one serving? ______
  • Which group do eggs fall in?______
  • Why would this be? ______

Part B

  1. Now click on this website, which is RAINBOW MART, Virtual Grocery Store:
  1. Read the introduction and then click on HOW TO PLAY.
  1. Then choose PLAY NOW at the bottom of the screen, and then begin. Select a menu. You should be able to do all three and answer the questions on the handout, which come from the Nutrition Tips that pop up while you play the game. Have fun!

Nutrition Tips: (from Rainbow Mart Virtual Grocery Store)


How many servings of mild/dairy products are recommended per day?______

Where is jam on Canada’s Food Guide?______

Why is fibre important?______

How many grams of dietary fibre should we aim for daily?______

How many servings of grain products should we have, according to Canada’s Food guide? ______

What labels on packaged goods tell you how food choices affect your health?______

How many tablespoons of peanut butter are equal to one meat serving?______


Where does a ‘pita” belong in Canada’s Food guide? ______

What do chick peas provide? ______

What does 1 cup of chick peas equal? ______

What does iron do? ______

Where does mayonnaise belong in Canada’s Food Guide?______

What is good about yogurt? ______


How many servings of Meat and Alternatives do we need each day? ______

What can we used to compare the recommended portion size? ______

When eating foods that contain fat, look for those that have a lower ______and ______fat content.

Avoid margarine that contains the word ______in it.

What does % DV mean? ______

What colour vegetables should we choose if possible? ______and ______

Why? ______

Click on the Health Canada website:

Meal Planning Checklist:

/ Eat at least one ______and one ______vegetable each day.
/ Choose vegetables and fruit with little or no added______, ______, or ______.
/ Have vegetables and fruit more often than______.
/ Make at least half of your grain products ______each day.
/ Choose grain products that are lower in fat, sugar or salt.
/ Drink skim, 1% or 2% milk______. Drink fortified soy beverage if you do not drink milk.
/ Select lower fat milk alternatives.
/ Have meat alternatives such as ______, ______, and ______often.
/ Choose at least ______Food Guide Servings of fish each week.
/ Select lean meat and alternatives prepared with little or no added ______or salt.
/ Include a small amount of ______fat each day.
/ Satisfy your thirst with ______.
/ Limit foods and beverages high in______, fat, sugar or salt.