Show Year ______

Fleece ShowAnd Sale Entry Form

Fleece No. ______(leave blank - assigned at check in)

Division/Class (Check to the left of description or circle) :
NF - Natural Colored Wool - Fine / WF - White Wool - Fine
NM - Natural Colored Wool - Medium -. / WM - White Wool - Medium
NL - Natural Colored Wool - Long / WL - White Wool -
NC - Natural Colored Wool - Coarse / WC - White Wool – Coarse
NR - Natural Colored Wool - Romney / WR - White Wool - Romney
NS- Natural Colored Wool – Shetland / WS - Natural Colored Wool – Shetland
NB - Natural Colored Wool – Babydoll Southdown / WB - Natural Colored Wool – Babydoll Southdown
OM - Other Fiber Animals – Mohair
Breed: ______ / OC - Other Fiber Animals – Cashmere
Fleece Weight______ / OAl - Other Fiber Animal – Alpaca
@ $/Pound ______ / OL - Other Fiber Animals– Llama
= $ (Fleece Price)______ / OAn - Other Fiber Animals - Angora (rabbits)
OO - Other Fiber Animals - Other

Fee: $3 per fleece.
NOTE: Show & Juried Sale has limit of 4 fleeces/class per family/ farm

_____ Show ONLY (Saturday) = SO

_____ Show AND SaleONLY = SAS

_____Sale ONLY= GS


Seller’s Name: ______

Address: ______

Phone ______eMail ______

Are Checks Acceptable? ____If yes, make checks out to: ______

Division/Class Definitions

Division / Class / Division/Class
N / Natural Colored
Wool / F / Fine - Merino, Rambouillet, Targhee, etc. / NF / Natural Colored Wool - Fine
M / Medium - Corriedale, Columbia, Cheviot, Tunis, etc. / NM / Natural Colored Wool - Medium -.
L / Long - Cotswold, Lincoln, Leicester, etc. / NL / Natural Colored Wool - Long
C / Coarse - Karakul, Scottish Blackface, Navajo-Churro, etc. / NC / Natural Colored Wool - Coarse
R / Romney - Purebred Natural Colored Romney / NR / Natural Colored Wool - Romney
S / Shetland / NS / Natural Colored Wool – Shetland
B / Babydoll Southdown / NB / Natural Colored Wool – Babydoll Southdown
W / White Wool / F / Fine - Merino, Rambouillet, Targhee, etc. / WF / White Wool - Fine
M / Medium - Corriedale, Columbia, Cheviot, Tunis, etc. / WM / White Wool - Medium
L / Long - Cotswold, Lincoln, Leicester, etc. / WL / White Wool -
C / Coarse - Karakul, Scottish Blackface, Navajo-Churro, etc. / WC / White Wool – Coarse
R / Romney - Purebred Natural Colored Romney / WR / White Wool - Romney
S / Shetland / WS / White Wool – Shetland
B / Babydoll Southdown / WB / White Wool – Babydoll Southdown
O / Other Fiber
(NOT Sheep) / M / Mohair (angora goats) / OM / Other Fiber Animals – Mohair
C / Cashmere / OC / Other Fiber Animals– Cashmere
Al / Alpaca / OAl / Other Fiber Animal – Alpaca
L / Llama / OL / Other Fiber Animals– Llama
An / Angora (rabbits) / OAn / Other Fiber Animals - Angora (rabbits)
O / Other / OO / OO - Other Fiber Animals - Other -