Empowering section VerDate:30/06/1997

(Cap 353 section 5(a))

[4 March 1983]

(Originally L.N. 74 of 1983)


Citation VerDate:30/06/1997

This order may be cited as the Fish Culture Zone (Designation) Order.


Designation of fish culture zones VerDate:30/06/1997

Those areas of the waters of Hong Kong named and described in the Schedule thereto are designated as fish culture zones within which fish culture may be engaged in.

SCHEDULE VerDate:01/01/2000

[paragraph 2]

ItemArea NameDescription

1.Sha Tau Kok

fish culture zoneAn area of water delineated and coloured pink on Plan No.

FC1012B deposited in the office of the Director of Agriculture, Fisheries

and Conservation. (L.N. 22 of 1988)

2.Ap Chau

fish culture zoneAn area of water delineated and coloured pink on Plan No.

FC1013C deposited in the office of the Director of Agriculture, Fisheries

and Conservation.

3.Kat O

fish culture zoneAn area of water delineated and coloured pink on Plan No.

FC1014E deposited in the office of the Director of Agriculture, Fisheries

and Conservation.

4.O Pui Tong

fish culture zoneAn area of water delineated and coloured pink on Plan No.

FC1052B deposited in the office of the Director of Agriculture, Fisheries

and Conservation.

5.Sai Lau Kong

fish culture zoneAn area of water delineated and coloured pink on Plan No.

FC1059 deposited in the office of the Director of Agriculture, Fisheries

and Conservation.

6.Wong Wan

fish culture zoneAn area of water delineated and coloured pink on Plan No.

FC1016C deposited in the office of the Director of Agriculture, Fisheries

and Conservation.

7.Tap Mun

fish culture zoneAn area of water delineated and coloured pink on Plan No.

FC106OD-1 and Plan No. FC106OD-2 deposited in the office of the Director of Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation. (L.N. 281 of 1992)

8.Kau Lau Wan

fish culture zoneAn area of water delineated and coloured pink on Plan No.

FC1018E deposited in the office of the Director of Agriculture, Fisheries

and Conservation.

9.Sham Wan

fish culture zoneAn area of water delineated and coloured pink on Plan No.

FC1019H deposited in the office of the Director of Agriculture, Fisheries

and Conservation. (L.N. 281 of 1992)

10.Lo Fu Wat

fish culture zoneAn area of water delineated and coloured pink on Plan No.

FC1023D deposited in the office of the Director of Agriculture, Fisheries

and Conservation.

11.Yung Shue Au

fish culture zoneAn area of water delineated and coloured pink on Plan No.

FC1024C deposited in the office of the Director of Agriculture, Fisheries

and Conservation.

12.Leung Shuen Wan

fish culture zoneAn area of water delineated and coloured pink on Plan No.

FC1026E deposited in the office of the Director of Agriculture, Fisheries

and Conservation.

13.Tiu Cham Wan

fish culture zoneAn area of water delineated and coloured pink on Plan No.

FC1041B deposited in the office of the Director of Agriculture, Fisheries

and Conservation.

14.Tai Tau Chau

fish culture zoneAn area of water delineated and coloured pink on Plan No.

FC1028D deposited in the office of the Director of Agriculture, Fisheries

and Conservation.

15.Kai Lung Wan

fish culture zoneAn area of water delineated and coloured pink on Plan No.

FC1056C deposited in the office of the Director of Agriculture, Fisheries

and Conservation. (L.N. 332 of 1996)

16.Kau Sai

fish culture zoneAn area of water delineated and coloured pink on Plan No.

FC1027C deposited in the office of the Director of Agriculture, Fisheries

and Conservation. (L.N. 281 of 1992)

17.Ma Nam Wat

fish culture zoneAn area of water delineated and coloured pink on Plan No.

FC1029D deposited in the office of the Director of Agriculture, Fisheries

and Conservation.

18.Po Toi O

fish culture zoneAn area of water delineated and coloured pink on Plan No.

FC1025B deposited in the office of the Director of Agriculture, Fisheries

and Conservation.

19.(Repealed L.N. 368 of 1991)

20.Po Toi

fish culture zoneAn area of water delineated and coloured pink on Plan No.

FC1034D deposited in the office of the Director of Agriculture, Fisheries

and Conservation.

21.Sok Kwu Wan

fish culture zoneAn area of water delineated and coloured pink on Plan No.

FC1049M deposited in the office of the Director of Agriculture, Fisheries

and Conservation. (L.N. 430 of 1984; L.N. 281 of 1992)

22.Lo Tik Wan

fish culture zoneAn area of water delineated and coloured pink on Plan No.

FC1050F deposited in the office of the Director of Agriculture, Fisheries

and Conservation. (L.N. 92 of 1987)

23.(Repealed L.N. 239 of 1990)

24.Ma Wan

fish culture zoneAn area of water delineated and coloured pink on Plan No.

FC1057 deposited in the office of the Director of Agriculture, Fisheries

and Conservation. (L.N. 286 of 1984)

25.Yim Tin Tsai

fish culture zoneAn area of water delineated and coloured pink on Plan No.

FC1058A deposited in the office of the Director of Agriculture, Fisheries

and Conservation. (L.N. 22 of 1988)

26.Cheung Sha Wan

fish culture zoneAn area of water delineated and coloured pink on Plan No.

FC1054E deposited in the office of the Director of Agriculture, Fisheries

and Conservation. (L.N. 281 of 1992; L.N. 535 of 1994)

27.(Repealed L.N. 3 of 1992)

28.Yim Tin Tsai

fish culture zoneAn area of water delineated and coloured pink (East) on

Plan No. FC1020B deposited in the office of the Director of Agriculture,

Fisheries and Conservation. (L.N. 282 of 1986)

29.Tung Lung Chau

fish culture zoneAn area of water delineated and coloured pink on Plan No.

FC1066E deposited in the office of the Director of Agriculture, Fisheries

and Conservation. (L.N. 178 of 1991; L.N. 355 of 1991)

(L.N. 282 of 1986; L.N. 331 of 1999)