FY2015 Emergency Management Performance Grant Guidance

Program Overview, Objectives, and Priorities


ThepurposeoftheEmergencyManagement PerformanceGrant (EMPG)Program isto provide federal funds to States to assist State, local, territorial,and tribal governments in preparingfor all hazards, asauthorized bySection 662 ofthePost Katrina Emergency Management Reform Act (6 U.S.C. § 762) and theRobert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and EmergencyAssistanceAct (42 U.S.C. §§ 5121 etseq.). TitleVIoftheStafford Act authorizes FEMA to makegrants forthepurposeof providingasystem ofemergencypreparedness fortheprotection oflifeandproperty in theUnited States from hazards and to vest responsibilityforemergency preparedness jointlyin the Federal Government, States, and theirpolitical subdivisions. The Federal Government, through theEMPG Program, provides necessarydirection, coordination, and guidance,and provides necessaryassistance, as authorized in this title, to support a comprehensive all hazards emergency preparedness system.


TheEMPGProgram supports acomprehensive, all-hazard emergencypreparedness system bybuildingand sustainingthe core capabilitiescontained in theGoal.

Examples ofEMPG funded activities include:

•Initiatingorachievinganall-of-Nation/wholecommunityapproach to securityand emergencymanagement;

•Strengtheningastateorcommunity’semergencymanagement program;

•Updating emergencyplans;

•CompletingtheThreat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA)process;

•Designing and conductingexercises that engagean all-of-Nation/wholecommunity ofstakeholdersand validate core capabilities; and



TheNational Preparedness System is theinstrument theNation employs tobuild, sustain,and implement corecapabilities to achievetheGoal ofasecureand resilient Nation. Complexand far-reachingthreats and hazardsrequirea collaborative andall-of-Nation/whole communityapproach to national preparedness that engages individuals, families, communities, private and nonprofit sectors, faith-basedorganizations, and all levels ofgovernment. Theguidance, programs, processes, and systems thatsupport each component oftheNational Preparedness System allow fortheintegration ofpreparedness efforts that build, sustain, and deliver corecapabilities and achievethedesired outcomes identified in theGoal.

TheDepartment ofHomeland Securityexpects EMPG recipients to prioritizegrant fundingto address capabilitytargets andgaps identified through theannual THIRAprocess. Recipients should prioritizetheuseofgrant funds to maintain/sustain currentcapabilities, to validate capabilitylevels, and to increasecapabilityforhigh- prioritycorecapabilities with low capabilitylevels. Additional information, including guidelines for completingtheTHIRA and SPR, can be found at: https://www.fema.gov/media-library/assets/documents/26335and https://www.fema.gov/media-library/assets/documents/24748.

Funding Information

Catalog of Federal Domestic (CFDA) Number


Local Funding

Funding to local jurisdictions will be formula based.

Period of Performance

Twenty-four months. October 1, 2014 – September 30, 2016.

DUNS Number

All sub-grantees will be required to provide a Dun and Bradstreet Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number with their application. This number is required for our reporting requirements. If you do not have a DUNS number you need to take the steps necessary to obtain one as soon as possible. All sub-grantees can receive a DUNS number at no cost by calling the dedicated toll-free DUNS number request line at (866)705-5711.

Cost Match

A 50% non-federal local cost match is required under this program.

Restrictions on use of award funds

Award funds maynot beused formatchingfundsfor anyotherFederalgrants/cooperativeagreements, lobbying, orintervention in Federal regulatoryor adjudicatoryproceedings.Inaddition, Federal funds maynot beused to suethe federalgovernment or anyothergovernmententity.

EMPG Programrecipients mayonlyfundactivities and projects that areincluded on their FY 2015 EMPG Program Work Plan submitted to and approved by NDDES. Activities and projects mayincludethesustainment of capabilitiessupported byprevious EMPG Program funds.

National Incident ManagementSystem (NIMS)Implementation

Granteesarerequired to maintain their existingNIMScompliance. Emergency

Managementand incident response activities require carefullymanaged resources (personnel, teams, facilities, equipment and/orsupplies)to meet incident needs. Utilization ofstandardized resourcemanagement concepts such as typing, inventorying, andcatalogingpromotes strongnational mutual aid capabilities that areneeded to support deliveryofthe corecapabilities. Additional information on resourcemanagement and national TierINIMSResourceTypes can be found at http://www.fema.gov/resource-management.

Emergency Operations Plan(EOP)

Grantees must updatetheirEOPat least onceeverytwoyears to complywith

ComprehensivePreparedness Guide (CPG)101 v.2, Developing and Maintaining EmergencyOperations Plans.

EnvironmentalPlanning andHistoricPreservation(EHP)Compliance

As aFederal agency, FEMA is required to considertheeffects ofits actions on the

environment and/orhistoricproperties toensurethat all activities and programs funded bythe agency, including grants-funded projects, complywith Federal EHPregulations, laws and ExecutiveOrders as applicable. Recipients and sub recipients proposingprojects that havethepotential toimpact the environment,includingbut not limited to construction of communication towers, modification or renovation ofexistingbuildings, structures andfacilities,ornew construction includingreplacement of facilities, must participatein theFEMAEHPreview process. TheEHPreview process involves the submission ofadetailed project description that explains thegoals and objectives ofthe proposed project along with supportingdocumentation so that FEMA maydetermine whethertheproposed project has thepotential to impact environmental resources and/or historicproperties.In some cases,FEMA also is required to consult with other regulatory agenciesand thepublicin orderto completethereview process. TheEHPreview process must be completed and approved before fundsarereleased to carryout theproposed project. FEMA will not fund projects that areinitiated without the requiredEHPreview.

Additionally, all recipients are required to complywith FEMA EHP PolicyGuidance. This EHP PolicyGuidancecan be found inFP108-023-1, EnvironmentalPlanning andHistoricPreservation PolicyGuidance,and FP108.24.4, Environmental Planning andHistorical Preservation Policy.


Sub-grantees who receiveawards undertheEMPG program thatwhollyorpartiallyprovide fundingforemergencycommunication projects and related activities mustcomplywith themost recent version oftheSAFECOM Guidanceon Emergency Communications Grants. http://www.safecomprogram.gov/grant/Default.aspx. This Guidanceprovides recommendations tograntees regardinginteroperable emergencycommunications projects, including allowable costs, eligible activities, grants management best practicesfor emergencycommunications grants, and information on technical standards that ensuregreaterinteroperability. TheGuidanceis intended toensure that Federally-funded investments are compatible, interoperable, and support the national goals and objectives forimproving emergencycommunications nationwide. Sub-grantees investingin broadband-related investments should reviewIB386: Clarification on UseofDHS/FEMA Public SafetyGrantFunds forBroadband-Related Expenditures andInvestments,and consult their FEMA Regional Program Manageron suchInvestments before developing applications. Relocating existingsystems operatingin theT-Band is also allowable.

Direct Costs

Costs charged to this award must be consistent with the Cost Principles for Federal Awards locate at 2 C.F.R. Part 200, Subpart E.

FY2015 EMPG Program Priorities

Alignment oftheEMPG ProgramtotheNational Preparedness System(NPS)

TheNation utilizes theNPSto build, sustain, and deliver corecapabilities in orderto achievethe National Preparedness Goal (the Goal) of “asecure and resilient Nation with the capabilities required across thewhole communityto prevent, protect against, mitigate, respond to, and recoverfrom thethreats and hazards that posethegreatest risk.”Theobjectiveofthe NPSis to facilitate an integrated,all-of-Nation, risk informed, capabilities-based approach to preparedness. Theguidance, programs, processes, and systems that support each component of theNPSenablea collaborative, whole communityapproach to national preparedness thatengages individuals, families, communities, private and nonprofit sectors, faith-based organizations, and all levels ofgovernment (http://www.fema.gov/whole-community).

The FY 2015 EMPG Program contributes to theimplementation oftheNPSbysupportingthe building, sustainment, and deliveryof corecapabilities. Core capabilities are essential forthe execution of critical tasks for each ofthe fivemission areas outlined in theGoal. Deliveringcore capabilities requires thecombined effort ofthewhole community, ratherthan the exclusive effort of anysingleorganization orlevel ofgovernment. TheEMPG Program’s allowable costs support efforts to build and sustain corecapabilities across thePrevention,Protection, Mitigation, Response, and Recoverymission areas.

Emphasis is placed on capabilities that address thegreatest risks to thesecurityandresilienceof theUnited States, and thegreatest risks alongtheNation’s borders. Whenapplicable, funding should support deployable assets that can beutilized anywherein theNation throughautomatic assistance and mutual aidagreements, includingbut not limited totheEmergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC).

The FY 2015 EMPG Program supports investments that improve the ability of jurisdictions nationwide to:

  • Preventing athreatened or an actual act ofterrorism;
  • Protectingourcitizens, residents, visitors, and assets against thegreatest threatsand hazards;
  • Mitigatingtheloss oflifeand propertybylesseningtheimpact of futuredisasters;
  • Respondingquicklyto savelives, protect propertyand the environment, and meet basic human needs in theaftermath ofa catastrophicincident; and/or
  • Recoveringthrough afocus on thetimelyrestoration, strengthening,and revitalization of infrastructure, housing,and asustainableeconomy,aswell as thehealth, social, cultural, historic, and environmental fabricofcommunities affected byacatastrophicincident.

The core capabilities contained in theGoal arehighlyinterdependent andrequiretheuseof existingpreparedness networks and activities, improvetrainingandexerciseprograms, promote innovation, and ensurethat the appropriate administrative, finance, and logistics systems arein place.

Recipients will use the components of the National Preparedness System to support building, sustaining, and deliveringthese corecapabilities. The components oftheNational Preparedness System are: Identifying andAssessingRisk; EstimatingCapabilityRequirements; Building andSustainingCapabilities; Planningto Deliver Capabilities; Validating Capabilities; and Reviewingand Updating. Formoreinformation on eachcomponent, read theNational Preparedness System description available at http://www.fema.gov/national-preparedness/national-preparedness-system. Granteesare expected to usethis process when using grant funds to address theircapabilitygaps.

Reporting ontheImplementationoftheNational Preparedness System (NPS)

Identifying andAssessing Riskand Estimating Capability Requirements

In orderto qualifyforEMPG Program funding,all recipients shall develop and maintain aTHIRA, which informs and supports an annual SPR. A THIRA provides acomprehensive approachforidentifying and assessingrisks and associated impacts.It expands on existinglocal, tribal, territorial, and stateHazardIdentification and Risk Assessments (HIRAs) and other risk methodologies bybroadeningthefactors considered in theprocess, incorporatingthewhole communitythroughout the entireprocess, and byaccounting forimportant community-specific characteristics. Aguideon how to completeaTHIRA is available athttps://www.fema.gov/threat-and-hazard-identification-and-risk-assessment.In StepFourofthe THIRA process, ajurisdiction should estimatethe resources required to deliverthecapability targets established in theirTHIRAs. Communities express resource requirements as alist of resources needed to successfullymanagetheirthreats and hazards. Through the capability estimation process, jurisdictions should identifythe resources from across thewhole community needed to meet capabilitytargets. Each jurisdiction should decidewhich combination of resources is most appropriateto achieveits capabilitytargets.

Building andSustaining Capabilities

EMPG Programgrantees should ensurethatgrantfundingis utilized to sustain critical corecapabilities within theNational Preparedness Systemthat were funded bypast EMPG Program fundingcycles to include trainingofpersonnelandlifecyclereplacement ofequipment. New capabilities should not be built at the expenseofmaintainingcurrentand criticallyneeded corecapabilities. Ifnewcore capabilities arebeingbuilt utilizingEMPG Program funding,grantees mustensurethat the capabilities areableto bedeployableoutsideoftheir communityto supportregional and national efforts. Allcapabilities beingbuilt orsustained must havea clearlinkageto one ormore corecapabilities in theGoal.


RecipientsreceivingEMPG fundingare required toimplement theNIMS, and EMPG funds maybeused to meet therequirements described below.TheNIMSuses asystematic approach to integratethebestexistingprocesses and methods into aunified national framework forincident management. Incident management refers to howincidents aremanaged across all homeland security activities, includingprevention, protection, and response, mitigation, and recovery.FY2015 EMPG recipients must usestandardized resourcemanagement concepts for resource typing, credentialing,and an inventoryto facilitatethe effectiveidentification, dispatch, deployment, tracking,andrecoveryofresources.

Planning to DeliverCapabilities

All EMPG Programgrantees shall maintain, or revise as necessary, jurisdiction-wide, all threatsand hazards emergencyoperations plans (EOPs)consistent with theCPG 101 v.2 which serves as the foundation forState, local, tribal, and territoryemergencyplanning. CPG 101 v.2 can be found at http://www.fema.gov/national-preparedness/plan. Grantees mustupdatetheirEOPat least once everytwoyears.

In buildingfutureEOPs, planners should anticipatetheincreasingcomplexityand decreasing predictabilityofthe futureoperatingenvironment. These efforts should activelyusestrategic foresight, includingthemultipledrivingforces of changeand the associated evolvingstrategic needs shown in FEMA’sCrisis Responseand Disaster Resilience2030 Report. TheReport can be found at http://www.fema.gov/strategic-planning-analysis-spa-division/strategic-foresight-initiative.

Validating Capabilities

Sub-grantees should developlong-term training and exercisepriorities that examine, validate and/oraddress thegaps identified through theirannual THIRA bydevelopingamulti-year Training and ExercisePlan (TEP). Sub-grantees should also reviewand consider areas for improvement identified from real-world events and exercises.

TheTEPshould considerthe risks and capabilityrequirements described intheTHIRA along with theguidanceprovided byelected and appointed officials to identifyand set training and exerciseprogram priorities and developamulti-yearscheduleofexerciseevents and supporting trainingactivities to meet thosepriorities A TEPthat is developed from aTraining and Exercise PlanningWorkshop (TEPW)provides a roadmapto accomplish themulti-yearpriorities identified byelectedandappointed officials and whole communitystakeholders. Thesepriorities help curriculum andexerciseplanners designanddevelop aprogressiveprogram oftrainingand exercises that build, sustain, and deliver corecapabilities.Information related to TEPs and TEPWs can be found ontheHSEEPwebsite at https://www.llis.dhs.gov/hseep.

Inaddition to trainingactivities aligned to and addressed in theTEP, all EMPG Program funded personnel shall completethe followingtrainingrequirements and record proofof completion: NationalIncident Management System (NIMS)Training,IS100,IS200,IS700, andIS800, andotherIndependent Studycourses identified inFEMA Professional Development Series. Previous versions oftheIScourses meet theNIMStraining requirement. Acompletelist ofIndependent StudyProgram Coursesmaybe found at http://training.fema.gov/is.

All sub-grantees will developand maintain aprogressive exerciseprogram consistent with Homeland SecurityExercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) (https:www.llis.dhs.gov/hseep). Sub-grantees shall conduct no less than two exercises of anytype(i.e., discussion-based oroperations-based)and one full-scale exercisewithin a12-month period. All EMPG funded personnel shall participatein no fewerthan three exercises in a12-month period.

A progressive, multi-year exerciseprogram enables organizations to participatein aseries of increasinglycomplexexercises, with each successive exercisebuildingupon theprevious one while also takinginto account priorlessons learned. Regardless oftheexercisetype, each exercisewithin theprogressiveseries is linked toaset of common program priorities and designed to testassociated capabilities.

Reviewing andUpdating

On a recurringbasis,capabilitylevels, resources, and plans should be reviewed to determineiftheyremain relevant orneed to beupdated. This review should bebased on a current risk assessment and utilizeinformation gathered duringthecapabilityvalidation process. These reviews will provideameans to determinepriorities, direct preparedness actions, and calibrate goals andobjectives.

State Requirements


  • Submit situation reports and requests for assistance via WebEOC.
  • Develop and maintain a local EOC ICS/UCS organizational structure and identify position specific responsibilities. Incorporate structure into LEOP. Training will be provided if needed.


  • Review and update the Local Emergency Operations Plan (LEOP) in coordination with functional and task coordinators; submit update schedule as part of your work plan (EMF 4.4- Operational planning and Procedures); submit an updated electronic copy of LEOP to NDDES Planning section by September 30, 2016.
  • Complete Step 2 of THIRA (Threats and Hazards Contexting) by describing the threats and hazards of most concern, showing how they may affect the community. Identify whole community partners and educate them on THIRA. NDDES staff will aid local jurisdictions by facilitating the THIRA process.


  • Maintain and provide NDDES an updated electronic listing of local (to include city, township and county) and private resources identified in the LEOP by December 30, 2016.


  • Review/update local hazardous materials operational procedures
  • Reconcile Tier II reporting with fire departments and NDDES by December 30, 2015
  • Publish annual Section 324 notice and provide a copy to NDDES by December 30, 2015
  • Submit electronic copies of LEPC membership list by September 30, 2015 and electronic copies of meeting minutes to NDDES quarterly.


  • Utilize State of North Dakota Recommended Mutual Aid Agreement and maintain mutual aid agreements; submit electronic copies to NDDES



  • Recommend Developing a Resource Management Annex that addresses items such as staging areas, resources tracking, logistics section staffing and responsibilities, coordination of resources, request protocols, etc.


  • Coordinate use of Tier II fee money with LEPC and County Commission

Funding Guidelines



MA activities arethosedefined as directlyrelatingto themanagement and administration ofEMPG Programfunds, such as financial management and monitoring. Itshould benoted that salaries oflocalemergencymanagers arenot typicallycategorizedas MA, unless the local EMA chooses to assign personnel tospecificMA activities.

M & A costs are allowable for local-level EMAs. Local EMAs mayretain and useup to fivepercent(5%)ofits sub-grant for local M&A purposes.


Planningspans all fiveNational Preparedness Goal (theGoal)mission areas and provides abaseline fordetermining potential threats and hazards, requiredcapabilities, required resources, and establishes aframework for rolesand responsibilities. Planningprovides amethodical way to engagethewhole communityin thedevelopment ofastrategic, operational, and/or community-based approach to preparedness.

EMPG Programfunds maybeused to develop orenhanceupon emergencymanagement planningactivities, some examples include:

•Development ofTHIRA

•Development of anall-hazards mitigation plan based on identified risks andhazards

EmergencyManagement/Operation Plans

•Maintainingacurrent EOPthat is aligned withguidelines set out in CPG101v.2


•Modifyingexistingincident management and emergencyoperations plans

•Developing/enhancinglarge-scale andcatastrophic event incident plans

Communications Plans

•Developingand updating StatewideCommunicationInteroperabilityPlans

•Developingand updating TacticalInteroperabilityCommunications Plans


•Developing/enhancingContinuityofOperation (COOP)/ContinuityofGovernment (COG)plans

•Developing/enhancing financial andadministrativeprocedures forusebefore, during, and afterdisaster events in support ofa comprehensiveemergencymanagementprogram


•Developing/enhancing emergencyoperations plans to integrate citizen/volunteer and othernon-governmentalorganization resources and participation

•Engagingthewhole communityin public education and awareness activities

•Planningto fosterpublic-privatesectorpartnerships, includinginnovation for disasters initiatives that support themission areasidentified in theGoal

•Executingan America’sPrepareAthon!activityto engagethewhole communityin a hazard-specificactivityon theNational DayofAction

•EstablishingaCitizen Corps Council that brings togetherrepresentatives ofthewhole communityto provideinput on emergencyoperations plans, risk assessments, mitigation plans, alert and warningsystems, and otherplans; assist in outreach and education of communitymembers in preparedness activities; and build volunteer capabilityto support disaster responseand recovery

•DeliveringtheCERT BasicTrainingCourse and supplemental training forCERT members who have completed thebasictraining,theCERT Train-the-TrainerCourse, and theCERT ProgramManagercourse(stronglyencouraged)

•Developingor enhancing mutual aid agreements/compacts, includingrequired membership in EMAC

Resourcemanagement planning

•Developing/enhancinglogistics and resourcemanagement plans

•Developing/enhancingvolunteer and/ordonations management plans
