As you are aware you have to be physically fit to serve in the RAF Reserves. Therefore you must pass the fitness test as part of the recruiting process.
You should be working on your fitness already; if you haven’t, you need to start now, so what can you do?
Look on the internet for a training programme. There are plenty available. Use your phone apps or computer programmes to track your progress. There are even free training programmes available to download. Ensure that they are varied and encompass both aerobic and muscular endurance elements.
Train with a friend or family member; it is easy to lose motivation on your own, especially in poor weather.
Variation is the key. We test your running, press-ups and sit-ups, but you need to be working on your overall core fitness including cardiovascular, strength and stamina.
The fitter you can be before your initial training, the more prepared you will be to take on the physical and mental challenges of military life.
As a potential RAF Reservist you have the option of taking one of the two Pre Joining Fitness Tests (PJFT). At a local Nuffield Health or an RAF Station Gymnasium
The first time you will be tested on your fitness is at the Pre-Joining Fitness Test. This is undertaken at a local Nuffield Health Fitness Centre and consists of a 2.4km run on a treadmill, press-ups and sit-ups.
2.4KM RUN (Airmen/Officer Roles)
You will need to practice for the test and ensure that you can run at the required speed on the treadmill to reach the necessary level for your age. The following table shows the minimum average speed you need to run at to complete the 2.4kms in the required time for your age. Please use this as a guide but make sure you build up to this level, particularly if you have not run on a treadmill before. If you are concerned with this element of the test then please speak to a fitness instructor at Nuffield Health or to the recruiting staff at your local Squadron/Armed Forces Careers Office.
Pre-Joining Fitness Test (Airmen/Officer Roles)
MALESAGE / 2.4km Run / Average Speed of Treadmill
100% RAFFT
15-16 / 11.39 / 12.7 km/ph
17-29 / 11.11 / 13.1 km/ph
30-34 / 11.36 / 12.7 km/ph
35-39 / 12.00 / 12.0 km/ph
40-44 / 12.26 / 11.75 km/ph
45-49 / 12.54 / 11.16 km/ph
50-54 / 13.27 / 10.71 km/ph
AGE / 2.4km Run / Average Speed of Treadmill
100% RAFFT
15-16 / 13.54 / 10.7 km/ph
17-29 / 13.23 / 10.9 km/ph
30-34 / 13.47 / 10.7km/ph
35-39 / 14.13 / 10.2 km/ph
40-44 / 14.48 / 9.95 km/ph
45-49 / 15.19 / 9.40 km/ph
50-54 / 15.53 / 9.07 km/ph
PROTOCOLS – PRESS-UP TEST (Airmen & Officer Roles)
Introduction. The aim of the press-up test is to measure the strength and endurance of the upper body. Press-ups are performed for a maximum duration of one minute, or until the individual stops (knees touch the floor) or continually fails to perform the press-up using the correct form.
Correct Form. The press-ups are to be completed using the correct form, otherwise they will not be counted. The correct form is as follows:
Set Up Position. The subject lies flat on their stomach with their legs straight and feet not more than 30cm apart. Their hands (or fists) are to be positioned in a comfortable position, slightly wider than shoulder width apart and in line with the shoulders. Press-ups are to be conducted on a flat surface.
Start/Finish Position. Keeping the head in a neutral position, the subject is to raise the body by straightening their arms, ensuring the back is kept straight with the feet acting as a pivot. The elbows are to be locked at the highest point; this is the start/finish position. See Figure 1 & 2.
Figure 1.Figure 2.
Action. The body is lowered by bending the elbows until the upper arms are parallel (90o) to the floor, making contact with the instructor’s/partner’s fist (this is the down position). The body is to be kept straight throughout the exercise. See Figure 3 & 4.
Figure 3. Figure 4.
Instructors/Partners. Instructors/partners are to lie in front[1] of the participant and place their elbow on the floor or mat so that their fist is touching the lower part of the participant’s shoulder when the participant is in the down position. This is when the participant’s upper arm is parallel to the floor. The instructor’s/partner’s fist should then stay in this position throughout the duration of the test.
Resting. Participants may rest (if required) but only in the start/finish position, with the arms extended fully and the back and legs kept straight. If the participant’s knee(s) touch the floor at any time during the test, no additional repetitions are to be counted and the participant will be told to stop.
PROTOCOLS – SIT-UP TEST (Airmen & Officer Roles)
Introduction. The aim of the sit-up test is to measure the strength and endurance of the abdominal muscles. The sit-ups are to be performed for a maximum duration of one minute, or until the individual stops or continually fails to perform the sit-up using the correct form.
Correct Form. The sit-ups are to be completed using the correct form, otherwise they will not be counted. The correct form is as follows:
Set Up/Start Position. The participant lies on a mat with the knees bent to approximately 90degrees and feet approximately 30 cm apart. Feet, back and shoulder blades should be flat on the mat. The hands are placed on the temples of the head (not behind) and must be maintained in this position throughout the test. See Figure 5.
Figure 5.
Finish Position. Both elbows touching the tops of the knees. See Figure 6.
Figure 6.
Action. The sit-up is initiated by curling the trunk up, so that both elbows touch the top of the knees. The trunk is then lowered in a controlled manner, so that the back and shoulder blades touch the mat, back in the start position. Participants are not to ‘bounce’ off the mat at any time during the test.
Instructors/Partners. Instructors/Partners are to ensure that the participant's feet are secured for the duration of the test to stop rocking, stabilise the lower body and to ensure that the feet remain in contact with the mat. Participants should be asked as to how they wish their feet to be secured (held, knelt-on or stood-on).
Resting. Participants may rest (if required) but only in the start position.
PRESS-UP AND SIT-UP STANDARDS (Airmen & Officer Roles)
The following table shows the standards required for both press-ups and sit-ups:
MALESAGE / Press-Ups / Sit-Ups
100% RAFFTPass / 100% RAFFTPass
15-16 / 20 / 35
17-29 / 20 / 35
30-34 / 19 / 32
35-39 / 18 / 29
40-44 / 17 / 26
45-49 / 16 / 23
50-54 / 15 / 20
AGE / Press-Ups / Sit-Ups
100% RAFFTPass / 100% RAFFTPass
15-16 / 10 / 32
17-29 / 10 / 32
30-34 / 9 / 29
35-39 / 8 / 26
40-44 / 7 / 23
45-49 / 6 / 20
50-54 / 5 / 17
MULTI-STAGE FITNESS TEST (MSFT) (Airmen & Officer Roles)
Although there are similarities in physical fitness requirements between both fitness test, they are different disciplines and therefore you should train hard to ensure you are at the right level of fitness to pass each test comfortably.
Practice the MSFT (Bleep test) over the 20 metre distance on which you will be tested. Regularly do the test, record your level and keep training. Not only will this prepare you for military life it will give you good insight into your progress.
PROTOCOLS – MSFT (Airmen & Officer Roles)
The aim of the MSFT is to measure an individual’s aerobic fitness, thus predicting a score of aerobic capacity. The subject must run between two lines/markers set exactly 20 metres (m) apart. The subject must keep up with a series of pre-recorded bleeps played on a CD recording. The interval between each bleep remains consistent per level (each level lasts for 1 minute) and initially starts off very slowly (brisk walking pace) but progressively increases in speed every minute. The subject continues running until they reach the set standard or when they can no longer maintain the required pace. Standards required are as follows:
MALESAGE / MSFT LEVEL / Press-Ups / Sit-Ups
100% RAFFT
Pass / 100% RAFFTPass / 100% RAFFTPass
15-16 / 9.03 / 20 / 35
17-29 / 9.10 / 20 / 35
30-34 / 9.04 / 19 / 32
35-39 / 8.09 / 18 / 29
40-44 / 8.03 / 17 / 26
45-49 / 7.07 / 16 / 23
50-54 / 7.01 / 15 / 20
AGE / MSFT LEVEL / Press-Ups / Sit-Ups
100% RAFFT
Pass / 100% RAFFTPass / 100% RAFFTPass
15-16 / 6.07 / 10 / 32
17-29 / 7.02 / 10 / 32
30-34 / 6.08 / 9 / 29
35-39 / 6.04 / 8 / 26
40-44 / 5.08 / 7 / 23
45-49 / 5.04 / 6 / 20
50-54 / 4.09 / 5 / 17
The multi stage fitness test is available to be downloaded at;
By selecting your specific application trade or branch, the website will also provide you with the specific fitness requirement for your role.
Write the information down and take ownership of it.
Fitness testing for you
My Branch and trade:
My Fitness standards:
[1] In Figures 2 & 4 the instructor’s position is to the side in order to allow the press-up to be viewed from the front.