FOI - review astley ainslie hospital site (3) (2)

Lothian NHS Board

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FOI - review astley ainslie hospital site (3) (2)


Date15 November 2018

Your Ref

Our RefRM/

Enquiries toRichardMutch


Direct Line0131 465 5687


FOI - review astley ainslie hospital site (3) (2)

Dear MsClyde

Freedom of information review –astleyainsliehospital

I write in response to your request of 18 November 2011 for a review of NHSLothian’s response in relation to the Astley Ainslie Hospital (AAH) site. I apologisefor the delay in responding.

I will address the points you have requested clarification on in order:-

  1. Can you confirm if it is your intention to sell the land andbuildings of the AAH? (Reply: Unsatisfactory: we might. No mentionmade of Initial Agreement, July 2011)

There is no plan at this time to dispose of the land and buildings at the AstleyAinslieHospital.

  1. When will this be? (Reply: None. Unsatisfactory. No mention wasmade of Initial Agreement document which indicates a timeframe of2013 - 2014 for this.)

As stated above there is no plan at this time to dispose of the land and buildings at the AstleyAinslieHospital.

  1. Why do you want to dispose of this site? (Reply: woolly andevasive - to improve healthcare and facilities. Unsatisfactory. This is not a reason to dispose of a site. Further explanation isneeded. Which services are currently on AAH and why will they beremoved and where will they be removed to and why will this bebetter?)

As stated in NHSLothian’s responsea full estate review is currently ongoing to ensure that health care services are provided in fit for purpose facilities to meet current and future demands on the services. This includes a review of all of NHSLothian’s estate, where clinical services are provided. The AstleyAinslieHospital is part of this review. I hope this clarifies matters.

  1. Who is responsible for this decision? (Reply: none. Unsatisfactory)

Lothian NHS Board is ultimately responsible for any decision to dispose of assets.

  1. What do you expect to gain from this sale? (Reply. Unsatisfactory. We don't know since no valuation has occurred. Butthis makes the assumption that any receipts will go to NHSLothianand not to the Scottish Government. IS this the case? Can youconfirm? In what other ways might NHSLothian benefit from thesale? Will you be allowed to keep the annual revenue expenditurefor the AAH in your budget despite no longer having this site? Willany value realised helped you with bids for funding for thereprovisioning of the REH site? How, exactly does this work?

NHSLothian stated in its response that as no valuation of the site had occurred the expected income from any sale was unknown. NHS Lothian does not know at this time what gain it might expect from the sale of the AstleyAinslieHospitalsite. A discussion with the Scottish Government would be required if agreement is reached to dispose of the site. The additional questions you have asked above would have to be considered as a new FOI request and I cannot deal with these as part of this review.

  1. Will there be a public consultation? (Reply: Yes,but only if thesite is to be disposed of. Isn't this a bit late in the day to beasking the public if they want the site disposed of? Publicconsultation should take place at the stage of the InitialAgreement - i.e., now - and not once decisions about the future ofthe site and its services have in effect been taken.)

In your original request you only asked if a public consultation will take place. NHSLothian advised you that this will be undertaken in accordance with the Scottish Government Property Transaction Handbook. The additional questions you have asked above would have to be considered as a new FOI request and I cannot deal with these as part of this review.

NHSLothian has assessed the relocation of the services at the AstleyAinslie site using the Scottish Health Council (SHC) guidance template and considers that this relocation does not constitutea major service change. The consequence of this is that the statutory requirement of three months public consultation of a major service change does not apply though some public consultation will need to be undertaken. This position has been considered and agreed by the SHC and approved by the Astley Ainslie Hospital Stakeholder Board and NHS Lothian’sImproving Care, Investing in Change (ICIC) Executive – this group has responsibility for implementing NHS Lothian’s strategic change programme.

  1. What will happen to the SMART centre? (Reply: none)

The Smart Centre will remain at the AstleyAinslieHospital.

If you are not satisfied with this response you may still have the right to make a formal complaint to the Scottish Information Commissioner at the following address if you remain unhappy with this response:

Scottish Information Commissioner


Doubledykes Road

St Andrews, Fife

KY16 9DS

Telephone: 01334 464610


I hopeyoufindthisfurther information helpful.

Yours sincerely


Freedom of Information Reviewer/

Non Executive Director NHSLothian

cc: DirectorofHuman Resourcesand

Organisational Development