Following on from our comprehensive review of the current SIP (2014 - 2015), including analysing feedback from pupils, parent/governor questionnaires, challenge adviser visits etc. the following priorities have been identified as targets for our interim 2015-2016 SIP:
Key Question 1: How good are outcomes?Estyn Recommendation
Ø Further improve the use of data to raise the achievement of pupils who make very small steps of progress.
Priority targets
Ø Improve pupil outcomes in literacy (including communication), numeracy and digital competence through targeted interventions for individuals and groups of pupils.
Ø Improve pupil outcomes in communication and interaction through bespoke music therapy and aromatherapy sessions.
Ø Improve pupil outcomes (individual pupil level) by continuing to enhance the quality of personalised learning and challenging IDPs/IBPs.
Ø Improve pupil outcomes in PSE through the THRIVE approach.
Maintenance targets
Ø Embed the development and coordination of key skills (literacy [communication], numeracy and personal and social) across the school; make effective use of school resources to improve pupil outcomes.
Ø Further development of SEAL and SENSE (personal and social, sex and relationships packages) and embed across school (from KS2 and up).
Ø Further develop pupils’ communication skills through targeted use of specialist provision.
Key Question 2: How good is provision?
Estyn Recommendation
Ø Further improve the use of data to raise the achievement of pupils who make very small steps of progress.
Ø Ensure all teachers provide challenging work for more able pupils.
Priority targets
Ø Successfully achieve Stage 2 of Rights Respecting Schools Award. Embed pupil centred approaches in keeping with the ALN reforms.
Ø Work with tertiary pupils to develop a 6th form common room.
Ø Develop future hub and spoke provision in partnership with LA; to include a KS3 class.
Ø Develop KS2 buddies at Cwm Ifor Primary School.
Ø Embed video eye tracking evidence to record small steps of progress.
Ø Establish a manageable of video analysis to accurately track the achievements of pupils who make very small steps of progress.
Ø Work with health and social services to undertaken feasibility study around residential and respite provision.
Ø Review current planning and end of year reports and bring into alignment with LNF, digital competency, Donaldson outcomes and PIVATS.
Ø Develop enhanced moderation arrangements with the other 3 special schools in the EAS.
Ø Develop a range of ICT/video projects to enhance the digital competence and ICT skills of our more able and talented pupils.
Ø Review current DofE provision.
Maintenance targets
Ø Embed Assessment for Learning (AfL) and LNF across the school.
Ø Re-look at class led school assemblies and develop rota for end of day assembly.
Ø Enhance Welsh 2nd Language (W2L) skills for all staff.
Ø Upgrade ICT room, sensory lighting/resources in hydrotherapy pool, sensory classroom.
Ø Enhance playground resources: KS2, courtyard and memorial gardens.
Ø Healthy schools: achieve National Quality Award.
Ø Re-look at teacher resources on “O” drive.
Key Question 3: How good are leadership and management?
Estyn Recommendation
Ø Complete the review of the staffing structure to ensure greater stability.
Ø Continue to ensure that all plans are monitored consistently in order to secure improvement.
Priority targets
Ø Further develop distributed leadership across all staff.
Ø Review the leadership structure in light of the additional work involved with hub and spoke developments.
Ø Buildings: work with LA to consider provision of “sunken” trampoline, staff room, equipment storage and new teachers’ resource area, re-surfacing of the secondary playground, CCTV cameras in public areas etc.
Ø Staff training and development in: water safety, safeguarding, rebound therapy, THRIVE, excellence in the classroom etc.
Ø Develop a PTA group.
Ø Audit current resources for literacy, numeracy and digital competence and purchase additional resources as identified in the audits.
Maintenance targets
Ø Recruit to vacancies on the GB to secure enhanced GB involvement in the life of the school.
Ø Enhance the role of CASS within the school.
Ø Enhance staff well-being through effective support, training and mentoring.
Ø Consult with staff re: allocation of capitation (balance between class, departments and subjects).
School improvement priorities: 2015 – 2018 overview
Interim SIP: 2015 - 2016 / 2016 - 2017 / 2017 - 2018
KQ1: Standards
Ø Further improve the use of data to raise the achievement of pupils who make very small steps of progress.
Ø Improve pupil outcomes in literacy (including communication), numeracy and digital competency through targeted interventions for individuals and groups of pupils.
Ø Improve pupil outcomes in communication and interaction through bespoke music therapy and aromatherapy sessions.
Ø Improve pupil outcomes (individual pupil level) by continuing to enhance the quality of personalised learning and challenging IDPs/IBPs.
Ø Improve pupil outcomes in personal and social development (PSD) through THRIVE.
KQ2: Provision
Ø Further improve the use of data to raise the achievement of pupils who make very small steps of progress.
Ø Ensure all teachers provide challenging work for more able pupils.
Ø Successfully achieve Stage 2 of Rights Respecting Schools Award. Embed pupil centred approaches in keeping with the ALN reforms.
Ø Work with tertiary pupils to develop a 6th form common room.
Ø Develop future hub and spoke provision in partnership with LA; to include a KS3 class.
Ø Develop KS2 buddies at Cwm Ifor Primary School.
Ø Embed video eye tracking evidence to record small steps of progress.
Ø Establish a manageable of video analysis to accurately track the achievements of pupils who make very small steps of progress.
Ø Work with health and social services to undertaken feasibility study around residential and respite provision.
Ø Review current planning and end of year reports and bring into alignment with LNF, digital competency, Donaldson outcomes and PIVATS.
Ø Develop enhanced moderation arrangements with the other 3 special schools in the EAS.
Ø Develop a range of ICT/video projects to enhance the digital competence and ICT skills of our more able and talented pupils.
Ø Review current DofE provision.
KQ3: Leadership and management
Ø Complete the review of the staffing structure to ensure greater stability.
Ø Continue to ensure that all plans are monitored consistently in order to secure improvement.
Ø Further develop distributed leadership across all staff.
Ø Review the leadership structure and office space in light of the additional work involved with the development of the hub and spoke approach.
Ø Buildings: work with LA to develop a rebound therapy room, updated staff room, equipment storage, new teachers’ resource area, re-surfacing of the tertiary playground, CCTV cameras in public areas, additional small teaching rooms etc.
Ø Staff training and development in: water safety, safeguarding, rebound therapy, THRIVE, excellence in the classroom etc.
Ø Develop a PTA group.
Ø Further development of school website as part of partnership working.
Ø Audit current resources for literacy, numeracy and digital competence and purchase additional resources as identified in the audits. / KQ1: Standards
· Improving pupil outcomes in literacy, numeracy and digital competence.
· Continue to reduce the impact of poverty and disability on achievement through targeted interventions- aromatherapy, music therapy, ICT focussed projects etc.
KQ2: Provision
Ø Continue to develop staff pedagogy in line with pupils’ changing needs.
Ø Enhance resourcing so that they support the above at both individual and whole school level.
Ø Curriculum/Policy Review: taking account of “Successful Futures”, including extending the range of accredited courses.
Ø Training and support to parents/carers in a range of key areas: ASD, behaviour, communication etc.
Ø Assessment for Learning, extending Pupil Participation across all areas of our work. Embed pupil centred approaches in line with ALN reforms.
Ø On-going behaviour management training (Team Teach). “Train the Trainers” training. Provide Team Teach training across the County Borough.
Ø Introduce Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award.
KQ3: Leadership and management
Ø Develop SLT in light of hub and spoke developments.
Ø Further develop distributed leadership- succession planning.
Ø Audit communication systems to ensure effective communication with all partners.
Ø Staff training to develop effective strategies to develop pupils’ literacy, numeracy and digital competence skills.
Ø Extending effective PLC developments within and between schools in order to improve pupil outcomes.
Ø Buildings/grounds developments.
Ø Further develop school’s outreach role across the LA.
Ø Full whole school evaluation, including pupil participation (Summer 2016) to inform 2017/2018 SIP.
Ø Emerging targets as identified throughout 2015-2016. / KQ1: Standards
· Improving pupil outcomes in literacy, numeracy and digital competence across the school.
· Reducing the impact of poverty and disability on achievement.
KQ2: Provision
· Develop pedagogy in line with pupils’ changing needs pupils.
· Development of hub and spoke provision as part of the LA ALN review.
· Fully embed person centred planning across all areas of our work.
· Work with LA to develop provision in-county for pupils with the most significant and challenging needs.
KQ3: Leadership and management
· Ensure that resourcing supports individual and whole school developments.
· Targets for development and improvement will be based on the information gained from the whole school self-evaluation.
· Emerging targets for 2017/2018 will be noted at the end of each of the Key Question action plans.
· Consult with stakeholders re: SIP outline priorities for 2018 – 2021.