
Week One

Focus on Contractions


  1. you’re
  2. couldn’t
  3. won’t
  4. he’s
  5. wasn’t
  6. I’ve
  7. isn’t
  8. doesn’t
  9. we’ll
  10. wouldn’t
  11. you’ll
  12. I’d
  13. it’s
  14. they’re
  15. shouldn’t

In Class Extensions:

Tuesday:Create a Contraction Chart in your Spelling Notebook. In one column write the contraction. In the second column, write the words that are represented by the contraction. Add three additional contraction combinations.

Wednesday: Helping Verbs- Tape the Spelling Extension into your Spelling Notebook. Identify the helping verbs and main verbs in each sentence.


Tuesday: Review-use of quotation marks in dialogue. Create a short conversation between two or three people. Decide on a topic on which they will speak. Write the conversation in your Spelling Notebook. You must use at least 10 of the spelling contractions.

Wednesday: Give the spelling list to someone at home. This can be done on a separate piece of paper or in your spelling notebook. Be sure to use the spelling words in expanded sentences. You do not need to hand in anything for this assignment.

Thursday: Study for the test.


Week One

Focus on Contractions

Contractions / Full Form

Helping Verbs: Read the following sentences. Underline the helping, or auxillary, verb and circle the main verb.

  1. Rachel couldn’t find her homework, so she had to redo the assignment.
  2. You’re walking too fast! Please wait for me.
  3. They’re inviting everyone from our class.
  4. Michael wasn’t feeling very well, but he wouldn’t tell the coach.
  5. I’d like to help you if you’ll let me.

Tuesday Nitty Gritty Work

Tape this activity into your spelling spiral notebook.

Review: Use of quotation marks in dialogue. Read the following sentences. Highlight the punctuation, including the quotation marks. Bring this sheet to your Guided Reading group. Do you notice any patterns? Be ready to discuss.

“I never really understood why I wasn’t allowed to have two sleepovers on a weekend,” Susan said.

“She’s such a hard worker!” the teacher cried.

“Why didn’t you call me?” asked Peter.

Mark told his little brother, “It’s really important for you to try your best at school.”

“I can’t remember what time we are supposed to be at practice. I think I will call my friend to find out,” Mary said.

Tuesday Nitty Gritty Work

Tape this activity into your spelling spiral notebook.

Review: Use of quotation marks in dialogue. Read the following sentences. Highlight the punctuation, including the quotation marks. Bring this sheet to your Guided Reading group. Do you notice any patterns? Be ready to discuss.

“I never really understood why I wasn’t allowed to have two sleepovers on a weekend,” Susan said.

“She’s such a hard worker!” the teacher cried.

“Why didn’t you call me?” asked Peter.

Mark told his little brother, “It’s really important for you to try your best at school.”

“I can’t remember what time we are supposed to be at practice. I think I will call my friend to find out,” Mary said.