September 10, 2017

23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

“O that today you would listen to the word of the Lord. Do not harden your hearts!”

Monday8:00 a.m.David Pickett – Don & Barbara Carr

Special Intentions of Sr. Elaine – Frank & Phyllis Wrafter

Steve & Ivadell Goad - Family

Marcelina Francisco - Family

Tuesday8:00 a.m.Peter, Benedicto & Tadeo – Vinh Nguyen

Jerry Renner – Rick & Cheryl Dwyer

Wednesday8:00 a.m.Kevin Ottenhof – Mr. & Mrs. Costello

Special Intentions of Janina Klimt

Kevin Brownlie – John

Thursday8:00 a.m.John Kempiak & John Gyurik – Marietta & Paula

Friday8:00 a.m.Deceased of the Harshuk Family – Mary & Sylvia

Repose of Souls in Purgatory

Rev. Phil Sherlock – Mary Szwajkowski

Friday10:30a.m.Mass at Golden Years Nursing Home

Saturday5:00 p.m.Special Intentions of John & Marilynn Franks (50th Wedding Anniversary)

Special Intentions of Nick & Jenny Kuchma (60th Wedding Anniversary)

Special Intentions of Gabriella Hughes – Family

Tom Pawelko – Praise Choir

Special Intentions of Debbie Milicevic – Gerard Schmidt

Urban & Anne Schmidt – Patricia & Gerard

Adolphe Vautour – Marie & Family

Nancy & Charlie Ratford – Fred & Kathy Ratford & Family

Joseph Bukowski – Peter, Silke & Ushi Schmidt

Joan Antida DeBattista – Husband & Family

CONGRATULATIONS to Nick and Jenny Kuchma, celebrating their 60th Wedding Anniversary, and to John and Marilynn Franks, celebrating their 50th Anniversary. May God continue to bless you and your families!

PRAYERS for the SICK – As a faith community, we pray for all who struggle with illness and for their families. At this time we especially remember Blaine Galway, Joe Levai and Kevin Young.

PRAYER NETWORK – Are you in need of prayerful support? Or would you like to help us pray for those who have requested prayers? We have a parish Prayer Network: People who pray for those in need of prayers. Please contact Reggie Weidinger at 519-653-0625 or

CAN YOU HELP? The parish website is a work-in-progress, with excellent photos on our Parish History page but none regarding our catastrophic fire. Set by an arsonist in the wee hours of December 26, 1971, it destroyed our church interior. Two-thirds of the beautiful white altar was reduced to ashes; the organ façade succumbed to heat and collapsed onto the pews below; the intricate frame of the rose window was demolished by fire fighters to gain access to the choir loft, where they thought the fire was. That fateful morning and for months afterward, Masses were celebrated at the Canadian Legion hall. To think this took place over 40 years ago, that what is the most critical event in our history is now almost forgotten! Anyone with “before” photographs, newspaper clippings, etc., we would be delighted to scan these items to post them on our website. And parishioners with stories regarding the fire, we would be very happy to hear from you. Thank you!

C.W.L. NEWS – The next meeting of St. Clement Catholic Women’s League will take place on Monday, September 11th, at 7:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall (church basement). Please use the Duke Street entrance of the church. All ladies of the parish are welcome to attend.

OUR CHURCH LIBRARYwill reopen on Sunday, September 17th, from 9:00 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. PLEASE NOTE: OUR SCHEDULE IS CHANGING. We will be open the FIRST and THIRD Sundays of the month (rather than every Sunday).  The BOOK SWAP at the back of the church will also resume September 17th; it is a continuous source of Catholic reading material on a variety of topics.  Don't forget the GIVE-AWAY TABLE downstairs beside the library. You might be surprised by some of the treasures!  We are grateful to parishioners Rosemary and Dave Stafford, who lovingly built two extra shelf units for the library, allowing us room to grow.  We look forward to sharing our resources with you. See you on September 17th!

♪THE PRAISE CHOIR will resume on Saturday, September 16th. We will be having our first practice on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13th, at 7:15 p.m. in the Parish Hall (church basement). WE WELCOME NEW MEMBERS. For more information, please contact Greg at 519-653-7213 or Angie at 519-623-1717.

THE 10:30 ADULT CHOIRwill resume rehearsalsonTHURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14th,from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. in the choir loft. Its season runs from September to May, with the choir singing at the Sunday 10:30 a.m. Masses, Midnight Mass at Christmas, and on Holy Thursday and Good Friday. NEW MEMBERS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME, especially if you love to sing, are willing to learn and are committed to regular attendance. The ability to read music is helpful but NOT required – and above all, you need a sense of humour! Interested persons, please call Marilynn (519-653-3383) to set up a short and easy audition.

R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) – We are again offering the R.C.I.A. programme (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) beginning in the fall. If you know anyone who would be interested in making this journey into the Catholic faith, please call Sister Elaine at the parish office (519-653-6123).


  • LEVEL 1 (Learning to Cope) and LEVEL 2 (Accepting the Situation)are self-help programmes intendedto help the separated and divorced to gain perspective. Topics are meant to offer hope and encourage personal growth; they include the process of divorce, self-image, stress, anger, guilt, loneliness, forgiveness, trust, singleness and children. Both Level 1 andLevel 2 will be held Tuesday evenings for eleven weeks starting September 19th – 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at St. Francis of Assisi Parish (corner of Queen and Westmount, Kitchener). Course fees are $35 for Level 1 and $45 for Level 2. To register, please contact the Family Ministry Office (1-905-528-7988, ext. 2249) or St. Francis Parish (519-745-7301). And if you know of someone who might be assisted by these programmes, please pass this information on.
  • COME, FIND THE “KEYS” TO LOVING RELATIONSHIPS – KEYS isa 10-week video-based programme meant for anyone (married or single) looking for more meaningful relationship with a spouse, family member or friend. Learn to become a better “me” in all your relationships! This programmewill be held Tuesday evenings for ten weeks starting September 19th – 7:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. at St. Mark’s Parish (55 Driftwood Ave., Kitchener). The cost is $45.00. For more information, please call the Family Ministry Office, 1-905-528-7988. ext. 2249.

Reprinted, excerpts of the June 20th letter from the Bishop’s office …

Dear Father Tuyen Nguyen,

By this letter, I hereby appoint you as my Dean (Vicar Forane) of Waterloo in accordance with Canons 553-554 of the Code of Canon Law. This appointment takes effect on September 13, 2017 and is for a three year period.

The duties of a Vicar Forane are articulated in Code 555 of the Code of Canon Law. It will be your duty to co-ordinate the pastoral efforts of Waterloo Deanery and to assist the Priests serving in this part of our Diocese.

As a Vicar Forane you will also be a member of the Presbyteral Council. This advisory body meets approximately four times a year…

Thank you for accepting this additional responsibility in the service of the Church of Hamilton. May your new responsibility be a source of blessing for you and for those you serve in our Diocese.

Sincerely in Christ and Mary Immaculate,

(Most Rev.) Douglas Crosby, OMI,

Bishop of Hamilton

Please pray for Father Peter as he takes on these new additional responsibilities

for the Diocese of Hamilton. Thank you!

SYMPOSIUM ON FAMILY – The Diocese of Hamilton wants to hear from YOU!

What are the challenges, joys, highs and lows in families today?

Where do they seek support when it is needed?

Where do they see the role of the Church in their lives?

Family matters! Help the Diocese discover how it can help you live this important vocation

  • Attend our Symposium for Families:

Saturday, September 23rd,9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. at the Cathedral Basilica of Christ the King, Hamilton. Mass, at 9:30 a.m., will be celebrated by Bishop Crosby. You can register online, or print and fill out the registration form. Child-minding is available for youngsters from 3 to 13 years of age.

  • Fill in the on line survey posted on the website:
  • For more information, please call 1-905-528-7988 and ask for Teresa (ext. 2250) or Wendy (ext.2241).

THE ANNUAL CAMBRIDGE RIGHT TO LIFE WALK will take place on Saturday, September 23rd. Registration begins at 9:30a.m.; the walk will begin at 10:00a.m. Please note the location is The Legion, 4 Veterans Way, with parking available on Walnut Street (behind The Legion). Refreshments and prizes will follow. Sponsor sheets may be found on the church bulletin boards.

Mrs. Reggie Weidinger will be representing St. Clement’s Parish. If you wish to sponsor Reggie, please add your name to one of the sheets on the bulletin board. Your pledge – marked “Cambridge Right to Life Walk” – may be placed in the collection basket. For more information, please call 519-623-1850 or email


745 DUKE ST.


N3H 3T7

Telephone: 519-653-6123

Fax: 519-653-4393

