I.Purposeofthe First SemesterEvaluation:
1.toassess thestudent’s performanceon stated field competencies;
2.to provide feedback so student can identifyareas ofgrowth and areas in need ofimprovement;
3.to help with planningsecond semester. II.TheEvaluation Process:
1.Period ofReflection.
2.Review the fieldmanual, EPAS Competencies, professional development plan, student’s practicematerial (process recordings,summarynotes,assessments,etc.).
3.Discuss with student procedureto be followed in completingthe evaluation --Be clear aboutexpectationsandresponsibilities.
4.Priorto themeeting, ask student to writeup what he/shehas learned
fromeachcase assignmentinrelationto learning goals spelled out in the professional development plan.
5.Meet with student to orallydiscuss the evaluation form. Usespecific casematerial to illustratestudent’s strengthsandweaknesses, general patternsof learning,areas of accomplishment and mastery, problem areas for futuregrowth. Duringthis meeting, the student should be comfortablewith both self-appraisal and with respondingto any differences between the field instructor’sresponses and his/herown. This is atimeof mutual sharingbetween student and field instructor. Thelearning contract and the school’s practicum objectives and outcomes providethe framework for completingthe evaluation with yourstudent.
6.Writeup the evaluation followingtheschool’s guidelines. Rememberto evaluatethe student’s individual learning goals. Givethestudent an opportunityto respond to the written evaluation orto request changes, ifnecessary. Thestudent should read and sign the evaluationandreceivea copy. Allow at least two to threeweeksto completethe
entire process. Givethe evaluation to thestudent to hand in ormail the form to:
Pat Fletcher, BSWFieldDirector Center forSocial Work Education One UniversityPlace
Chester, PA 19013-5792
byApril 3, 2015.Dueto thelength of the evaluation form, faxing theform is strongly discouraged. The field liaison assigns apass/fail grade forthe field. The evaluation documents are availableon theCenter forSocial Work Education website at:
Questions should be addressed to the facultyfield liaison or field director.
Thank you for all ofyour efforts on behalfofourstudents.