Regular Meeting
March 3, 2008 7:00 p.m. Oak-Land Jr. High School
Chairman Dan Kyllo, Supervisor John McPherson, Supervisor Ron Goette; Mary Rinkenberger, Deputy Clerk; Ed Semrud, Treasurer; Matt Woodruff, Engineer; Scott McDonald, Attorney; Duane Stensland, Building Inspector; Elizabeth Vance, Deputy Clerk
Call to Order
Chairman Kyllo called the regular meeting of the West Lakeland Town Board to order at 7:00 PM.
Approval of the Minutes
The minutes of the April meeting were reviewed, and minor corrections were made. Supervisor McPherson moved to approve the minutes as presented. Seconded by Supervisor Goette, the motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report
Mr. Semrud presented an abbreviated report for the month of April. The report reflects receipts of $50,000 and expenses of $25,000. Mr. Semrud reviewed the impact of liquidating a CD prior to the maturation date to enhance cash flow, but the penalties were prohibitive. Instead, a payment plan for the fire contract payment to the City of Bayport was proposed. Supervisor McPherson moved to accept the report as presented. Seconded by Supervisor Goette, the motion carried.
Review and Pay the Bills
Supervisor McPherson asked for clarification of the invoice for legal services on the summons and complaint regarding Rustling Wilds. The Township is a party to the litigation over the subdivision of this property. This action was done to bind the Township to ensure that no action is taken until the litigation is resolved. The costs are to be attributed to the Rustling Wilds development. Supervisor McPherson, seconded by Supervisor Goette, approved payment of the invoices presented. The motion carried.
Lot Split for David Jordan, 12475 12th Street
Mr. David Jordan appeared before the board for review of a minor lot split of the property at 12475 12th Street. The standard process is to provide a resolution documenting the results of the board review. There are no variances requested to support this split. A question was raised about the size of the lot inside the road right of way. The remaining lot lines might need to be adjusted to ensure that the lot is compliant with the ordinances after the right of way is removed from the acreage calculation. As presented, the lot appears to be .10 acre less than the required 2.5 acre minimum. The landowner agreed to verify the acreage with this correction. No action was taken by the board at this time.
Approve 2009 Budget
Mr. Semrud presented the proposed 2009 budget to the board for review and approval. It was recommended that allocation be made from the levy to the Road and Bridge funds to qualify for County Road and Bridge aid. The amount recommended to allocate to this account is $312,000. The account is currently at zero balance. The recommended amount of aid this will generate is in the $16,000 to $20,000 range. The budget estimates a spend of approximately $20,000 more than expected receipts. After discussion, Supervisor McPherson moved to accept the budget as presented. Seconded by Supervisor Goette, the motion carried.
Rustling Wilds Development
Mr. McDonald presented a resolution in draft documenting the approval if the preliminary plat approval at the February regular meeting. The resolution includes a condition of resolution of the pending litigation. Supervisor Goette moved to sign the draft resolution. Seconded by Supervisor McPherson, the motion carried.
Artisan Development
The resolution documenting approval of the Artisan plat was filed, but not signed. The preliminary plat had been approved by motion at an earlier meeting. Supervisor Goette moved to authorize signature of the resolution documenting approval of the prelim plat approval for the Artisan Development. Seconded by Supervisor McPherson, the motion carried.
Daniel Ruza Accessory Structure
The board reviewed the status of Mr. Daniel Ruza’s request for permits for the main residence. Mr. Stensland reported he had seen preliminary plans, but has not received any application for the structure. The previously issued permit has expired. The board discussed the potential response should Mr. Ruza not meet the March 30th deadline for compliance. Mr. McDonald outlined the potential optional responses. The clerk was directed to request Mr. Ruza’s attendance at the April regular meeting.
Additional Business
Chairman Kyllo presented the results of the 2007 fall bow hunt. Urban Deer Management reported 31 deer harvested in the township. Most were harvested from the Overlook Avenue and Greenwood Trail neighborhoods.
The annual town board election is schedule for Tuesday, March 11, 2008 from 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM. The elections will be followed by the annual town meeting.
The board discussed a date for the annual organizational meeting. Supervisor McPherson moved to tentatively set for March 25, 2008 at 7:00 PM. Seconded by Supervisor Goette, the motion carried.
Having no further business, Supervisor McPherson moved to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Supervisor Goette, the motion carried. Chairman Kyllo adjourned the meeting at 9:00 PM
Respectfully Submitted
Elizabeth A. Vance
Deputy Clerk
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