Autumn Term Week 4 Newsletter

Focused, hardworking, happy children!!

Dear Parents and Carers,

One of the things I really enjoy about completing the newsletter is when parents send in information about what their children have been doing out of school. This week I had a lovely email from Mrs Firth about Arthur’s swimming triumphs. If you would like to send in any news about your children and have photographs you are happy to go into the newsletter please send them to me on and I will do my best to include them in the newsletter and share them with the school community.

We have had a great week at Gledhow this week with a lot of excellent work going on around school. Mrs Jeynes and I have seen some amazing maths work from Reception to year 6 and have been really pleased with the standards our children are reaching.

Fantastic work children - Keep it up.

Lisa Seton

Safe guarding protocol

Due to a health and safety assessment of protocol at the beginning and end of the day and in consultation with our safeguarding governor we need to make changes to the current arrangements. They are as follows and will start this week - 9th October:

- The gates will be opened from 8.30am onwards (there will be the usual access for breakfast club only from 7.50)

- Year 5 and 6 children without written parental permission and children up to and including Year 4 should be supervised in the playground by parents/carers until the bell has gone and the teachers are collecting the lines"

- Parents should not be using the annex on the top playground at the beginning or the end of the day.

- If youare bringing more than one child to schooland youneed to leave your child in the linebefore the teacher takes them into school,to take your other child(ren) to their line,youshould inform a teacher or member of staff so they are aware.

- The gates need to be locked by 3.30pm at the end of the day to ensure the safety of the children staying after school for clubs.

Always Club

Thank you to Mrs Lisa Armstrong for donating the football and snooker table to Always Club. As you can see, it has been a big hit and will be well used by the children.

Bun Sale.

The House captains are organising a bun sale during school to raise money. If you would like your child to be able to buy a cake or bun at break time on Friday 13th October, please send them in with 50p to spend at the sale. Thank you to the House Captains for sorting this out.

Arthur Firth

I love to hear what activities our talented children get up to over the weekend and out of school. I had a lovely email from Mrs Firth letting me know about Arthur’s swimming achievements. Arthur competed in the Yorkshire Swimming Championships on Saturday and he won a Bronze Medal in the 100m Fly. He then represented City of Leeds on Sunday competing in the North of England Team Finals, held in Tynemouth. The City of Leeds won the North of England final and they now progress to the National Grand Final at end of November. What a fantastic achievement, Arthur- you should be really proud of yourself – as we are.

Music lessons

We are really pleased to announce thatour resident teachers ofviolin/viola (Megan)and guitar(Julian)are continuing with existing lessons and looking at startingnew beginner classes for children in Years 3-6 as soon as there is any interest.

If your child doesn't have their own instrument at this stage, instruments can be hired from Artforms on request (via school for £15 per term for guitars/violins and £5 per term for violas). The children are able to take them home during the time they are receiving lessons. An indemnity form will be sent home to be signed for those wishing to hire an instrument.With effect from Christmas, there will be a small charge of £20 per term per pupil (in addition to any hire costs) to support the exceptionalongoing music provision at Gledhow.

If you are interested in your child learning to play the violin, the viola or the guitar, please email your interest to (stating your child'sname and class) as soon as possibleand we will be in touch shortly after thatto give you more information.

Message from the PSA


What a fabulous evening this was and something really different for the school and PSA. The hall was completely transformed to create a beautiful atmosphere with fairy lights, piano music, candles and not forgetting the prosecco bar! (Thanks to Jane Ogden and her hubby for making these for the evening!!) The stall holders went to town on their displays which all looked fantastic and it was lovely to see so many Mums taking some time for themselves to have a massage, have their nails or hair done or book in for a skin consultation and facial massage.

Over £1000 was raised from the evening which is incredible!

There will a PSA meeting in the next couple of weeks to discuss how this will be spent to benefit all of the children at the school. It will be used for outdoor learning/sports/play equipment and ideas and the suggestions put forward by those parents that attended the evening will all be considered too.

A thank you to everyone that supported this event and we hope that you enjoyed it as much as we did. Thanks to those who helped with meeting & greeting guests, at the raffle stall and the bar - you did a fantastic job! Thank you to Mr Trudgill for playing the piano during the evening; it really set off the atmosphere perfectly. A huge thank you to Mr Brennan also for helping us to set up the hall, for being our 'doorman' on the night and for working way later than what is expected of you!

Christmas Concerts

We thought it would be useful for you all to know well in advance the Christmas concert dates so that if you need to book time off work it will give you plenty of time to organise this. The dates are as follows:

EYFS: Thursday December 14th 9.30 (School Hall)

Key Stage 1: Tuesday December 5th 2pm (School Hall)

Key Stage 2: Thursday December 7th 9.00 (in St Edmund’s Church)

Jeans for Genes

The final total has been counted and banked with the charity. Thank to everyone who came wearing their jeans and generously donated to this worthy cause. We have raised £427 - so thank you all.

Immunisations for Reception and Years 1,2,3 and 4

The flu immunisations will take place on November 7th and your child will be bringing home a consent form this weekend which needs to be returned within a week. If you do not want your child to receive an immunization, the nursing team still require the form to be signed as a refusal, and returned to school.

Website reminder

Just a quick reminder that there is a lot of useful information on our website. As well as the calendar we have curricular information including all the maths objectives for each year group in the “Hot off the Press“ section.

Thank you for your continued support - Mark Trudgill, Lisa Seton, David Bickley and Louise Jeynes.

ACHIEVEMENTS 6th October 2017

The following children featured in this week’s ACHIEVEMENT ASSEMBLIES
for work or activities achieved in and out of school:
Nursery / Nursery pupils have a Star Jar which is filled with rewards earned by individuals or groups. When the jar is full, the whole Nursery receives a reward.
RAC / Finley Harrison and Avah Frank
Always Club: Mubashra Saddique / RKJ / Aarisha Bhosale and Oscar Drabble
Always Club: Priya Kaur
RRE / Toby Hurlow and Aleena Khan
Always Club: Arthur Miller / 1AB / Jacob Pemberton and Nancy Stevenson
Always Club:Laiba Shahzad
1LG / Martha Marriott and Rachel Dennison
Always Club:Grace Harrington / 1SS / Nathan Ajayi Lauren Budding
Always Club: Emily Mason
2PG / Thaleia Stavropoulou and
Raees Khan
Always Club: Lydia Lampadarios / 2VW / Hinal Daga and Finlay Hammond
Always Club: Lucas Drabble
2SH / Luke Jones- McGowan and Charlotte Hyde
Always Club: Maxi Flemming
3LF / Charlotte Freear and Euan Evers.
Always Club: / 3KG / Sophia Wright and Adam Vallely
Always Club: Kaiia Sambhi
4DB / Emily Glumac and L’sharna James
Always Club: Sam Redmond / 4SB / Jasir Kany and Topsy Charlett
Always Club: Jessica Fox
5RK / Sally Waite and Abs Afzal
Always Club: Ananya Tantry / 5SL / George Crocombe and Anniyah Akhtar
Always Club: Jake Clipsham and Phoebe Cooper
6EC / Jonathan Easton and Mae Russell
Always Club: Sam Fox / 6KW / Ayaan Ijaz and Martha Redmond
Always Club: Ayesha Munonyedi

Dates for Your Diary New items are underlined

Tuesday 10th October Prospective Reception Parents’/Carers’ Open Day

Wednesday 11th October Prospective Reception Parents’/Carers Open Day

Thursday 12th October Harvest festival: Years1, 3 and 5: 9.45. Years 2, 4 and 6: 10.45

Wednesday 18th October Individual School Photos

Wednesday 18th October Parents’ Evening 3.30-5.30

Thursday 19th October Parents’ Evening 3.30-7.00

Friday 20th October Break up for Half term

Tuesday 7th November Flu Immunisation (Reception to Y4)

Thursday 16th November Prospective Reception Parents’/Carers’ Open Day

Friday 17th November Prospective Reception Parents’/Carers Open Day

Tuesday 21st November Gledhow Dyslexia Alliance Parents’/Carers’ Group

Tuesday 28th November EYFS Show and Share morning

Friday 1st December EYFS Show and Share morning

Tuesday 5th December Key Stage 1 Nativity 2pm

Thursday 7th December Key Stage 2 Nativity 9.00 in St Edmund’s Church

Thursday 14th December EYFS Nativity 9.30 (school hall)