
Satisfaction Notes

  • Mandatory on every job
  • Must be signed by the policyholder or the customer’s representative if the allocation is a Commercial call out on completion of work.
  • Must use the satisfaction note provided by the system
  • Scanned copies only (photos are not acceptable) Pictures will be rejected.
  • Time sheet grid must be completed on all Commercial jobs
  • Use black pen – this shows up clearer when it is scanned
  • Sat note must be scanned the correct way up and be big enough to read.
  • Time sheet grid must be completed on all Commercial jobs initialled by the person on site not the technician
  • SGP Sat notes need to be stamped by then store (where applicable)
  • For Wisdom jobs please still obtain a sat note when ever possible, if you are unable to obtain one then please scan on a copy of the Wisdom print out supplied by the Pub.


Drying & hourly charges:

  • Correct room rate/ daily rates or SQM used
  • Charge with exact dimensions not rounded up
  • Does EOW information agree with charges
  • Hourly rates in multiples of 15mins (0.25 hours)
  • Description of work undertaken for hourly charges
  • If the pricing structure has the room rate pricing then this is to be used unless specifically advised not too
  • When ever possible use the Hippo Bag lines with in the Matrix – for further information please liaise with your RBDM
  • If the Hippo Bag lines are not available in a specific matrix then please use the disposal lines and scan on the receipts as you would for subcontract costs.

Matrix Charges:

  • When ever possible to use the pre-determined lines.
  • Ensure that a whole number is used on PM/”each” lines.
  • That the most applicable line is used when one is not available (contaminated water to be also used for bodily fluids or contaminated with needles etc)
  • Do not use a line just because the line you are looking for is not in the matrix. This will only mean the job will be rejected until the correct line is used
  • When ever possible to use the Hippo Bag lines with in the Matrix – for further information please liaise with your Area Manager


  • Receipt clear and legible – including VAT number
  • Scanned copies only (photos are not acceptable)
  • Correct mark up applied
  • The correct receipt is used, not just a similar one from a previous month to show costs.
  • For subcontract costs the Net Value is to be used for calculating the mark up and if the invoice is not vat registered then that figure is to be used as the Net figure – no VAT to be added for calculations. If there is a receipt with out the break down but there is a VAT numberthen the VAT needs to be deducted before the mark up is applied. i.e. B&Q receipts
  • For skip receipts, you must ensure that the charge against one invoice does not exceed the cost of the skip plus the mark up over the month.
  • If materials used from stock please add what the materials are including the cost on a letter headed piece of paper.

Self Storage

  • For storage please scan on a letter head with details of what was stored within your own premises.
  • Please ensure the cost is on the letter head.

Scanned Documents

  • Scanned documents are to be used as supporting documents not to be used in place of adding the information to the report; this includes lists of BER items etc. Scanned documents is to be used for receipts to support charges for invoicing, authority increase notifications, letters from policyholder etc
  • For skip receipts, you must ensure that the charge against one invoice does not exceed the cost of the skip plus the mark up over the month


  • Verify the claim – is the damage consistent with the claim
  • Work being completed needs to be added, this should include all additional visits.
  • Work completed, a conclusion needs to be added. This should detail all work that has been completed. This should support what you have charged for on the invoice.
  • Dates and reasons for abortive visits.
  • A description of work done if labour charges are used.
  • Details of work completed under the room rate
  • Breakdown of dimensions
  • Dimensions need to be exact and not rounded up
  • Explanation of work completed for the matrix lines
  • Details of anything invoiced as a subcontract.
  • Details about the drying process – to include how many monitor visits and if the kit had to be manoeuvred to improve drying efficiency etc
  • Details about stain removals and carpet cleans
  • No abbreviations (these may not be understood)
  • The use of N/A – a description is needed.
  • No irrelevant information is included, (this includes messages to ServiceMaster Direct, these must be detailed in the job history)
  • Quotes are not included – they are submitted as a separate document.
  • Facts only for the National Account

-No emotional wording

-No messages to SMD.

-No references to Parent/Child jobs

-No references to job numbers

-No reference to staff at SML

  • The floor sizes and rooms need to be clearly stated when ever work is being completed in a room – even for contents only as this helps to validate claims
  • A report is unique to each invoice – see last report is not acceptable
  • The report must verify what has been charged for; it must also include information about all charges on the invoice, irrespective of a quotation.
  • No restoration costs on the report – if restoration is possible then an quote must be submitted
  • Manufacturing reports; to ensure that the correct range information is used. (Next and Laura Ashley etc)
  • That the fault class is applicable/the best category used.
  • That the item status is up to date
  • If a room rate is used – on the report all rooms are to have there own item on SAMS, with the dimensions clearly stated and two pictures per room. A detailed description will then be added for each room stating what work was completed and what equipment was used.
  • Reports for child jobs must state what work was completed not refer to another document and not state as per instruction or as per quote etc.


  • That they are good quality, not blurred, too dark etc.
  • There are a good number of photographs for the job, SAMS only asks for the minimum requirement. This does not mean that is all that is needed for the report. At the very least a photograph of the damaged area/item and one of the whole item/area should be used per item on SAMS.
  • Pointers are to be used where possible to show the damage for all jobs, these are available from the warehouse.
  • Where ever the PDA does not take a good quality photograph a camera should be used, stating that the PDA does not take a good photograph is not a valid excuse as to why you have submitted a poor quality photograph onto the job.
  • The job will be rejected until sufficient photographs are used.
  • A minimum of two photos per job and when multiple items are used at least one per item, but ideally two or more.
  • The photos must always be the original photos of a high quality. Then they are to be reduced by the image re-sizing programme (Please liaise with IT) to be attached as a .jpeg file. Please do not take photos of photos.

Replacement costs

  • To ensure that a realistic cost is used and not a low value such a £0.01 or £1.00 is used just to finalise a job.
  • Replacement costs are to be estimated if unknown. When a figure such as 1p or £1 is entered this affects the Management Information sent to the National Account and reflects badly on the figures sent. If we are restoring an item which costs £500 yet the replacement value is £0.10 then this suggests that our restoration costs more than the replacement of the item
  • If the job does not request a charge, please do not add a low value cost.
  • That the correct company has been appointed where appropriate.

EOW information

  • That the meter readings are correct, that the end is higher than the start.
  • To ensure that the equipment used matches what has been charged. That all monitor visits have been entered on to SAMS.
  • The Escape of Water information to be filled in when ever equipment is used even for contents only claims. This is so the National Account can see the electricity usage etc
  • To ensure that all the readings for each monitor visit are recorded not just the start and end reading.
  • That the readings are as accurate as they can be so SML can analyse the data by compiling psychometric charts etc as and when needed.


  • Quotes are audited before being sent to the National Account in the same way that invoices and reports are.
  • It is imperative that the information is accurate and descriptive to aid getting the authority to complete the work required on a specific job.
  • The report is sent with the quote as this aids in explaining the costs quoted for.
  • Manufacturing quotes are forwarded by the system when the report fee is finalised, this applies to customers such as Next, Laura Ashley and John Lewis.
  • Please add clear photos of the damage for all quotes.

Special Instructions

  • To ensure that the special instructions are followed which are on SAMS.
  • VAX account, it is clearly stated in the special instructions a list of information which is needed for the report, failure to add this information may lead to having to re-visit the client at no further cost to the National Account.
  • If you are unable to meet all of the special instructions then this needs be clearly detailed in the report as to why, and a call into SMD asking for advice of what to do if unsure – just to ignore the request will not suffice.


  • Please ensure that the special instructions are followed on every job and that they are read and understood before work is undertaken. Failure to do so may mean re-attending the job FOC
  • When writing a report the SC should have the mind set that the report alone should contain all the information needed so that the reader knows what will be charged without having to refer to the invoice. No reference to values just enough description of work to know what work was done rather than stating as per quotation or all work completed as per instruction
  • The purpose of audit is to ensure that each job passed conforms to theNational Account’s contractual agreements and includes all of the necessary information and is priced in a fair and accurate manner.
  • All original documents relating to a job are to be kept on file for at least 6 months that is easily accessible if originals are required; this includes all scanned documents, the satisfaction note and photos.
  • Please ensure that you are familiar with all BDU’s and Memo’s sent out.


OL99 Issue C

OPM FM & SMC - October 2012

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