AP English IV Summer Reading

The books on the Summer Reading List were selected because they often appear on the AP Exam. Reading these books will help prepare you for the class and the exam. Design a reading schedule and set deadlines for yourself for the assignments.

First required selection: Poisonwood Bibleby Barbara Kingsolver.

Assignment #1: Take detailed notes over each chapter or section (six sections in PW Bible) from the novel while reading closely to comprehend the material. You need to include important elements such as characters,theme, plot, conflict, literary devices, etc…Your notes should look like the example below:

“Title of Chapter/Section” Page #s

Characters List all characters that are the focus.

Note any changes or developments involving the characters.

Plot Briefly summarize the order of events as they occurred.

Conflict Identify all conflicts that arise in the chapter as internal or external.

Explain what each conflict involves.

Literary DevicesList and give a quotation for any major literary device.

Connections to

Previous ChapterFind at least one connection to a previous chapter. Explain that connection.

Connections to

Previous WorksFind at least one connection to a work of literature that you have read.

ThemeFind quotations that support a specific theme you have found, explain that

quote in one or two sentences and how it relates to the theme. If there is no theme,

give the main idea of the chapter.

Reaction/QuestionsWrite a short paragraph of reaction to the chapter/section. Include more

Insight than simply, “I didn’t like the chapter because it was boring.” Explain

Exactly what you liked or disliked and why. Write down any questions you have.

Assignment #2: Reading Journal: While reading your selection, note quotations that follow the themes in the novels, then list them in a double entry reading log format. Fold several loose-leaf pages in half (vertically) to make two equally long columns. Label the left-handed column “Quotations” and the right-hand column “Connections.” As you read the novel, copy fifteen quotations which you feel are critical to the writer’s key ideas or a recurring theme in the left-hand column. In the right-hand column, provide your analysis and reflection on what ties each quotation to a chosen theme from the novel. Submit these journal entries by the first week of school.


Second required selection: Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

Assignment #1: Reading Journal:While reading your selection, note quotations that follow the themes in the novels, then list them in a double entry reading log format using “Quotes” and “Connections”. Follow the directions from the assignment in Poisonwood Bible.

Assignment #2: Write a paper that compares life as Huxley described it in the World State with life in the United States today. Include at least three of these aspects of life in your paper: Human life/death, love and marriage, art (literature, film, architecture, etc…), consumption of goods and services, use of drugs (including alcohol and tobacco), pleasures/self-indulgence, and religion. Come to a conclusion as to the accuracy of Huxley’s predictions.

* Be prepared to discuss and do activities dealing with both novels. You will also be tested on both novels during the first week of school. The assignments above are due the first week of school, so be ready to go with these.