FOM Board Meeting Notes
Tuesday, June 14th
Attendees: Katie, Erika, Mandy, Pam, Michelle, Ursula, Julie, Nisha, Margot, Suzanne, Meera, Stacey K., Katherine, Mark, Ned, Chris, Denny, Jen, Millie, Stephanie, Erin, Roona, Lisa
Financial Update Chris Ball
- Walkathon $57k net collected
- Benefit - $126K income, $98K net
- Sponsors - $18K cash donations net
- New system cuts cc fees from 8% to 3.4%
- Katie’s request for pledge email has brought in $4k in this week
- All Fundraisers – $505K net to give to school towards 2016-2017 budget, just shy of goal of $531k
- Elections Pam Lookatch/Chris Ball
- 2016-2017 Election of new Board Members approved, boards is as follows:
- Pam Lookatch – President
- Stephanie Linebaugh – Treasurer
- Margot Kleinman – Asst Treasurer
- Michelle Augustyn – Secretary
- Roona Nath Shah – Communications VP
- Erika Vogel – Fundraising VP
- Julie Zwick – Community VP
Walkathon Stacey Hara/Nisha Hazra
- Feedback:
- Stacey Hara and Nisha Hazra to chair WAT in 2017
- Pep Rally – Julie to arrange Jessie White Tumblers again
- Day Of
- Suggested staggered start times to limit the number of kids running and injuries
- Course supervisors to have a dedicated spot to stand at, marked off with an x
- A few parents have requested it’s not Memorial Day weekend, Katie is currently working on 2017 school calendar, date TBD
- Do we really need tally’s?
- On-Site Sponsors
- Encourage parents to visit the sponsors on site
- Because of safety and space reasons, keep sponsor tables on field
- Fundraising strategy
- Play up the one school coming together idea
- Have a teacher on WAT committee
- Raised ~$52K, vs last year $37K
- Perhaps putting a lock box in the front office for cash and check donations
- Create a form for people who want to write checks vs donating online via cc
- Overall the pledges were up and we need to tweak a few things in the future, like starting the pledge driver earlier. This year we had a 2 week lead time before the WAT.
- For hitting the 50% fundraising goal mark, the Student Council gets $1400 to spend on school improvements
- Walkathon After Party Feedback:
- Overall feeling on event was that those who attended really liked the move to Lakeshore. It was agreed that Lakeshore did an amazing job with the event
- Perhaps auction off after party wristbands at the Benefit?
- Create a wait list from the start
- Should wristband distribution be based on volunteerism – still in discussion
- If Lakeshore is willing, we would like to have the event there again
Mayer Supporter Update Pam Lookatch
- Mayer Directory going out electronically to parents next week before school is out – contains all contact information for sponsors from Benefit & Walkathon.
- Will work over summer to streamline program based on what we learned this year.
- Sponsor Breakdown:
- $2500 – 9 sponsors (2 cash & 7 in-kind including LSF, Aura who created website, South Water Signs who donated all banners throughout year)
- $1000 – 22 sponsors (8 cash, 4 cash + in-kind, 4 cash + in-kind = $1000 and 6 in-kind only)
- $500 – 26 sponsors (6 cash, 3 cash + in-kind, 1 cash + in-kind = $500 and 16 in-kind only)
- $250 – 44 sponsors (6 cash, 38 in-kind only)
Community Update
- Beyond the Classroom Erin Kerewich
- Feedback needed to plan next year’s events:
- Revisit some of the current events to make more inclusive, ie change the wording for Father-Daughter dance so that it includes grandpa’s, uncles, friends, etc.
- More all-inclusive family events
- Meera Jorgensen presented a committee separate from FOM but to work with Beyond the Classroom to plan several all school mixers that are not gender specific
- Meera wants to have staggered events for EC/EL1/EL2, MYP
- She wants 3 events, one fall, one winter, one spring
- First one to coincide with the beginning of the school year
- Ideas suggested include open mike night, karaoke , theme based events
- Bulldog Heroes Erika Vogel
- Erika proposed partnering with the Montessori school of Englewood and customizing our book drive perhaps for that school vs doing a generic book drive for Bernie’s Book Drive
- Ways to add more hands-on volunteer projects, drives, etc.
- Volunteers Jen Jones
- We need an incentive to get people to volunteer at events
- Suggested that we publish the school calendar with volunteer events at the beginning of the year. This can be sent home in backpacks
- Make families accountable to volunteer at a specific amount of events per year
- Tie WAT after party wristband sales to some sort of preferred list for those who have volunteered the most get first oppty to purchase the bands
- Should we track volunteers thru volunteer spot? This would include FOM exclusive events and not in school volunteer
Miscellaneous Items for Summer Pam Lookatch
- FOM website almost totally completed – up & running; need to tweak and add some items. Mainly need to add sponsor logos to scrolling slider on home page.
- Neon CRM & Website Training:
- Will hold over the summer to be up & running once school starts
- As soon as we get some date/time options, I will send around an email to find a date that works with a majority of Board members
- Summer Meetings:
- July/August Board meeting – when needed to allocate a certain amount of money to Katie & LSC to use to supplement budget given to us by CPS.
- Community Team calendaring meeting – Julie will schedule
- Sponsorship Strategy meeting – Ryan will schedule
- PLEDGE Drive Strategy meeting – Erika will schedule
- Benefit site visits to choose venue – Stacey will plan
- Treasurer transition – Chris/Nisha/Stephanie/Margot/Pam
- Communication transition – Robin/Roona/Maureen/Pam
- Secretary transition – Nicole/Michelle to schedule
8:00 p.m. Adjourn Pam Lookatch