New to FM?

Updated 24/1/2015

FM relies on Sponsors supporting new distributors, and the commission & bonus plan is designed to reward sponsors who can help their distributors build their business, so if you have a query or a problem, your sponsor should be your first contact and you should have been sent their contact details in an email from FM.

But sometimes your sponsor isn’t available or cannot help, and this is one of several facebook groups designed to help FM distributors. The people who answer questions here are taking time out of their own FM businesses to help other distributors without any reward or compensation, so please be nice to them.

This group, FM Tools, specialises in the perfume side of the FM business. Most people know what grout cleaner and eye shadow are, but the perfume business is very complex. I spent nearly a year trying to understand the perfume business and the tools I developed are made available here as the FM Perfume Consultants Mini-Kit.

The minikit is quite complex and can take some time to get used to, so don’t let it put you off starting to build your FM Business.

It’s easy to say ‘When I understand the business I’ll start doing it’, but please make one small commitment to do something about your business today, or you could become one of those new distributors who does nothing and lets this marvellous opportunity pass them by.

What I would like you to do is to make a commitment to talk to 2 people every day about your new business.

If you miss a day, talk to four people the next day. And start today, don’t put it off until tomorrow.

If you’re reading this too late in the day to talk to people, just make the decision to talk to four people tomorrow.

By ‘talk to people’, I don’t mean give them a 10 minute business presentation. All you need to do is say something like this:

“I’m starting my own business helping people save money on high quality perfume, toiletries and cosmetics. If you know someone who needs to save money, please give them this card.”

Then give them a card with your contact details. If you haven't got any yet, just handwrite it on a postcard.

More info about this here

This is a bifold document, meant to be printed on both sides of A4 paper and folded to make a booklet.

And finally, this is a business where you make money by having people say NO to you.
Don’t believe me?

Read about it here

If you’re not enjoying your FM Business, you’re not doing it right! So talk to your sponsor.