Fitness Membership Application & Agreement
Name: / Date of Birth: / //Last / First / MI
Street Address / City, State, Zip
Home Phone: / Cell Phone:
Email Address: / Tribal ID:
Employer: / Work Phone:
Spouse Name: / Tribal ID:
Child(ren): Name / Age / DOB / Sex / Tribally Enrolled / Tribal ID:
// / Yes No
// / Yes No
// / Yes No
// / Yes No
// / Yes No
// / Yes No
Requested Facility:
Terms of Agreement:
- I/We agree to pay a $20 co-pay for the single membership or $30 co-pay for a family membership. Checks or money orders for co-pays made payable to: Ho-Chunk Healthcare Center (HHCC). Co-pays must be returned to the Health & Wellness staff at N6520 Lumberjack Guy Rd, Black River Falls, WI 54615.
- The co-pay will be waived if I complete one of the following courses: Pathway to Wellness, DM Basic’s, Smoking Cessation or approved DM Prevention classes. The only way this co-pay will be waived is if I complete one or more of these courses from beginning to end and all of the necessary labs and paperwork.
- I/We agree to use the membership at least 10 times per month
- Cancellation Policy: The membership is non-transferrable; co-pay is non-refundable. Contact the Wellness team to cancel membership.
- Every 6 months members must provide a new Ho-Chunk Nation Fitness Membership application to the Health & Wellness staff.
- Every 6 months members must provide proof of utilization.
- The diabetes staff will attempt to contact participant 30 days prior to membership ending. Members will have 15 days to contact staff and provide required documentation.
- Documentation needed for consideration of renewal:
- Ho-Chunk Fitness Membership Application.
- Co-pay
- Utilization report from facility.
- Renewals will be categorized as follows:
- Primary cardholder and approved family members used the facility an average of ≥ 10 times per month. There will be no co-pay required.
- Primary cardholder and approved family members used the facility an average of 5-10 times per month. Co-pay will continue ($20.00 for individual and $30.00 for family). Approved family members for a family membership are a Ho-Chunk enrolled spouse and/or Ho-Chunk enrolled children.
- Primary cardholder and approved family members used facility an average of 1-4 times the co-pay will be double to renew membership. ($40.00 for individual and $60.00 for family)
- Primary cardholder and approved family members used the facility less than one time per month the membership will be put on suspension for 6 months.
- I will be liable for any property damage or personal injury to myself and/or my family while using this membership.
- Any deposits required by the facility will be the responsibility of the participant.
- To be eligible for a family membership the family members must be either a Ho-Chunk enrolled spouse or Ho-Chunk enrolled children under the age of 18.
- Applications and guidelines are subject to change at any time for any reason by the Health & Wellness staff.
- Any incomplete (any missing information/paperwork) applications greater than 6 months old from the signature date will be shredded and considered expired. A new membership enrollment process will need to be started after the six months if participant is still interested.
I/We agree to accept and abide by the terms of this Membership Agreement. I/We understand the Membership agreement is for a term of six (6) months.
Signed: / Dated:
December 12, 2013