Small Group Guide


The Church at Brook Hills Matt Mason May 1, 2016 Acts 8:26-40


Message Outline

To download the outline for this week’s sermon, visit

Message Summary

Today’s passage follows the events of Philip’s encounter with the Ethiopian eunuch. As a eunuch, the Hebrew Law forbid him from entering the Temple, but as a God-fearer, he wanted to worship and follow the Lord. Philip readily obeyed the Spirit’s instructions to journey to Gaza, where he encountered the eunuch reading Isaiah. The Ethiopian man’s heart was eager to learn, and Philip used his knowledge of the Word to show the man how Christ’s sacrifice brought salvation to all and how, unlike the Temple, the gospel was not closed off to him. Philip’s obedience allowed him to be part of God’s work in this eunuch’s life that resulted in the man’s redeemed and joyful heart.


Pastor Matt mentioned that “the mission of God isn’t one size fits all,” meaning that God’s calling on the lives of His children do not all look the same and can change from one assignment to the next. Point out that this truth is obvious from Scripture and from what we know about how the Creator makes people differently. Spend a couple of minutes asking each person in the group about what gifts or abilities they have. These abilities can be manifested in hobbies, vocations, prominent characteristics, etc. Emphasize that each of those areas is a pathway to building relationships with others that makes them unique. Ask the group: “How have you considered your gifts and abilities as a God-given resource that you are to steward well? What does it mean to steward your live for God’s mission?”

Note that it is our responsibility to obey, and part of that obedience is being faithful in everyday discipleship and preparation. For example, a student called to be a doctor is not in school just for the degree; they are there to faithfully study and prepare for what the degree represents. Explain that Philip had knowledge of God’s Word because he was in a daily relationship with the Lord and studied Scripture. If we are to be ready for God’s assignment for us, then we must be faithful in the daily preparation where He has called us today.

Point out that, although we have the responsibility to obey and to prepare, this mission is God’s work. Invite members to discuss how God is the sovereign Designer of everything that happened in the story with Philip and the eunuch, from Philips travel to the eunuch’s location and reading. We are responsible to steward our gifts, faithfully pursue God, and obey Him fully, but God is the One who gifts, leads, convicts, opens doors, changes hearts, and saves. It is His work, but if we do not obey, we miss the opportunity to be part of His mission. Use your imagination to think of two ways that you could be part of God’s mission, considering how He has been preparing you.


Group Discussion & Application

Use the following questions to examine what the sermon and its text mean, to apply the Word to your life, and to guide how you pray.

  1. The eunuch traveled over 1,000 miles (one way) to worship near the Temple in Jerusalem. However, as a eunuch (his male anatomy had been compromised) he was unable to enter the Temple, according to Deuteronomy 23:1. How would this law set up a wall between him and worship? How did it practically label him as an outcast to the Jewish people?
  2. God, through the Spirit, led Philip to speak to this eunuch about the gospel. What does this indicate about God’s desire for the nations and His value for the outcast?
  3. In what ways does your life, attitude, or mindset declare some people to be unreachable for Christ? What sin(s) does this attitude reflect?
  4. How much information did Philip receive about his assignment in verse 26? What did his response in verse 27 indicate about his belief in God’s character? What did it reveal about Philip’s understanding of himself in view of his relationship with the Lord?
  5. What were the words used to describe the way in which Philip obeyed? His immediate obedience was one that indicated a readiness to obey and surrender his life and plans. Would these same words describe the way that we obey God, especially when it is a difficult decision? What does our hesitancy reveal? What needs to occur in our lives for us to be ready and obedient to the Lord without hesitation?
  6. Philip was prepared to answer the man’s questions thoroughly and responsibly through Scripture. He had also been active in spreading the gospel in Samaria prior to this event. What does this tell us about the way Philip had been unknowingly preparing for this encounter? How did his daily relationship with God enable him to be ready for this encounter?
  7. How can we prepare in the times when we are “waiting” for a special direction from God? How can we be faithful in what appears to be everyday mundane activities? How are our everyday mundane activities actually special direction from God when we are being obedient to Him?
  8. Philip’s preparation and knowledge of Scripture allowed him to present the gospel when the opportunity arose. How does this stewardship of time also apply to abilities and gifts that God has given us?
  9. With growing globalization and international growth of jobs, how can vocational callings lead to opportunities for missional participation—beyond traditional missionary work?
  10. Philip was responsible to God to obey, but he was only a participant in God’s missional work. Describe how God’s providence is overly evident in every event in this story. What does that reveal about our role in God’s plan? What does it reveal about the special way He has orchestrated our times of preparation and the encounters we have?
  11. How does the understanding of God’s mission as God’s work impact our understanding of the purpose of our lives and role in His work?
  12. How does God’s sovereignty give us freedom but also drive us to be active in His mission every day as we go about life?
  13. God invites us to be part of His mission. How do we often miss it? What about our mindset, attitude, or schedule needs to change so we faithfully join God in His work? What next step can you take this week?

Resources for Small Group Leaders

Weekly Prayer Focus

  • Pray for Our Lives:
  • Praise God for His active work in us and in the world!
  • Pray for obedience to follow God’s leading and for the Spirit to clearly guide us in where to go and with whom to meet.
  • Ask God for empowerment to share His Word with boldness and clarity.
  • Praise God for the joy in walking with Him and ask him to receive glory through His work in and through us.
  • Pray for Our City:
  • Pray for Oak Tree Ministries as they minister to the people of Marks Village Public Housing Community.
  • Pray for Double Oak Community Church and Pastor Adam Robinson.
  • Pray for Our World:
  • Pray for Brook Hills as we lead the mobilization of believers to the strategic city of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  • Pray that professionals, students, and retirees respond to God’s calling to impact the Kingdom of God there.

“Following the Spirit on Mission,” May 1, 2016 | Page 1