
Following cases with CPT, ICD-10-CM and/or ICD-9-CM codes:

13 Incision and drainage of deep penis abscess CPT Code: ______ICD-10-CM Code: ______(ICD-9-CM Code: ______)

14 Extensive destruction of penile herpetic vesicle lesions using cryosurgery

CPT Code: ______ICD-10-CM Code: ______(ICD-9-CM Code: ______)

15 Biopsy of kidney with percutaneous incision by trocar for a patient with a diagnosis of microalbuminuria

CPT Code: ______ICD-10-CM Code: ______(ICD-9-CM Code: ______)

16 Physician providing the technical and professional component of a cystography with contrast and four views for a patient with hematuria

CPT Codes: ______, ______

ICD-10-CM Code: ______(ICD-9-CM Code: ______)

17 A one-stage distal hypospadias repair with circumcision and a V-flap for meatal advancement

CPT Code: ______ICD-10-CM Code: ______(ICD-9-CM Code: ______)

18 Needle biopsy with ultrasound guidance of the prostate of an 87-year-old male with an elevated PSA. The pathology results of the biopsy are negative for malignancy.

CPT Codes: ______, ______

ICD-10-CM Code: ______

(ICD-9-CM Code: ______)

19 Dilation with urethral dilator of a urethral stricture of male due to syphilis

CPT Code: ______ICD-10-CM Code: ______

(ICD-9-CM Codes: ______, ______)

20 Injection procedure for Peyronie disease CPT Code: ______ICD-10-CM Code: ______(ICD-9-CM Code: ______

12 Sue Lind, age 29, has a Pap test. The pathology report comes back positive for malignancy. Her physician recommends and performs a diagnostic colposcopy. Evidence of further primary malignancy of the uterus is seen and the physician does a laparoscopically assisted vaginal hysterectomy 20 days later of a 236-gram uterus. Report only the hysterectomy and diagnosis code that indicates the medical necessity of the procedure.

CPT Code: ______ICD-10-CM Code: __51925 ______(ICD-9-CM Code: _____68.3______)

14 Oocyte retrieval for in vitro fertilization from a donor by means of a follicle puncture with radiologic assistance

CPT Code: ______ICD-10-CM Code: ______(ICD-9-CM Code: ______)

16 Colpopexy for displaced uterus using an abdominal approach

CPT Code: ___57280______ICD-10-CM Code: ______(ICD-9-CM Code: ______)

18 Fitting and supply of a diaphragm with instructions for use

CPT Code(s): ______

20 Using instrumentation, the cervical canal was dilated and examination was completed.

CPT Code: ______

22. Colpocentesis

CPT Code: ___


Code the following cases using the CPT manual:

11 Total thyroidectomy CPT Code:

12 Surgical laparoscopy with partial adrenalectomy using a transabdominal approach

CPT Code: ______

13 Parathyroidectomy with mediastinal exploration

CPT Code: ______

14 Stereotactic creation of a thalamus lesion with multiple staging

CPT Code: ______

15 Torkildsen type operation with CSF shunt insertion

CPT Code: ______

16 Implantation of a tunneled epidural catheter for long-term administration of medication

CPT Code: ______

17 Partial resection of a single segment of a vertebral (cervical) body using an anterior approach with decompression of the spinal cord and nerve roots

CPT Code: ______

18 Therapeutic injection of the greater occipital nerve with an anesthetic agent

CPT Code: ______

19 Complete transection of the facial nerve CPT Code: ______

20 Nerve graft of a single strand of nerve, 5 cm in length, to the foot, procedure included procurement of graft

Code the following cases using the CPT, ICD-10-CM and/or ICD-9-CM manuals:

11 Excision of corneal lesion of right eye CPT Code: ______

12 Iridectomy with corneal section for removal of lesion from left eye

CPT Code: ___66600-LT______

13 Left lamellar keratoplasty with replacement of a thin layer of the cornea with donor cornea

CPT Code(s): ______

14 Corneal biopsy of the right eye CPT Code(s): ______

15 Diagnostic paracentesis of aqueous in the anterior chamber of the left eye

CPT Code: ______

16 A one stage, right eye ECCE with insertion of intraocular lens prosthesis using a manual technique

CPT Code: ______

17 A one stage ICCE of the left eye with insertion of intraocular lens prosthesis

CPT Code: ______

18 Iridotomy for removal of a primary lesion by means of corneal section, right

CPT Code: ______

19 A male patient, age 69, with type 2 diabetes and progressive diabetic retinopathy resulting in retinal hemorrhage. The physician provides three sessions of photocoagulation to his right eye over the course of 2 weeks

CPT Code: ______

ICD-10-CM Codes: ______,


(ICD-9-CM Codes: ______, ______)

20 Repair of a detached right retina by means of an encircling procedure and including scleral dissection, implant, cryotherapy, and drainage of subretinal fluid

CPT Code: ______67107______ICD-10-CM Code: ______(ICD-9-CM Code: ______

Homework #13

19 A new patient is seen in the office for unilateral ear pain. In the expanded problem focused history and the physical examination, the physician focuses his attention on the head, ears, nose, and throat. The physician’s provisional diagnoses inc include otalgia andpossible ear infections. The decision making is straightforward for the physician.

CPT Code: ______99241______

The patient is sent to the clinic’s radiologist for an x-ray of the ear.

CPT Code: ______

The patient is then sent to the clinic’s ear specialist, who inserts a ventilation tube (tympanostomy) using local anesthesia.

CPT Code: ______ICD-10-CM Code: ______(ICD-9-CM Code: ______)

20 A new patient is seen in the office for a variety of complaints, but in particular a swelling and heaviness of his right leg. The physician documents the patient’s complaints, collects a comprehensive history of the present illness, performs a comprehensive review of systems, and inquires about the patient’s past, family, and social history. A complete multisystem physical examination is performed. The physician’s working diagnosis is edema of

the lower extremity, cause to be determined. Given the nature of the problem, the physician

considers the decision-making process to be highly complex.

CPT Code: ______ICD-10-CM Code: ______(ICD-9-CM Code: ______)

21A The patient is sent to radiology for a unilateral lymphangiography of one extremity due to swelling of the arm. The patient has a history of breast cancer.

CPT Code: ______

ICD-10-CM Codes: ______, ______(ICD-9-CM Codes: ______, ______)

21B Another physician performs the injection procedure for the lymphangiography.

CPT Code: ______

ICD-10-CM Codes: ______, ______(ICD-9-CM Codes: ______

6. The Hematology and Coagulation subsections contain codes based on the various testing methods and tests. The method used to do the test is often the code determiner. Blood cell counts can be manual or automated,

with many variations of the tests. What would the code be for an automated blood count (hemogram) with automated differential WBC count? A manual blood count (hemogram) with manual cell count?

Automated CPT Code: ______

ManualCPTCode:______3______Code the following three cases with the correct

pathology code from the CPT:

7 The specimen is tonsils and adenoids. The procedure is a tonsillectomy with adenoidectomy.

CPT Code(s): ______

8 The specimen is an appendix. The procedure is an incidental appendectomy.

CPT Code(s): ______

9 The specimen is a tooth. The procedure is an odontectomy, gross examination only.

CPT Code(s): ______

Code the following:

10 Western Blot of blood, with interpretation and report

CPT Code(s): ______

11 Vitamin K analysis of blood CPT Code(s): ______

12 Quantitative analysis of urine for alkaloids CPT Code(s): ______

13 Three specimens of gastric secretions for total gastric acid

CPT Code(s): ______

14 Blood analysis for HGH CPT Code(s): ______

15 Total insulin CPT Code(s): ______

16 LDL cholesterol using direct measurements CPT Code(s): ______

17 Blood count (leukocyte only): one manual cell count

CPT Code(s): ______

18 Blood smear interpretation CPT Code(s): ______

19 PTT of whole blood CPT Code(s): ______

20 Sedimentation rate, automated for fever and swelling in hand

CPT Code(s): ______

ICD-10-CM Code(s): ______ICD-9-CM Code(s): ______)

( 21 Lee and White coagulation time

CPT Code(s): ______

22 Clotting factor XII (Hageman factor) for excessive bleeding menopausal onset

CPT Code(s): ______

ICD-10-CM Code(s): ______(ICD-9-CM Code(s): ______)

23 Blood typing for paternity test, ABO, Rh, and MN

CPT Code(s): ______

24 Culture of urine for bacteria with colony count for pain on urination

25 Schlichter test for complaints of leg pain and fever CPT Code(s): ______

ICD-10-CM Code(s): ______ICD-9-CM Code(s): ______

CPT Code(s): ______

27 Therapeutic drug assay for digoxin and vancomycin, patient has chronic sinus bradycardia

CPT Code(s): ______


ICD-10-CM Code(s): ______ICD-9-CM Code(s): ______)

ICD-10-CM Code(s): ______ICD-9-CM Code(s): ______)

26 Postmortem examination, gross only, with brain and spinal cord

CPT Code(s): ______

( 28 Pathology consultation during surgery

CPT Code(s): _____