Special Meeting
January 24, 2017
Present: Jeff Buchbinder, John Burns, Hoween Flexer, Diane Summa, (absent
with notification) John Burns, Richard Murray, Alexis Rich,
Lydia Rivera Abrams (absent), Jennifer Thompson and Chris Viens.
Others Present: Interim Superintendent, Lynne Pierson, Assistant Superintendent,
Steve Rioux, Manager of Business Affairs, Christine Clark.
Hoween Flexer called the meeting to order at called the meeting to order at 6:03p.m.
There were no citizen’s comments.
Hoween asked that if board members had any questions after tonight’s discussion and review of the working budget, that members contact her and she would forward those questions to Dr. Pierson.
MOTION: by John, seconded by Jeff to approve December 12 Fiscal Meeting
minutes with one grammar correction.
Yes: 3-0. Motion Carries. (only members on the fiscal sub-committee)
John Burns asked that future fiscal meeting minutes be sent earlier so board members have ample time to review them.
On tonight’s agenda discussion will take place regarding the working budget documents for Goodyear Early Childhood Center, Killingly Central School, Killingly Memorial School, Killingly Intermediate School, Killingly High School including KHS Athletics and Vo-Ag. The working budget documents do not include decision package requests.
The original budget requests submitted to Central Office totaled a 5.5% increase from 2016-167.
Dr. Pierson, Steve Rioux and Christine Clark worked with administrators to decrease this amount down to a 3.91% increase. Tonight’s working budget total is 43,115,783.68.
Dr. Pierson stated that a Superintendents’ proposed budget is a blueprint for action, designed to support continuous educational improvement and supports the Board of Education Goals. Dr. Pierson stated that there are key elements to remember when building a budget.
They are:
1. Learner-Center Instruction- developing critical thinking and problem solving skills through meaningful application of content.
2. Collaboration –professional growth, taking responsibility for learning in an environment which allows risk taking and reflection
3. Communication-developing a shared vision among all constituents
4. Focus on Efficiency-giving the maximum within set resources
When developing the budget the board must consider, their goals, student enrollment projections, contractual obligations, status of state and federal grants.
Drivers of the 2017-18 FY budget are: increases in health insurance, contractual salary agreements, (including insurance, benefits.)
Reduction in state grant funding will have a significant impact on the budget and the board needs to keep in mind that some positions are grant funded would need to be transitioned to the local budget. An increase to magnet school tuition, and special education cost must be areas of concern also.
The Board members were given the binder of the working budget and the following documents;
· 2017-18 Budget Development (including budget drivers-1/23/17)
· KPS Elementary Level Projected Class size 2017-18 Document.
· Summarized estimated Budget Adjustments
· KPS- 2017-2018 Budget preparation, Decision Package Summary
Instructional supplies accounts (5612) will increase in all of the buildings budgets because all copying machine supplies will be ordered by individual schools instead of the Information Technology Department.
Jan 24, 2017 working budget total is $43,115,783.68.
The Difference from 2016-17 is $1,622,050.68 or 3.91%.
GECC working 2017-18 budget.
The 2017-18 Budget Requests total= $458,449.35
Difference from 2016-17 is $12,822.42 or 3% increase
Highest increases are in the following line accounts.
· contractual salaries (5112, 5113) up $9,032.00 or .0.05 %
· health/dental insurance (5210) up $1,999.00 or 0.10%
· office supplies (5691) up $700.00 or 1.75%
Other line accounts reflect insignificant increases. The Preschool program receives funding from 5 grants (3 federal, 2 state) and receives revenues generated by attending families and local grant. There are several positions supported by grant funds.
KCS working 2017-18 budget.
The 2017-18 Budget Requests total is $2,288,077.35
Difference from 2016-17 is $49,083.56 or 0.02%
Highest increases are in the following line accounts.
· contractual salaries (5112, 5113) up $15,652 or 0.03 %
· health/dental insurance (5210) up $40,517 or 0.10%
· instructional supplies (5612) up $8,793.76 or 0.26%%
· overtime (5130) up $2,900 or 3.22 %
KMS working 2017-18 budget.
The 2017-18 Budget Requests total is $2,582,728.88
Difference from 2016-17 is a DECREASE of ($8,778.11)
Highest increases for KMS are in the following line accounts.
· contractual salaries (5112,) up $7,272.00 or 0.03 %
· health/dental insurance (5210) up $36,178 or 0.10%
· instructional equipment (5731) up $9,424.00 or 0.94%%
· instructional supplies (5612) up $15,259 or 0.39 %
KIS working 2017-18 budget.
The 2017-18 Budget Requests total is $4,783,076.59
Difference from 2016-17 is $152,013.57 or 0.03%
Highest increases for KIS are in the following line accounts.
· contractual salaries (5112,) up $38,128.00 or 0.03 %
· health/dental insurance (5210) up $62,306 or 0.10%
· instructional equipment (5731) up $7,853 or 0.36%%
· instructional supplies (5612) up $37,143 or 0.44%
KHS working 2017-18 budget , including Ag-ed.
The 2017-18 Budget Requests total $6,858,765.24 up $379,282.46 or 0.06%
KHS Athletics + $50,000.00 up $8,000 or 0.19%
KHS Band + $5,000.00
Highest increases for KHS are in the following line accounts.
· contractual salaries (5112,5113 ) up $108,293.72 or 0.03 %
· health/dental insurance (5210) up $86,786.00 or 0.10%
· instructional supplies (5612) up $39,083 or 0.46%%
· textbooks (5641) up $77,602 or 6.62%
MOTION: by Richard, seconded by Jeff to adjourn at 8:37 p.m.
Unanimous, 6-0 Motion Carries (Alexis rich left the meeting at 8:14 p.m.)