SCCDP Project 12th March 2008



The Carers and Disabled Children’s Act 2000 gives carers the right to ask for an assessment of their needs, even if your child has not had an assessment. By letting social services know your situation you will receive information and advice which could help you.

The purpose of the assessment

  • A tool to identify needs
  • Acknowledge the value of carers role, and the differing roles
  • Assess the ability of carers to continue caring and to provide support to the client
  • Identify patterns of need to design future services, and
  • Record unmet need.

****** Social Services Department recognises that carers are the main providers of care in our community. We realise that children with disabilities and health problems depend on carers support. We recognise the valuable work carers do and want to be able to work alongside carers, supporting them and sharing care where possible.

Caring can be rewarding, but the responsibility can be a strain. It is often hard work and affects and restricts carers own lives. We believe a carers needs are of equal importance to those of the child they are looking after but the needs may be different.

This form is your opportunity to tell Social Services about your situation. Tell us what you do, how caring affects you, what help you get, and what help you would like. The form includes quotes from carers and examples to help you think about what you might want to say.



  1. Personal details

Name of Child/Young Person with Disability: Case No:
Address of the Child/Young Person you care for:
Tel No:
Name of Social Worker of the Child/Young Person: / Date of assessment
Details of Carer
Do you live with the child/young person you care for: Yes No Planned
Relationship to the child/young person
Name / D/B / M/F
Address: (if different from above
Tel No: home / work / Other
Occupation: / Marital Status:
Preferred language: / ethnic origin
Other Children in Household:
Name / Relationship / Date of Birth / Are you a carer for them (yes/no) / SSD No: (if applicable
Details of Other Persons to whom you give substantial and regular care:
Name / Address / Relationship / D.o.B.
Name of GP: Tel No:
Is your GP aware of your caring role?
In an emergency, who would care for your child/young person when you could not?

2.Carer’s Role

What does the role of Carer mean to you?
Which parts of the role give you pleasure?
Which parts are not so welcome?

3. Tasks identified Please help us to identify your role by completing the chart of Daily Tasks. Please note when completing the diary, it is important that you identify all tasks carried out over the 24 hour periodIncluding other responsibilities i.e. employment, child care etc.

1 AM
2 AM
3 AM
4 AM
5 AM
6 AM
8 AM
9 AM
10 AM
11 AM
1 PM
2 PM
3 PM
4 PM
6 PM
7 PM
8 PM
9 PM
10 PM
11 PM

Now transfer the information from the diary to the following chart.

Tasks identified / Frequency / Who involved

Are there any variations to the tasks / care needs? I.e. frequency, time when individual is away etc.

What changes / Why / How often

Do you receive any practical support from friends, family, neighbours, If you receive support how often?

Please tick whichever applies / How often / Type of help given
OTHER please specify.
  1. How does caring affect you?

Please now complete the questionnaires

Parenting Daily Hassles &

Adult Well Being Scales

Tell us how caring makes you feel, how it affects your life, what it stops you doing.

How much pressure are you under?

Carers often choose to do what they do but can feel under pressure because of a lack of support.

Do you feel under pressure, for example,

Do you get frustrated, depressed or irritable, is your health suffering ………….. Y / N

Please tick whichever applies to you? / Daily / Weekly / Monthly
Lack of Sleep
Ill Health
Disruption to life
Family conflict
Change in relationship with person cared for
Restricted Social life
Feeling of guilt
Financial Strain
Other please specify

Is there a particular time when you find things most stressfull?……………………… Y / N

Have you visited your doctor as result of caring? …………………… Y / N

Do you have anyone you can talk to? ……………………….. Y/N

Are there any tasks you do for the person you care for that you find particularly difficult?………. Y/N

Do you have any Disabilities or illnesses which make it difficult for you to look after the person you care for?

  1. Please now complete the carer survey form.

What support do you need to help you?

Do you have any future aspirations? What are your hopes?

Practical issues: is your house suitably adapted and equipped to support you in your caring role?

Do you need support/advice with financial matters? E.g Welfare Benefits check?

Do you have enough time left by your caring role to adequately complete practical tasks, e.g. house/garden? If not what is left undone?

What are your anxieties about the future?

Is there anything else you wish to tell us?

  1. Planning

Analysis (to be completed by the co-ordinating worker)
Summary of assessed needs (include any significant risk factors:-
Following the Assessment, the agreed objectives are:
Options for meeting objectives:
  1. Intended outcome from the plan is:

The difference to my life will be:

The support offered will allow me to take part in/continue to work etc:

  1. The agreement

The following information has been given:
Services for Carers
Information/training about aspects of caring
Carers information pack
Voluntary Organisations
Complaints Procedure
Other (please specify)
When/how will this assessment and the Care Plan be reviewed?
Date of Review:

For you to sign

  • I accept this assessment of my needs
  • I understand that the information in this assessment may be shared on a confidential basis with other agencies providing support and I give my permission for this.


Assessors Name______Date______

And Signature ______


Final March 2008