English II

Welcome to English II

Focusing on reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills

Preparing students to be successful in college and careers

Angela Roberts 606-663-3320 Planning Period: 1:30-2:20

Classroom Rules

  • Find your seat immediately and start beginning work.
  • Bring all materials to class (book, pencil, paper, binder, homework.)
  • Participate in class by listening, asking questions, and working on assignments.
  • No one is permitted to leave the class the first or last 10 minutes of class. Hallway passes will be allowed at other times only on an emergency basis.

Required Materials:

  • 1-1/2 binder
  • Dividers
  • Loose-leaf paper
  • Pencils & Ink pens (black/blue ink only please)
  • Highlighter
  • Folder

Tardy Policy

If you are not in your seat and working when the tardy bell rings then you will be marked tardy in IC according to PCHS policy.

Have you been ABSENT?

Ask for clarification from a neighbor and check with me at an APPROPRIATE time regarding the make-up of Target Checks or missed assessments.

Cell Phones

Cell phones should not be out during class time (that is the time you walk in Ms. Roberts’ room). Cell phones should not be seen or heard unless Ms. Roberts INSTRUCTS you to do so for instructional purposes.

Grading Policy

In an attempt to improve student achievement and to assign grades that truly reflect a student’s achievement I have adopted a standards based approach to grading.

A typical unit for class will have 10 - 20 learning targets (these are the “ideas” you are expected to learn). After a lesson and activities have been completed related to a target there will be a practice assignment (or perhaps 2 practice assignments). You will be responsible for checking your work during class time (usually at the beginning, or through-out the class). I will offer plenty of opportunities for questions and clarification. Then, a target check will be given. These are like mini-quizzes that only cover that target (usually 4-6 questions). These are graded on a 0 – 4 grading scale where:

4 = Excpetional

3 = Meets Standard

2 = Approaches Standard

1 = Beginning Standard

0 = No Attempt

After a target check is returned you are encouraged to ask questions, seek additional help, and additional instruction will be provided if you do not receive at least a 3. You then have the opportunity to retake the target.

Each exam is divided into learning targets and the exam score is broken down and reported as learning targets. This will be explained further in the weeks ahead.

It is important to note that your grade is simply calculated based on points and each grade that you will receive in Infinite Campus is worth 4 points. The grades are averaged based on points.

Regular Bell Schedule
8:10-9:35 / 1st block
9:40-10:30 / 2nd period
10:35-12:30 / 3rd block
12:35-1:25 / 4th period
1:30-2:20 / 5th period
2:30-3:20 / 6th period