FLVT Parent Council Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

FLVT School Library

  1. Meeting called to Order @7:05pm by Debbie.
  2. Opening Prayer (School Prayer) Lead by Denise.
  3. Approval of Agenda -

Approved by Jamie, seconded by Kathy N.

  1. Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes

Approved by Kathy N., second by Patti

  1. Last meeting held June 11th, 2014
  2. Business arising from previous meeting
  1. Executive Elections: voted in:

Debbie Ramm – Chair

Stacey Kluczny – Vice Chair

Michelle Hardy – Secretary

Jamie Thurlow – Treasurer

Stacey Kluczny - School Events Coordinator

Aaron Savoy – ECS Paren Rep

Kathy Nicolacolpoulous - Communications

  1. Reports from Executives:
  2. Chairperson – school board needs an annual report. Debbie/Jamie will call board office for template to create one.
  3. Vice Chair – Nothing to report
  4. Secretary - Absent
  5. School Events Coordinator – Menchies fundraiser will commence September 30, 2014 and will continue throughout the year various months depending on how much is going on in the school that month. There will not be a haunted house this year due to lack of props & help.
  6. Communications Coordinator – school website has been updated with the card fundraiser, we have removed bottle drive and no-fundraiser fundraiser. Meetings will be added to the page, newsletter has gone out. Emails reminder list is being set up by Kathy, she will send out a quick reminder of meeting, and also update with FB.
  7. Principal/Staff Report – Patti – 1) district hired behavior specialist from Grande Prarie, Kevin Verbreck. 2) Busses – having trouble getting busses on time and they are packed. Call into central office and are working on sorting out the situation. Children will be walking back to school from opening mass/st. marthas.

Denise – up 13 students overall, total 527 (full-time) – numbers now at kindergarten 8, 1&2 42, 3 47, 4-55, 5-50, 6-40, 7-91, 8-81, 9-60. Staffing – bridgetta chambers kindergarten, kristie brook .5 contract, mrs hay working with curriculum prototyping so .3 time. James school counsellor, tracy roca here Wednesdays. Ps3 students & interns, ms. Sporing – music, ms. Callum with mrs. Rogers. Ms. Lavers – French.

Building update – portables are here, lockers bulletin boards in 2 wks depending on weather. Electrical & data have been run, smart boards/projectors/computers will be going in. We have just ordered blinds. Mrs. Martin’s sister in law helped school get a discount of 50% on blinds, final cost of about $2000. Waiting for occupancy permits for the bathrooms then they can open. Furnishings arrived last week but student desks are wrong color and missing parts. Working to correct order problem, waiting on customer service.

Grade 3s will have student learning assessment instead of provincial exam. Literacy & numeracy. Digital & performance based. Sept29- oct 10th.

Computers are all being/have been upgraded, new computers as well. Older computers are to be redistributed among our classrooms.

Pys ed options are new this year, physical pursuits. Budget is $10,000 for the year. Denise will check on fees and let us know, new form to be sent out for junior high.

Friday no lunch, nutrition breaks, worked well. Junior highs able to leave earlier making it better for elementary pick ups, less congestion at the school. There are a few bugs to work out but looks promising. Kayla may do preorder lunch.

Pictures with new company, staff will have identification cards. Picture days 15&16 this year. D&H photos is the new compay.

  1. Unfinished Business
  2. Recruiting Room Reps – Possibly dividing events by grade, room rep volunteer forms (Debbie/Kathy). Reps need phone/email list. Possibly using grade 6 confirmation candidates for volunteer hours.
  3. New Business
  4. Welcome Back BBQ - Lyle has created a diagram and individualized instruction sheets for volunteers. M&M will be cooking for us. Lays has donated chips. Kathy will pick up the chips and drop off at the school.
  5. Announcements
  6. Opening Mass – Thursday, Sept. 11th
  7. Picture Day – Sept. 16th & 17th
  8. School Retreat – No school – Friday, September 19th
  9. Next Meeting – Wednesday – October 8th
  10. Adjournment. Meeting adjourned Stacey, second Jamie

FLVT Advisory Council Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

FLVT School Library

  1. Call to Order 8:15pm by Debbie
  2. Approval of Agenda Kathy approved, seconded by Patti
  3. Treasurer’s Report - Jamie – endof aug bank balance $3765.87+ $2,027.22 school acct $5,793.09 total. Not sure if we will require further fundraisers, we will wait for total from card fundraiser to make this decision.
  4. Fundraising – wait for card total to determine.
  5. Next Meeting – Wednesday , October 8th
  6. Adjournment denise, seconded by Olu Awosoga