Flotilla Commander Rosalind Butziger called the meeting February 20, 2014 at 7pm to order.

Members present: Tammy Cole, Derek Robert, Bob Pardi, Bob Misenor, Charles Jenison, Vanessa Jenison, Nick Butziger, David Butziger, Roz Butziger, Glenn Rosera, Normand Caron, Karen Caron, Meg Rosera, Gary Davis & Elizabeth Davis.

Guests: Ted Leavitt

Pledge of Allegiance & Moment of Silence for departed members & veterans.

Secretary Report: Minutes of the January meeting accepted as e-mailed.

Treasurer’s Report: Accepted as presented.

(FC) Flotilla Commander’s Report: Commented on what a great job Derek did with the Bowling event.

Awards given to: N/A

(VFC) Vice Flotilla Commander’s Report: Glenn is to going to look into a new flagpole for the Flotilla building.

Staff Reports:

(PE) Public Education: Nick Butzigerdiscussed how the PE is going well and is well attended. A power point was done on Navigation and approved by all. It was discussed how new training schedules were sent out and he encouraged all members to come and help with the classes on Monday or Thursday between 7:30p – 9:30p. A lesson was done on “Check Your Knowledge” on Lights & Shapes and Fog signals.

(PA) Public Affairs: Mike Quinn

(VE) Vessel Examination: Bob Pardi discussed the upcoming mandatory Vessel Examiner Refresher on March1, 2014 at 9am and the new Vessel Examiner Training on April 7, 2014 & April 14, 2014 at 6:30pm. He stated that VE exams are ongoing.

(PV) Marine Dealer Visitation: Derek Robert discussed how he is still trying to set new sites with other members being responsible for new sites in their area. If more members will become involved and visit sites in their areas, more territories can be covered.

(OP) Operations: Charlie Jenison discussedthe training session in June with the Coast Guard. Helicopters will also be involved in this training session. Anyone who is interested can go. There are now eight boats going to Mystic. Due to the Morgan coming in to Mystic Seaport, that weekend there is the possibility that boats may have to raft up to each other. A Search and Rescue drill is in the works with a possible date of July 19, 2014.

Social Coordinator: Derek Robert discussed how the Bowling Event was a success and enjoyed by all. The next social event is the Newport Playhouse event March 14, 2014 and then Wrights Farm April 26, 2014.

(MS) Marine Safety: Gary Davis discussed that he will do a safety presentation at the next meeting in April. There will be a conference in April in which he will do the Outreach presentation. Anyone can attend.

(NS) Navigation Systems: Mike Quinn

(PS) Personal Services: Mary Quinn the new HR Assistant is Meg Rosera At the Boat Show there were 3 – 4 people who showed an interest in joining the North Star Flotilla. Ted Leavitt attended tonight’s meeting and is considering becoming a member.

Communications: Bob Van Herpe

Membership Training: David Butziger Training will take place at all meetings by various members, with a special October CPR & First Aid training. Our five nurses will help.

(MA) Materials / (IS) Information Systems: Mike Quinn

Old Business: Discussed the Newport Playhouse event and Mystic Seaport.

New Business: Next meeting is April 15, 2014 at 7pm at the Flotilla headquarters. March work parties will be held at the Flotilla headquarters to get the building prepared for the upcoming season. The work party dates are March 19, 2014 at 6:30pm and then March 22, 2014 & March 23, 2014 at 9am all are invited to come down and help. The sign on the building is going to be redone and it was discussed about putting up a new flagpole on the building.

Adjournment: 9:00pm

Respectfully submitted:

Tammy Cole - Secretary