Tuesday, 27 March 2012

First up I would like to remind our community that time is fast running out for submissions to the Murray Darling Basin Plan. The draft is still in exhibition stage and this is your final opportunity to have your say. Make no mistake, our area will lose badly and it will be too little too late if this disastrous plan gets up in its current state for a lack of community input.

If nothing else the NSW Government needs to understand that unless the plan changes we expect them to walk away from this Basin Plan. Let’s face it, keeping silent may not offend the bleeding heart in the bigger cities and along the coast but to us at the end of the day it will simply constitute betrayal.

The 20 week consultation period closes on the 16th April 2012. Make a submission!

Council was fortunate to have Mrs Louise Burge – CEO, Southern Riverina Irrigators and Mr Neil Eagle – President, Murray Valley Water Diverters attend the Council Meeting to give presentations about the Murray Darling Plan. Many important issues were raised in these presentations and will be included in Council’s submission.

Council has adopted the amended version of the Vision 2022 Community Strategic Plan which was on exhibition for comment since January. The Plan can be viewed on Council’s website and the community is encouraged to continue to keep informed about the Plan. Council will continue work on the Combined Delivery Program and Operational Plan which will go up for adoption at the Special Council Meeting on 2nd May.

Rescission motions seldom occur in Wakool Shire but one this month bears explanation. The proposal to build a bio toilet facility on the Moulamein Road was never identified in the community planning process and been of little benefit to Wakool Shire ratepayers. As far as I’m concerned its proposed funding via the Block Grant constituted an innapropriate use of Regional Road funding.

Contracts have been let for part of the Wakool Sewerage Scheme which is the rising main and pump station. Those works are expected to be completed by July this year and Council has resolved to hold a community meeting in Wakool in coming months. Residents will be advised of the details in due course. Contracts have also been let for the Murray Downs Reuse Scheme which will provide a raw and reuse water for Murray Downs residents. These projects are a culmination of a longstanding commitment from Council to improve sewerage services to Wakool and Murray Downs.

On a sad note, one of our well known Moulamein residents, Carol McGeachie passed away on Sunday evening after she was diagnosed with cancer only weeks ago. Carol was affectionately known as the ‘Emu Lady’ and was famous for her unique artwork which is featured around Moulamein and no doubt displayed in many of our homes. Not only was she known for her artwork in Moulamein, she had become a local legend and she will be sadly missed by many. Our thoughts go out to all of her family and friends.

Remember to keep an eye out for information on upcoming local events and to support your community groups who do such a great job. Moulamein will be holding their Easter Yabby Races and Goodnight and Barham will be holding their Easter Tennis Tournaments. School holidays and Easter are just around the corner so please stay safe if you are travelling on the roads and have a safe and happy Easter.

Cr Andrew Douglas