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Geosciences Bulletin Board –15 August2016- compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
Five places where you can see Precambrian rocks
Climate models provide “no rational basis for any prediction about future global average temperature, and from that the conclusion that they also provide no rational basis for any policy”
New model of the solar cycle provides accurate predictions of irregularities in the 11-year cycle of our Sun, with implications for climate change and a possible future mini-ice age
- Attempts to silence scientist:
Rock fall blocks Zion-Mount Carmel Highway in Zion National Park, triggered by strong thunderstorms
Video of summertime extra-tropical cyclone over Canada that bombed out 980 mb
YehliuGeopark on the northern coast of Taiwan is like a geological Disneyland
2nd annual “GeoGirls” outdoor volcano science program at Mount St. Helens
Waterspout on Lake Menawa in Iowa is captured on video
Six locales with breathtaking sand dunes (photo essay)
Images capture huge dust storm that swept across the Langjökull glacier in western Iceland
- Images:
Update on the toxic spill from the Gold King Mine in SW Colorado…still not remediated, still discharging
Levels of naturally-occurring methane high enough to warrant monitoring or other actions are found in water wells across New York state
Monitoring seismic activity of faults in real time may help predict future earthquakes
The Great Unconformity in the Grand Canyon represents a 1.2B year gap in the rock record
Fallen whale skeleton will provide a feast for zombie worms and other deep sea creatures (video)
Protecting interstate highway from avalanches near Snowqualmie Pass, Washington
How long have humans been mining and processing gold? At least 6,500 years
Understanding how animals can predict earthquakes
Limestone assimilation in magma helps explain part of the carbon cycle on Earth
27 million year old Oligocene whale, Echovenatorsandersi, had ultrasonic hearing
New theory on the formation of our Moon also means rethinking theories about the Earth
Subduction zone EQs along northern sections of the Cascadia Subduction Zone are more common than previously thought
Remnants of 52M year old East Asian Sea tectonic plate found buried deep in the mantle of Earth
“Mouth of Hell” Masaya Volcano in Nicaragua is being connected to the Internet (videos)
Research project to collect samples and gain better understanding of the 2004 tsunami
Preparing for the “Big One” along the coast of Oregon
Planetary geology: Violent volcanoes on Mercury stopped erupting 3.5B years ago
Is it possible to teach geology to biologists? A field experience in South Africa
Did eruption of Mount Pinatubo in 1991 mask acceleration in sea level rise?
Geological evidence supports the legend of the “Great Flood” in China
Sediment cores from the Pacific Ocean hold iron believed to be from supernova
National Park Service Geologic Resources Division chief David Steensen
Photo essay: major valley-blocking landslide at Dzongu in Sikkim, northern India
Sand should not be used as a substitute for volcanic ash when testing jet engines – ash can melt, cause damage
First humans likely did not migrate to North America through an ice corridor, they sailed here
Enviro-Sciences Bulletin Board – 15 August 2016– compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
New film: “Spillover – Zika, Ebola & Beyond” addresses zoonotic diseases
- 56-minute movie:
Will Zika be the impetus for long-desired field trials in Florida of genetically engineered mosquitoes? Are they considering the impact on the food chain if mosquito population is greatly reduced?
- FDA approval:
- 1stZika death in TX:
- Birth defects & abortion?
- Daily Florida Zika virus tracker:
Human ecological footprints just keeps getting bigger…hit “Earth Overshoot Day” for 2016 is TODAY!!
USEPA Science Advisory Board releases review of EPA Fracking Report: “lacking in several critical areas”
- Review:
Have you ever see a lichen katydid….probably not, as they are well camouflaged (video)
Biodiversity faces greatest threats from over-exploitation, agriculture & urban development – not climate change
New study directly quantifies how emissions from O&G activities influence summertime ozone pollution
Recessive genetic mutation gives this cat 4 ears…he is appropriately named “Batman”
Conflict between Indian and Pakistan over water escalate to The Hague for international arbitration
Desertification in Africa where most of the continent is already desert
Inoculation helps develop soil microbiome in degraded soils
New report suggests iconic terrestrial mega-fauna species may soon become extinct
- Paper:
More than 6 million Americans drink water containing unsafe levels carcinogens and other toxic chemicals
Rats, especially the black & brown rats, have lived among humans for thousands of years, spreading diseases
Whether it is antibiotics or vaccines, Big Pharma is still BIG business
Three subspecies of island foxes on Channel Islands in California removed from roster of endangered species
New APP encouraging amateurs in Texas to discover bugs and even find new species
Obama signs DARK Act which reinforces Monsanto position on GMO foods and invalidates Vermont labeling law
- How bad bill became law:
Why is a gallon of gasoline cheaper than a gallon of milk?
Consumerism in America means ever growing abundance of garbage (time-lapse map of a century of landfills)
- Trash overwhelms to PA towns:
Controversial Alaskan law allows wolves to be hunted in refuges, now an entire pack may be dead
Understanding the global legacy of acid rain (video)
As ice continues to shift and melt, abandoned Camp Century and toxic wastes may be exposed in Greenland
“STRIPS” emphasizes the value of prairie grasslands in creating productive soil and cleaner waters
Changing climate has impact on National Parks and the species that thrive in them
Sea lions near top of the food chain where mercury bio-accumulates & poses threat to California coastal condors
Paper: Rabies surveillance in the United States in 2014
- Related video:
- World Rabies Day:
Gaitedness of horses is controlled by a genetic mutation characteristic of a number of breeds
New US Forest Service Plan plays politics and ignites debate over management in Pacific Northwest
Everything is bigger in Texas…in this case the wind turbine energy is greater than the grid capacity
Sexual harassment, “Sports Illustrated” swimsuit issue, and our National Parks
Bulldozers are making waste of critical koala habitat (video)
RHDV1 escaped off island before planned release to control rabbits and gave them partial immunity, Korean strain of RHDV is planned for release next year
Cases of Vibrio infections in US and northern Europe increasing as ocean waters warm…can be deadly
Permit issued for an Ohio wind farm did not properly consider the excessive deaths of endangered Indian bats
20 enormous underground storage tanks used by the Navy for ships & jets in Hawaii may pose threat to aquifer