First Semester FinalDecember 2010

Name ______Hour _____

Part One:

You will use both your Writer’s Notebook and your Portfolio to complete this exam. Scan the exam questions to know what you are reading for; then take time to read through your writing for this semester.

  1. In the box below, write about a strength you have as a reader, a writer, or a student in any other subject. Describe the nature of the strength and explain how it has helped you in this class or any other class.
  1. In the box below, write about a challenge you have faced as a reader, a writer, or a student in English. Describe the nature of the challenge; what you did to face it, and what you learned.
  1. In the box below, copy your favorite C.P.R. Mugshot. Include thequote and author. Then demonstrate your ability to develop an idea by first paraphrasing, then by responding in depth to the meaning or connection you make of the author’s words. (Six to eight sentences.)
  1. In the box below, copy your best example of a Snapshot (written description that captures sharp physical details – sounds, smells, color, light)..
  1. In the space provided, compose a complete scene that includes the following:
  1. Snapshot (written description of sharp physical details)
  2. Thoughtshot (written description of thoughts and feelings inside a character’s head)
  3. Dialog (spoken conversation)
  4. For full points, please label each part (Snapshot, Thoughtshot, or Dialog)

See Table Copies of the prompt and an example from Twilight.

  1. In looking through your writing (in your W.N. and Portfolio) for this semester, choose one piece you feel especially proud of. In the space below, write the title or the topic/assignment and explain what made that piece meaningful to you.




  1. What books have your read for pleasure this semester?.

Please list the titles and authors for each one you can think of…









If you did not read at least two books for pleasure this semester, explain why.


  1. Find your best or favorite Reading for Pleasure entry. Revise it, and write a final copy of it in the space below. If you did not write an RfP entry this past semester – or – if you do not have your Writer’s Notebook, then write about a favorite book you’ve read this semester for pleasure. Include the title, the author, and a sentence starter from your Literacy Log, leading you into explaining a connection you made as you read. You might also include few specific details proving why someone else may want to read it.



  1. How many Books for Pleasure have you finished reading this semester? Write the total number in the box provided.
  1. How many RfP Entries did you write this semester?Write the total number in the box provided.
  1. How many pages have your filled in your Writer’s Notebook this semester? Count only full pages. Half pages can be added up separately, but only count for ½ of a full page. Write the total pages in the box provided.

If you are a new student, write in how many weeks (approximately) you have been here.


Assessing your Writer’s Notebook: Part of your Writer’s Notebook grade includes completing the Literacy Log taped to the inside cover. You may refer to it for writing prompts or ideas for responding to your At Home – Reading for Pleasure. Make sure it is completely updated. Circle the section below that best describes your work in each of the three following areas for this semester: Reading for Pleasure total minutes, Reading for Pleasure Entries, WN-Pages Filled.

Assessment Scale:

12. / A / B / C
Reading for Pleasure* / 90 minutes per week
22 ½ hours (at least) / 60 to 89 min per week
15 hours (at least) / 30 to 59 min per week
7 ½ hours (at least)
13. / A / B / C
RfP Entries / 8 or more / 5 to 7 / 3 to 4
14. / A / B / C
WN – Pages Filled / 5 or more pages per week
75 or more / 4 pages per week
60 - 74 / 3 pages each week
45 - 59

* To determine your total reading time, add your total minutes; then divide by 60.

15. How can you do a better job with the Writer’s Notebook and At Home - Reading for Pleasure next semester? Please be specific:


Part Two:

In a five to eight paragraph letter to Ms. Durham or Ms. Lacy-Utley write about what you have learned this semester and what you hope to learn next semester.

Suggested paragraphs:

Introductory Paragraph with both of the following:

  • Hook/Lead (e.g. quotation, common ground w/ readers, Rhetorical question, snapshot, dialog, action, startling statement)
  • Thesis Statement (e.g. I have learned three important things in English this semester; I have learned some important things in English, but some things have confused me.)

At least 3 well-developed (6 to 8 sentences) body paragraphs – suggested content – at least one paragraph per response:

  • How the Writer’s Notebook has helped you.
  • How Reading for Pleasure has helped you.
  • An important skill or strategy you have learned (e.g. root words, Hero Journey, snapshots, building a scene, writing a personal narrative, CPRmugshots, quickwrites, visualization, making connections, writing friendly letters, using a writing process, writing w/ details, examples, reasons, and evidence, organizing and writing essays, can you think of others?).
  • A favorite lesson from this semester (e.g. Hero’s Journey, color poem, walking composition, Reading for Pleasure, keeping a Writer’s Notebook, Archtypes and Genres, what else can you think of?).
  • A lesson or assignment that confused you. Be prepared to discuss what you did understand as well as your point of confusion.
  • A procedure or assignment that you wish we could do differently. Be sure to explain why you’d like to do it differently and how we might learn that skill in a different way.
  • A skill or strategy that you hope to learn 2nd Semester.

Concluding paragraph that:

  • Rewords your thesis
  • Wraps up your letter

Include a Date, Salutation(Dear Ms. Durham or Ms. Lacy-Utley), Closing (i.e. Your student,), andSignaturein your Final Copy

Use the graphic organizer on the back to plan your composition.

Use notebook paper to write your final copy of your letter.

Introductory Paragraph
Lead/Hook: [Capture readers’ attention]
Thesis Statement:[topic + your opinion]
Supporting Main Point One / Supporting Main Point Two / Supporting Main Point Three
Reword Thesis –
Wrap-up –

Durham, Murphy, & Utley | CJH | English 8 and PreAP1